Ultimate Assassin System

Vol 3 Chapter 307: I'm so bullish on you! "

The windmills of time go round and round, the gears of fate roll and roll ... Okay, you have to admit it, it's vulgar. Well, in short, you just need to know one thing, that is, no matter how shocking a thing is, no matter how powerful a character is ... In the end, as time goes by, these will always pass, no one will care about you !!

Originally, according to this law. The destruction of the Statue of the Virgin in Mountain Creek City, with the purification of the two blasphemers, should have been settled. But this is not the case. This matter has become more and more intensified due to the intervention of official newspapers in various cities.

Today this city reports the grand occasion of the Great War at that time. Tomorrow that city will talk about the glorious deeds of Bowes's life ... The people are not excited, and naturally they are also very interested in this matter. This trend is simply the rhythm that pushes Bowes to their hero position.

This is of course abnormal. If Powes were the children of a certain aristocracy, or more simply relatives of the royal family, it would not be unusual to see such a situation. But in fact, Bowes and Bernie are two barefoot civilians, with no background or relationship, and even offended many such nobles. In this case, the matter is a little strange, it looks more like whitewashing or hiding something ...


A large attic house in Liva City, Xicheng District.

After lunch, two groups of people happened to meet at the archway in the courtyard. They seemed to know each other. After a brief salute, they stopped for a chat.

"Brother Caruck. I've troubled you these days." The young man, headed by a party, smiled and thanked him.

"My lord, you are so kind. This is what his subordinates should do." On the other side, there were two people, the middle-aged man called Caruck, who waved his hands and answered.

"Ye you are too polite. Our gray-clad army does not talk about respecting the inferior and the inferior. It is not a job now, just call it whatever you want. Well, Brother Caruck directly calls me Diff." He is superior, but he is polite and smiles very well. If Tang En is here. He will surely recognize the young man who called him Dave, who was the one who sent him the letter in Gur, and was also the top of the secret agency.

"Well ..." Caruck hesitated for a while, then looked at Dave and insisted, and finally compromised. "That subordinate ... then I'm rude. How about the Diff brothers living here? If there is any need. Just speak. "

This is not a big deal. In fact, the two sides had known each other before, but they did not further develop their relationship. Naturally, they knew that the other party would not make excessive demands. And for some ordinary requirements, this Karuk, as the leader of Riva City's secret agency, can naturally solve it easily.

"Haha. It's fine. Brother Caruck is the best of many branches here. The area is quite large and it is close to the bustling city. It's very convenient."

"This is the city where I can testify. The institution was in a slum."

"Me too ..."

Several people behind Diff laughed and said, this is not an exaggeration. Funding for secret agencies is tight, and because of the hidden terrain, they are all located in various remote corners. As for the spacious loft here in Riva, the exception is purely ...

"Okay, okay. Going on, Brother Caruck thought you had an opinion on him." Diff interrupted the "complaints" of several people behind him, and then glanced at them with a smile. Do n’t know you yet? Do n’t cry one by one, the leader said, the addresses of secret agencies will improve in the future. ”

"Hey ..." Those people were embarrassed when they heard the words, and then rubbed their hands. The content of the conversation was very anticipating.

That Karuk also laughed twice, and had wanted to explain it before, but even if it was already spoken by Diff, it was naturally unnecessary.

In fact, their previous institution was also in a remote corner of the city of Riva, and the loft in front of them had not moved for more than a week. This was bought by Josiah just now. The purpose is self-evident. Naturally, it is to create a good healing environment for Tang En. In the end, of course, it must be used by Brooke.

"But then again, such a big move. Where does the leader's money come from, not Diff, Diff ..."

"Well?" Duff, who was a little sullen, was suddenly shocked, and then recovered. "What's wrong?"

"Uh, I want to ask the head where the money came from ... you should be with the head all day, should you know?"

Diff rolled his eyes when he heard the words, his face was a little complicated: "What do you say?"

"Uh ... really."

After the suspicion in the heart was confirmed, the young men were the same as Dave before, with a somewhat complicated look.

They were almost all important figures in secret agencies, and naturally knew that Chief Josiah had no money before. The cost of a secret agency is usually very tight, and I can't wait for a copper plate to be used in half. But since the person named Tang En came, she seemed to have suddenly changed her style, and she looked very magnificent. Of course, this is not to say that she is extravagant and wasteful, but that she has become very enthusiastic about things such as the construction of secret agencies in various places, and has also started to continuously inject funds ...

They are naturally happy about how much funding a secret agency can have. But after learning that it came from Tang En, it was inevitably strange.

Secret agencies are truly self-made, from scratch. Because of this, in addition to elders with rich experience, such as Enoch, Josiah attaches great importance to the promotion of talented young people, and now these people also benefit from this. These young people were naturally loyal to Josiah after being appreciated, but they had to face a problem ...

No one denies that Josiah is a beauty. Under the circumstances, she must be deceiving if she doesn't care. However, due to the difference in status, noble origin of the magician, etc., they all tacitly buried this feeling in their hearts, and usually pretended to be indifferent. But their inactivity does not mean that they would like to see others in action. Well men, it is normal to have this possessiveness. But Dunn ...

