He Ziyuan knew the ability of shadow and didn't worry about it. He stood still and said, "no, he's out."

Yang Xinyu looked along his line of sight, and sure enough, a ghostly figure flashed. He flipped out of the window and jumped up the tree.

But he did not find the trace of Yang Xinyu, eyebrows can not help picking.

He Ziyuan leaned over Yang Xinyu and said softly, "don't move. Wait for me here."

Yang Xinyu felt his burning breath. He used to step back and said, "OK."

But if it wasn't so dark, he Ziyuan would see that her ears were red and her face was embarrassed.

When he Ziyuan and shadow came together, she adjusted her breath and asked, "how's it going?"

The shadow light way, "the person was bewitched by me, I dare not descend too heavy, afraid to be noticed by him, so at most two hours."

Qi Jingtian has to go to the morning court every day. His work and rest are stable. He can't take any medicine seriously.

"I see. Let's go in." Yang Xinyu squatted down and picked up Xiaobai who ran to her feet.

This guy is very clever. He just hid in the grass all the time. When he saw the shadow, he poked out his head.

"I'll go in with you." He Ziyuan looks at Yang Xinyu and doesn't know why he can't let go.

This is to go to Linhuan building, but if someone doesn't want to see him, it's no use how many times he goes.

The shadow's eyes wandered between them, and suddenly said with a smile, "yes."

It seems that Lang Youqing's wife has no intention. It's interesting.

Yang Xinyu is a frown: "you have nothing else?"

Words are not welcome, just two people, one more, always feel inconvenient.

Fortunately, he Ziyuan was thick skinned enough to lie with his eyes open, "No."

It's not that he's nosy, it's that he knows Yang Xinyu's temperament too well. If she doesn't owe her one more favor, it's not easy to pursue her wife.

Yang Xinyu saw that he looked firm and couldn't get rid of him. He sighed and said, "well, follow and follow. If you find any mechanism at that time, one will stay outside and the other will follow me in."

Go in and find that Qi Jingtian is really dead asleep. Listen to his weak breathing, and the three of them look for the mechanism separately.

For fear of attracting people from the government, Yang Xinyu did not dare to light the lamp, so he could only explore around by moonlight.

"There's a groove here." He Ziyuan opened a picture and suddenly said.

Yang Xinyu followed his reputation. He Ziyuan had already pressed down with one hand. He heard a "boom" and a stone door was opened behind the bookshelf.

Shadow and he Ziyuan looked at each other and said, "I'm here to guard, you go in."

The latter nodded, and let Yang Xinyu put down Xiaobai and step into the stone gate.

As soon as they went in, there was a long corridor. As they walked side by side, Yang Xinyu broke the silence and said, "why don't you ask me, what did I find when I went back?"

He Ziyuan said with a smile: "do you still need to ask? Shadow with you is the best answer

Yang Xinyu smiles and follows Xiaobai, "there seems to be light ahead."

At the end of the day, Yang Xinyu's heart was beating. The candle light drove out a room of night. Not far away, a young man was sleeping on the ground. He only wore a long white underwear, which looked like a baby. It was heartbreaking.

Xiaobai ran to him, arched his fat body into his arms, and let out a low hum. The scratched boy felt something. His fingertips moved, and then opened his eyes.

When he saw Xiaobai in his arms, his face was covered with warm light. Tiantian said with a smile, "Xiaobai!"

Then suddenly aware of something, raised his head and said, "sister..."

His eyes moved to the right and fell on the man in black. The corner of his mouth froze, and then he was overjoyed: "brother five? Is it brother five? I knew it. You must not be dead. "

Yang Xinyu's joy of reunion has just been kindled. She turns her head rigidly and looks at he Ziyuan. She grits her teeth and says, "you What do you call him? "

He Zijun didn't know where her anger came from. He said blankly, "don't you know, sister-in-law five? He's brother five. I can recognize him even if he turns into ashes. "

Now five brothers come back, he immediately changed his name.

"You I said, why do you always tell me what happens if the fifth doesn't die? So you are. I've known you for so long. It's interesting to keep it from me? " Yang Xinyu was about to die of anger, and the joy of reuniting with his family disappeared in an instant.

He Ziyuan seemed at a loss: "Miss Yang, I didn't mean that. I just knew I didn't know before... "

Yang Xinyu forced down the anger, deep respiratory tract, "now is not the time to say these, first save people."

After that, she leaned down and reached out to pull he Zijun. He Zijun was pulled up, but because of the chain, he couldn't move.

You can see his wrists and wrists. Because of the friction of the chain, they are all red. They are almost broken.

Yang Xinyu helped him sit down and took a cold breath, "Qi Jingtian, with such a thick chain, let me see if you are hurt?"He Zijun was looked up and down, and said with a helpless smile, "I'm ok with my fifth sister-in-law. He just locked me up and didn't punish me. I guess he can still use me."

But that light smile didn't appease Yang Xinyu. She looked left and right and said, "he really didn't hurt you? Don't cheat my sister

"Not really." He Zijun was afraid that Yang Xinyu would take off his clothes. He suddenly pressed her hand with a firm face.

Yang Xinyu had to look at he Ziyuan and say, "Su Mr. Su, go and check it. "

There is no need for Yang Xinyu to say that. He Ziyuan also has this idea. When Yang Xinyu turns around, he only hears a rustle. He Ziyuan trembles a little and says, "he got two lashes on his body. It's been several days. Fortunately, someone has been giving him medicine all the time."

Yang Xinyu clenched his fist loose and tight, tight and loose. He held back his remorse and said, "brother, don't worry, I'll take you away."

"No way." He Zijun gently shook his head and looked at the thick shackles.

Yang Xinyu and he Ziyuan look at each other. The latter pulls out his sword and cuts it hard.

"Ding!" The sword stung him, and he almost missed it.

Yang Xin tone teeth itch, according to he Zijun shoulder way, "key?"

He Zijun looked down and said, "I don't know. He said it was made of millennial black iron. Only the key can open it. Fifth sister-in-law, why did he arrest me? Is it Is it related to my life experience? "

When it comes to life experience, his body trembles obviously.

Yang Xinyu looked stunned: "do you know all about it? What did he tell you? "

He Zijun trembled again, and something burned in his eyes: "he said that my mother was killed by others, and he also said that he would take me to see the enemy after a period of time, and let me kill the enemy myself."

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