After many people met with misfortune several times and were completely set up by the restaurant to refuse to accept visitors, the people in the imperial capital knew that the restaurant was covered by the royal family!

They take it for granted that the owners behind the restaurant are either queen Wang or empress dowager, or King su. After all, these three are the only ones who can provoke such a big battle.

No one knows that the real owner of this restaurant is actually Tang Qing, and what Tang Qing pays is some ancient prescriptions. The royal family has the priority to use those who have the function of defending against major diseases.

A good way of health preservation, especially dietotherapy, can prolong people's life and even save lives at a critical time. The emperor can't refuse it, not to mention the queen and the Empress Dowager?

However, Tang Qing was well aware of the complexity of the Imperial Palace, so every time she gave a prescription, she gave it to Feng Jiuli, who was responsible for the dialectics of prescriptions in front of the emperor and the empress dowager, and the subsequent confidentiality measures.

The imperial doctors naturally did not dare to give a single moth. They were careful when checking. Each prescription went through hundreds of dialectics, listed a series of things to pay attention to, and then repeated the dialectics several times in turn to determine the taboos and precautions of all prescriptions.

In this way, the Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager were supported, accompanied by the emperor, and the hidden worries were completely eliminated. His royal highness was extremely satisfied with Tang Qing's ideas and methods.

In this case, it makes everyone feel at ease. Even if they are as noble as imperial concubines, they can't interfere with the restaurants. Instead, they don't have to worry about the restless little bitches in their yard. When they put their hands in, they can eat more at ease.

In this way, it has become a default rule not to make trouble in restaurants and to warn the people who bring them not to make trouble in them.

Tang Qiuyun naturally knows the power in her heart, and she has always been cautious. This time, she comes here to have a good look at her stomach, so that she can take good care of her body as soon as possible and give birth to a child.

But, suddenly saw in the past always stepped on the soles of the feet of Tang Qing, she for a time some forget shape, this just forgot the original caution.

Whether a person is smart or not depends not on how calculating she is, but on how well he knows where he is. In other words, smart people are very self-conscious.

Tang Qiuyun is such a smart person. Although she was frivolous with Tang Qing for various reasons at the beginning, she soon woke up after seeing Tang Qing's look, especially Suyun Suyu's.

Suyun Suyu is a member of suwang, and she knows that.

King Su's people are loyal to Tang Qing, a little girl?

Tang Qiuyun looked up and down at Tang Qing, with a slight awe in his heart.

Even though she doesn't think Tang Qing is ugly now, according to Daqi's aesthetics, she is at most a lovely and pleasing appearance, which has nothing to do with her beauty, and her heart is a bit awe inspiring.

Tang Qiuyun doesn't feel silly. Feng Jiuli's status is noble, so he has to take a fancy to a beautiful woman in the world. Even if Tang Qing is not beautiful, she has a very unique temperament. No, what Feng Jiuli likes is this kind of temperament?

After all, she often revolved among all kinds of human spirits, and soon restrained all her frivolity. She shook her head slightly and laughed like a self mockery: "look at me, I forgot the rules of the restaurant."

When she took out the right attitude, she was very generous and simply admitted her previous frivolity. She even gave Tang Qing a hand in her hand. In terms of means, Tang Qiuyun was more mature and stable than Tang Qianyu.

"For a moment, it seems that Qing'er's status here is very high. It makes my elder sister feel proud. You know, this restaurant is a place that even the Empress Dowager praises."

This is to praise her while still testing her.

Although Tang Qiuyun doesn't know that Bei Yuhan is her master, as long as Tang Qiuyun asks others later, he will soon know that Bei Yuhan is a great God in this restaurant.

At that time, the status of Tang Qing's apprentice will naturally rise.

Tang Qing knew this in her heart. She knew that Tang Qiuyun had not guessed eight points, at least five points, so she showed her obvious kindness.

For this obvious extreme kindness, Tang Qing smiles and takes it with face.

"Restaurants are naturally a good place. I've learned a lot here and benefited a lot." With a smile, Tang Qing admitted Tang Qiuyun's inquiry that she was really learning something about medicine in the restaurant.

Tang Qiuyun's eyes lit up when he heard the speech.

"My sister is really studying here. I'm very lucky! With my sister's cleverness, I'm afraid I can help people to see a doctor and take care of them now? " Tang Qiuyun covered his lips and chuckled, with a kind of sincere admiration between his eyes and eyebrows.

"My sister has always been very good. She must have learned very well." Tang shallow language echoed to say, the face dew pleads of color: "elder sister learned these, may give mother to see?"? If my sister doesn't like it, it's good to help my father. My father hasn't had a good rest recently. "

"I just learned a little bit, but I dare not see a doctor at will." Tang Qing gave a cold smile, politely and distantly turned to his side: "if it's OK, I'll go back to recite the prescription, so I won't disturb you."

In fact, where else?

The real things to memorize, whether basic or classic, Tang Qing and Bei Yuhan have been learning and teaching feverishly, and they have long been familiar with them. In terms of theoretical knowledge, I'm afraid many old doctors can't compare with Tang Qing.

Tang Qianyu and Tang Qiuyun both think that Tang Qing's story is true. In fact, Tang Qing, who has a good foundation and has been with a famous teacher, is just being modest. No one is provoking him. If he meets a provocation, he will be slapped in the face.

But Tang Qianyu didn't know. Even the most intelligent Tang Qiuyun couldn't guess that Tang Qing really became a talent in such a month.

Tang Qiuyun wanted to make peace and make friends with Tang Qing, but Tang Qianyu didn't want to.

She was very pleading to grab Tang Qing's hand. Wen Sheng apologized and said, "I'm wrong. My sister has just studied. How dare she treat others? I was also worried by my father and mother's illness. "

She was beautiful, and she learned all kinds of etiquette perfectly. Although she didn't reach Tang Qing's hand, she grasped Tang Qing's sleeve, which immediately showed her innocence and loveliness.

Tang Qing laughs coldly and coolly. She pulls her sleeve back with a little tug. Ignoring the malice in Tang Qianyu's eyes, she narrows her eyes carelessly. She happens to see Jianru coming to protect her with a straight face.

Tang Qing's eyes suddenly lit up: "Jianru, I want to take a bath!"

Across from Tang Qing, looking at his empty hand, Tang Qianyu hears that a beautiful face is instantly distorted

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