The two of them knew each other first, and Tang En was also a ruthless character. Usually seemingly impassioned, hehehe. But as soon as you shot ... far away, things similar to the station will not be said. I didn't mention Josiah money, just take the recent thing. Dave, they accompanied Josiah from Mountain Creek City, and they naturally knew what happened a week ago. It is not an exaggeration to say that Tang En was playing the applause of a prefecture-level warrior and a great magician on his own. Even in the end, not only was not involved in the gray clothing, but also he was taken out of the matter ...

This means, so skillful ... Diff they feel shocked when they think about it. The back of the head is numb. Even faintly feel that maybe only such a person is worthy of the head of Josiah ...

I felt sighed and a little jealous. This is Diff's mind, so it is no wonder that they look complicated and entangled.

Of course, these things Caruck did not know. So after the scene was a little silent, he pointed to the backyard and asked carefully: "Well, what is the relationship between Captain Tang and the head of the team? Er, just a little curious, the head is very concerned about him these days ... "

This question is a bit absurd. But right now is also appropriate. On the one hand, the sudden silence on the scene can be broken. On the other hand, Caruck is in a good relationship with Diff. Asking a little bold questions can deepen the relationship between the two sides. It's like two people keeping the same secret. Will always look very close. Moreover, even if this topic is really inappropriate, the other party will not give any face. Karuk can also use this to understand the relationship between the two sides.

But this seemingly appropriate question, right now, undoubtedly pierced Diff's heart. For a moment, they looked at each other, their faces even more awkward and weird.

"Ahem ..." Looking at Carrick, who had some troubles, Diff cleared his throat twice, and was about to expose the subject. But just then,

"Well, it's all here. What are you talking about?"

Not far behind Carouk, Josiah, in a white robe, came to this side with two bottles.

"Good commander ..." The people here were bowing and saluting.

Josiah is the supreme leader of the secret agency. It should have been called something like a leader or a leader. However, Josiah did not like the title, and in the end the two sides compromised, and she was called according to her rank in the gray army.

"Well, I didn't say anything ... I just met Brother Caruck and expressed gratitude to the hospitality." After a brief salute, Diff replied lightly.

Karuk on the side wouldn't know that he had asked the wrong question just now, and he nodded quickly, saying that was the case.

"Oh, these words were supposed to be what I said. Dave, well done." Johia holding the bottle in her hands was naturally not good at doing anything, so she smiled and praised it.

"Hah, it should." Diff smiled hard, and then immediately saw the two bottles, asking, "This is it?"

As soon as he asked, Diff almost couldn't help pulling his mouth. Isn't this ridiculous, is there any other possibility for this posture besides visiting the grandfather in the backyard?

Sure enough ... Josiah held up the bottle in his hand and smiled blinkingly, "This? This bottle is a boiled medicine. This is the chicken soup I cooked for Tang myself."

Bang, bang, bang ...

Boiled chicken soup ... Diff repeated in his heart, holding back a grin. At this moment, he seemed to hear a few sounds similar to the broken glass from the back. Well, it was a fragmented one!

"Okay, it's not good for you to talk." Josiah shook the bottle in her hand, her lips slightly tilted. "Hah, the chicken soup is cold, so it's not good to drink." Then he walked around Diff and walked to the backyard.

The chicken soup was cold, so it wasn't good to drink ... Dev repeated it in the hearts of several people, feeling the intimacy of them, and the heart was bitter.

"Oh, right!" Josiah suddenly thought of something, turned her head and said, "There is new information in the front room, right on the table, you can see it." Speaking here, it is mysterious He blinked and squinted and smiled, "Well, it's a great event. Come and see. I will discuss this with you in the afternoon."

Happy event ... Dev looked at each other with a bitter smile as Josiah's back disappeared. What happy events can make up for the wounds of their fragile hearts?



Backyard trail after walking around a corner. Josiah took a footstep, leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, her chest undulating, and a few red clouds floating on her face.

Is it so obvious ...

Naturally, the senses are more agile than ordinary people. Josiah is an intermediate wizard. Although hearing is not so abnormal as Tang En, but can still hear within a few meters. Not deliberately eavesdropping. It just happened that when I passed Caruck's questioning, Dieff's complex faces were naturally seen by her.

As for the cause of the matter, it is also simple. After seeing Tang En was swallowed by a crack in the space in Nancheng District, Johia let out the emotions in her heart. Then it seemed like a door was quietly opened in my heart, and after taking care of the injured Tang En, he became more diligent. More intimate. This obvious change is naturally seen by Diff.

Huh ... After such repeated adjustments, Johia finally calmed down her heart and successfully suppressed the red clouds on her face. Immediately, his eyes were a little hazy, and he seemed to be thinking about something ...

Johia naturally knew about Diff's thoughts. Although there is no idea. But she can only be passive in such matters. Because you can't always run in front of others and say, I don't like you ... Will this hurt you? Then say two things, first of all, be too affectionate. Therefore, she can only refuse to use some drumming methods just like before.

