Yang Xinyu didn't know what happened in the capital, or in Wang Yang's residence.

On this day, as usual, she followed the carriage to the county, and the business was as hot as ever.

When he got home, it was already the end of the day. Seeing fireworks from the chimney, Yang Xinyu couldn't help laughing.

Thinking that the family must be ready to eat at this time, she felt very warm.

But when she came into the hospital, her smile was stiff on her lips.

The yard was very messy. The firewood piled in the yard was everywhere. Even the clothes were thrown on the ground. We could see that it was full of human footprints.

"This is..." Yang Xinyu can't help but quicken his pace and squat down in front of the footprints.

This is obviously the footprints of an adult man. It looks like there are at least four or five people.

Without waiting for Yang Xinyu to think deeply, Bai Li, who followed her, could not help muttering, "is there a thief in the house? Master, go and see if you have less money. "

By the way, maybe it's a burglar.

With her present family situation, some people are greedy for her money. It's no exaggeration to rob her.

It's just that there's no one there? Is it a robbery and a murder?

A flash in the mind, he Zijun fell in the snow park, a pale face, Yang Xinyu felt flustered.

"Bad luck, don't talk nonsense." Yang Xinyu gives Bai Li a violent chestnut. He gets up and walks to the Chaifang. He says, "let's look separately to see if brother a and brother Zhao are at home."

Bai Li feels aggrieved. His family is in such a mess. What else can it be?

Maybe at this time, Yang Xinyu should first confirm whether he has lost his money at home.

What's more important than human life? Yang Xinyu loves money, but he Zijun is her important relative.

Yang Xinyu was so anxious that he didn't want to talk with Bai Li. He stepped into the gate of the Chaifang.

But see the wood room is not so messy, but can ask a son paste flavor.

When Yang Xinyu opened the pot, he saw that the broth in the pot was long ago. He didn't know what it was made of. It was a dark thing.

It seems that this pot has been boiling for at least an hour.

An hour ago, he Zijun should be cooking soup, but what happened after that?

Her heart sank, and she heard Feng Daji yell, "master, come and have a look."

Yang Xinyu follows the sound and finds Zhao Da lying on the cold ground in he Zijun's house. There is a pool of blood on the ground, which seems to flow from the back of his head.

However, the injury was not serious. It was only a small pool of blood, and there was no worry about life.

As soon as Yang Xinyu was relieved, he felt that his head was hot. He was angry and said, "where's my brother? See my brother? "

It's not that Zhao Da didn't protect he Zijun, it's just that he lairen was so mean and chose to start when she was away.

She thought that it was for his good to leave her brother at home, but she didn't expect that it was just for his harm, and she felt guilty.

There are only three rooms in the house, and two of them have been searched. Aunt Yao went to Yang Xinyu's house to have a look. She said anxiously, "master, I didn't see my little master. What can I do?"

That is to say, who did he Zijun take away?

Yang Xinyu suddenly remembered something and ran back to his house. The house was very tidy and there was no sign of being turned over.

To make sure the money is not lost, Yang Xinyu pulls out a brick and opens the wooden box inside to have a look.

No more, no less, no less.

"How could..." She murmured, but also felt a trace of abnormality.

If it's a burglary, how come there's no one in her room?

She quickly walked back to the wood room and asked, "did you see any note, everyone?"

If you come here for money and tie people away, it may be for coercion. You will leave a letter.

Everyone shook his head. Yang Xinyu tried to calm down. He looked down at the comatose man and said, "now no one knows who took my brother away except brother Zhao."

Then she pulled up Bai Li's collar and said, "Xu Lengzhi, brother Feng, please lift brother Zhao up. Let's go to doctor Zhu's house."

"What about us?" Aunt Yao looked concerned.

Yang Xinyu looked around and said, "you and Xiaotao will stay at home to clean up, and the rest will wait until I come back."

Although Zhao Da's strength is not serious, in the end is hurt the head, Yang Xinyu dare not delay, immediately let two people help him into the carriage.

Bai Li, who has been together for many days, has long regarded Zhao DA as a brother, but he does not dare to neglect him. He jumps on the sidewalk of the carriage and says, "everybody sit down and drive."

The door of Zhu Changgui's house was closed. Yang Xinyu knocked on it several times, and the door was opened from inside.

It's Zhao Sheng who opens the door, because he's not as smart as Zhao Xueying. He mostly does errands. After Yang Xinyu's death, his eldest brother is raised head by head and tail, and he opens his eyes and says, "I What happened to my elder brother? "

"He's injured in the head. Go and call your master." Yang Xinyu ignored the explanation and asked them to carry the man in.At this time, Zhao Xueying and Zhu Changgui identify medicinal materials in the pharmacy. Zhao Sheng doesn't even think about rushing in.

"No No, master, my elder brother is injured. "

Now the younger brother and sister of the Zhao family are his apprentices. Zhu Changgui wants to give Buddha's face even if he doesn't give it to monks. He immediately says, "let's go and have a look."

When he walked into the house and saw Zhao Da lying on the bed, Zhu Changgui frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

"He hurt his head." Yang Xinyu pointed to the back of his head.

Zhu Changgui nodded, examined the wound on his head and said, "it's good that he didn't hurt his head. It's just a little trauma. It's not serious. I'll go and write a prescription for the treatment of trauma."

Yang Xinyu was more worried than everyone else. He even asked, "why hasn't brother Zhao woken up yet? I have something very important to ask him

Zhu Changgui moved and said, "he's just in a temporary coma. If you want him to wake up immediately, I'll give him acupuncture. It's just

"Just what?" Yang Xinyu's heart comes up to his throat.

As a result, Zhu Changgui just said, "it's only one or two silver for acupuncture."

Yang Xinyu said, "Dr. Zhu, you can do acupuncture."

Isn't that one or two silver? Now that he Zijun's whereabouts are unknown, how can Yang Xinyu feel sorry for this money?

Just acupuncture need to take off clothes, Yang Xinyu a woman to avoid suspicion, to wait outside.

After a long time, Zhao Sheng opened the door and cried, "master Master, my elder brother is awake! "

Yang Xinyu rushed in and saw that Zhao Da had put on his coat and got up from the bed. He said with a pale face, "master, I'm sorry, I didn't protect my little master."

He said with a look of guilt, kneeling in front of Yang Xinyu.

Seeing that he was still weak, Yang Xinyu picked him up and said, "now is not the time to apologize. Please tell me who it is Who took my brother away? "

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