Su Xigui was relieved and said, "I'm going to Linhuan building, and then someone said I'm going to sleep."

With that, he walked along the path of Qi's house and walked out of the house through the back door.

Su Yixi seemed to guess that he would come and waited in the box for a long time.

The food on the table was cold. He sipped the wine, but he didn't care.

Until Su Xigui came to the door, he put down his glass and said, "is Mr. Su coming? I think we all know? "

The tone was interrogative, but he was determined.

Su Xi was stunned, and then he said, "Mr. Su, don't be excited. If you have something to say Let's talk slowly. "

Su Xigui found himself in a state of confusion. He had never been so flustered for more than a year.

He took a deep breath, jerked to a stop outside the door, then nudged the door open.

At this time, he had already collected his anxiety, and without saying anything, he sat opposite Su Yixi.

A glass of wine had been poured in front of him. Su Xigui seemed to drink it in order to strengthen his courage and said, "I want to save Miss Yang."

He didn't hesitate. He made Miss Yang get involved. How could he let her go?

It was only tonight that he realized that Miss Yang was in danger, and he had already regretted that he had passed Qi Lengzhi several times.

Besides, Miss Yang is his wife. Even if Miss Yang doesn't admit it, it's a fact. It's all about recognition.

"Aren't you afraid to scare the snake?" Su Yixi sipped a sip of the wine. It seemed that he couldn't finish it.

Having known him for such a long time, he still appreciated the fake, except this time.

The sound of his steps before entering the door showed that his heart was in disorder.

In the end, it is a move that he has cultivated for a long time. It is false to say that he is not disappointed.

Su Xi didn't have time to change her coat when she went out. She was still the one she wore at the party. Her clothes were slightly wrinkled because she had sweated.

But it didn't affect his quiet appearance. He just said, "that's why I came to see Wang Ye. I believe that with Wang Ye's ability, I can completely avoid making a fuss."

As soon as the words were transferred, she said, "what's more, I have to rescue Miss Yang."

People are bound because of him, and he has to take responsibility.

Su Yixi liked his composure and said, "I can help you, and I don't object to your saving people, but I think you and I have an unsolved doubt."

"Why did Qi Jingtian catch he Zijun?" Su Xigui eyebrows pick, is also confused.

Su Yixi drank all the wine in his glass, but he felt the hot feeling in his stomach.

"I don't know about it What do you think of Mr. Su? "

"Qi Jingtian, an old fox, knows my identity and wants to blackmail me. It's Miss Yang who should be arrested first, but she turns out to be her younger brother. It's really strange."

Su Xi still hasn't figured out what Qi Jingtian means and what he Zijun's origin is.

"I think so too So I ask you, "do you want to remember everything?" Su Yixi suddenly raised his eyes and burst out a cold light.

He didn't want to show this move so quickly, but if it really did, I'm afraid it would be too late.

I don't want that decision to be false, but I have a little hesitation.

He was not a coward, but he was afraid to think of everything, instead, he alienated him from Miss Yang.

"I..." Su Xi opened his mouth, in exchange for Su Yixi's "no harm, I'll give you a day to consider."

With that, he gently called, "shadow, follow Mr. Su to save Miss Yang."

At this time, a dilapidated house in the suburbs.

"Master, wake up." Yang Xinyu is sleeping soundly and is forced to wake up by Bai Li.

She did not have the good spirit to send a white eye, said, "does not sleep at night quarrels me to do what?"

Bai Lizhen thinks that Yang Xinyu is a pig. He stares at him and says, "you've been sleeping for another day. I really doubt if you're of the same kind as Xiao Bai."

He is good at swearing. Yang Xinyu replied impolitely, "why do you wake me up and don't say it quickly?"

Bai Li said, "the guard has gone out to drink. I want to wake you up and see if there is any way to escape."

No one's watching? Isn't that a good opportunity?

Yang Xinyu immediately raised his ears and asked, "are you sure?"

When she spoke, she listened to the sounds around her. It was so quiet that she couldn't even hear the sound of breathing.

Bai li man didn't care and said, "I heard with my own ears that they were going to talk about drinking. I thought we were too fast to hear?"

For the first time, Yang Xinyu felt that Bai Li was still a little useful.

But the first problem is how to untie the rope.

Although she was always strong, the two brothers seemed to know that they had tied her up for nearly ten times.

Yang Xinyu tried his best to break the rope.

Bai Li Ben still held a glimmer of hope, saw this and howled, "master, you also make unceasing, we are not dead? I can't escape such a good chance. It's really bad luck for eight generations. "At this time, Yang Xinyu looked tight and said, "someone is coming. Don't talk."

Being tied for a long time made her hearing clear unexpectedly. She could vaguely hear someone breathing, getting closer and closer to her.

At the same time, there was a conversation outside the door.

"It's a good drink. I haven't had such a good drink for a long time!"

"Isn't it? I really don't know why Mr. Qi wants us to look at this fat woman and worry all day long, for fear that people will run away. "

"By the way, we haven't had dinner yet, have we? Shall I go shopping? "

"Bah, let them eat steamed bread if they buy anything."

The door was opened from the outside, and the two brothers brought in a bowl of steamed bread and a bowl of water.

The middle-aged man put it heavily, and half of the water was spilled.


Yang Xinyu looked into the bowl. The steamed bread had turned yellow and hard, and the water was not very clean.

She gritted her teeth, took up a piece of steamed bread and put it in her mouth.

People are iron, rice is steel, a meal is not hungry. The body is the capital of revolution, she has to feed.

So at this time, she doesn't mind if it's not clean.

The brothers let out a cold hum and said, "smelly girls are still good at it."

Then one after another out of the broken house, the door was closed from the outside.

"I don't know what you think, boss." Bai Li muttered and took up a piece of steamed bread to fill his stomach.

After two people had a bite, they heard two muffled sounds outside the door.

"Bai Li, do you hear me?" Yang Xinyu's eyes widened to make sure he heard it right.

White leaves this goods to lack the heart eye, a face vacant way, "hear what?"

When the door was pushed open, he said, "you Who are you? "

What comes in is a man in black with a mask. His eyes pass Bai Li's body, and then he sees Yang Xinyu in a mess, with a frown.

Although Yang Xinyu was born in a bad family, no matter how worn he was, he was always clean and fresh.

But in front of her, her clothes were wrinkled and dry, her face was covered with mud, her hair was greasy and sticky on her face, just like a dirty little cat.

Looking at the food on the ground, his brow wrinkled again.

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