As for Tang En, uh, he will involuntarily collect his news. He will present the best side to him, and he will be particularly worried when he is in danger ... Does it like it? Josiah pursed his lips for a moment, a little dazed.

After all, it is just a young girl. Although in the aristocratic circle, it is common to marry a child at this age. However, no experience means no experience. Feelings like this are sometimes as simple as blank papers, and sometimes the abyss is like the sea, which makes this girl quite confused.

Yeah, no matter, no matter ... Johia shook her head violently, like a puppy who just got out of the water, and she was going to shake off the drops of water around her. Thinking of self-esteem, um, let's go like this, take a step and look ...

Taking another deep breath, Josiah's lips slightly tilted to reveal a very bright smile. After doing all this, I quickly walked into the last yard in front of me.

But as soon as he entered, Josiah's smile turned to anxious look: "Don, why are you out?"

In the empty yard in front of the house, Tang En was expanding his arms and doing stretching exercises while walking. After hearing Josiah's words, he couldn't help grinning and turned his head and said helplessly, "What do you say ... how can I hear that I just came out of jail? Hey, don't hurry, don't hurry ..."

To cope with the drive, and scramble for a while, Tang En will stabilize Johia: "Hey, a little common sense. Sister. The injured also need to exercise, so that they can get better faster."

"But your injury ..." Josiah still didn't give up the idea of ​​driving the injury into the house.

It's not surprising that Johia was so fussed, it's really that Tang En's injury was extraordinary this time. You should know that the last time he played with Yunis, he suffered such a serious injury, and was judged by the old doctor to be unsuccessful, but the result was only two or three days, and he was out of danger. But it took him almost a whole week this time, and he was just getting out of bed.

There is naturally a reason for this. Tang En can be regarded as an old injury that has not healed and a new injury. Is the space magician's attack good? If it hadn't been for the upgrade of blood gas, and there were just a lot of good fortune skills, it would be really difficult for Tang En to carry it.

Seeing that it was endless here, Tang En had no choice but to use his tried and tested nirvana, and curiously pointed at the bottle in the hand of Josiah: "Oh, what is this?"

After successfully diverting attention, Johia hurriedly opened the bottle cap: "Yeah, I almost forgot. Drink this medicine while it's hot, um, this bottle is chicken broth, and it's finished."

To achieve the goal, Tang En naturally followed the good, sat on the steps in front of the house, and obediently drank the two big bottles.

"Well, there are chicken nuggets." Josiah handed the fork, and then sat aside, looking very carefully to supervise.

Nima, might as well stay in the room ... Tang En took the fork with a wry smile and randomly picked a chicken nugget and chewed it in his mouth.

After seeing this, Johia finally relieved her heart, then narrowed her eyes and smiled: "I'll tell you a happy event, you eat your ... well, you are the first one to know except me."

Tang En biting the chicken nuggets and said indistinctly: "What about Shuo (you say)."

"We won again!" Josiah waved his fist towards the sky, and Josiah looked very excited. "A few days ago, 50,000 regular soldiers attacked Dawn City for the second time, but this time we were defeated halfway again. "

"Oh." Tang En's expression was even calmer as he swallowed the chicken nuggets.

Josiah was naturally dissatisfied with this: "What, why are you happy at all?"

"Uh ... okay." Helplessly put down the knife and fork, Tang En's expression instantly turned into ecstasy, "Ah? Is it true? We really won? Haha ..."


At half a moment, Johia closed her open mouth and looked angrily: "You guys ... it's boring! The chicken is back to me!"

Easily avoiding the arms that Josiah scrambled, Tang En's face was arrogant: "You're kidding. When I've swept all the old, weak, sick and all-rounders, people send the nickname to the ultimate killer who is sad, and wants to take Go back? You do n’t take me as a wrist too ... oh, do n’t grab it, do n’t grab it, the soup is spilling ... ”

"Don't lie to me, you've finished the soup ..."

"Cough, wait, I'll be honest, I confess, I confess." After holding the chicken nugget bottle ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tang Enchang breathed a sigh of relief, "I haven't seen anything like this from you. Also ... um, that, the other party is only 50,000 people. We are not low in strength now. If we do n’t pull back 50,000 soldiers from the front line, or if we do n’t have 100,000 reserve soldiers, it ’s unlikely We pose a threat. "

"Oh, it's pretty much the same." Josiah finally let go of Tang En, then tilted his head and showed a fox-like smile, "I decided to start the secret agency again ... hum, don't think that this news will be blocked, just Can block the ears of people in the world. This time I want to let everyone know that the regular army has lost again! "

"Well, yes, they must teach them a lesson!" Tang En, who had made up for his work, was very agreeable. "Since they have given us the right to speak, then they must be ruthless, and say that this time they left. The noble and noble leader of the back door, or more than half of the soldiers felt the great love of the gray clothes, and they stood resolutely on the side of justice ... "

"... Don, you are treacherous! Well, let's do it ..."

"Uh ... kid, I'm optimistic about you!"

………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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