Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 102 - Trask

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Even from his early years as a research assistant, Bolivar always maintained a particular interest in the origin and evolution of humanity.

Following in the footsteps of Mendel, Watson, and Crick, Trask made it his goal to unlock the mysteries of human DNA.

What he did not anticipate was the discovery of the X-Gene, a genetic finding that would prove to be the most significant of the 20th century..

Trask soon hypothesized the impending extinction of the human race.

His early theories were ridiculed by his contemporaries and with no one to fund his research, that was until New York.

He didn't know how to feel about what happened. Was he supposed to feel grateful?

Did he somehow owe his life to those abominations?

The alien invasion opened the world's eyes to how hilariously unequipped they were. And, how utterly powerless they were compared to those mutants.

He did find it ironic though, those people who used to mock him were now falling over each other to hire him.

Now that the existence of mutants became common knowledge, it wasn't much of a surprise when he was approached by his current employers.

Trask looked up from his clipboard of paperwork as the door burst open, to an annoyed Ajax dragging an unconscious body behind him.


"He was getting on my nerves," He answered with a grumble, dropping the body down on a surgical table in front of his boss.

"You know I need him."

"He can heal, can't he?"

Trask went back to his clipboard. "Not to the degree that Weapon X can," he answered. "At least not in his current state. It's possible that he may improve after today, but then again we may need to intervene to see improvement. But our tests thus far indicate that he would survive the experiment with minimal interference, and while it's not certain, there should be a significant improvement."




(3rd POV)

The first thing he remembered, really remembered, was waking up in a dilapidated cell with no one in sight.

Just like that, without any seeming transition, without any precise moment where nightmare took the leap into full-blown consciousness.

No delineation between then and now.

This was a nightmare then.

The heavy thud of footsteps echoing down a length of cold, white corridor; the taste of leather biting into his neck; the skin-crawling sound of baying in the night, howls which could have come from hounds but that he instinctively knew were human because he would make the very same sound himself.

The man looming over him with his harsh face partly wreathed in shadow.

He struggled against the straps that held him down, even though his flesh was so rent and broken that every movement was like liquid fire in his nerves.

He saw the reclining chair that seemed to have become a second home to him, the technicians gathered round preparing the bolts to keep his head screwed in place.

And he knew that this was the last time he would ever be in this room.

When he came out, it would either be to escape, or in a box.

His tormentor stood over him whilst they unstrapped him from the gurney, still struggling.

They gave him an injection, a tranquiliser; he felt it running through her veins, stealing the few memories he had left from him, and in that moment of inevitable loss a blind panic crashed over him, something so terrifyingly visceral that it cut through the haze in his mind.

His limbs were freed; he lashed out instinctively at the nearest lab coat, drawing blood.

Somebody lunged at him, and everything went strangely quiet; there was only white noise ringing in his ears as he felt someone's neck snap between his fingers, someone's ribs crack beneath his foot.

He would have liked his tormentor, but unfortunately he managed to slip out during his rampage.

His mind whispered to him, that he should just be done with it, and level this place to the ground.

But, another part of him told him that he should rescue his fellow captives.

He didn't know them, but he heard their screams all the same. He shared their pain.

His feet took him to the holding cells.

( Cypher's POV)

"Now. The scout drones narrowed it down to 3 locations. I turned my head to the other two.

"Any ideas?"

We had just arrived in Alberta, Canada. Diana's drones had finished scouting the facilities most likely to contain the abducted Meta-human.

But, judging by the size of these locations, I suspected we would find quite a few Metas.

" Should we split up?" Kitty asked.

"Each of us is strong enough to take on a facility. Whether all three are occupied or only one, that's not my main concern." I said.

Jean nods. " You're worried we're going to find more than one Meta-human. That's why you brought the quinjet."

" Yes, usually where there's smoke there's fire. You could probably shield a group, and Kitty and I could make a portal to help them escape. But, if we're otherwise occupied, protecting a group of scared teens is going to be tough. Not to mention the fact... "

" They're somehow able to interfere with my telepathy. " Jean says.

" Even if they have defenses to stop metas, they're probably still in their infant stages and against a mutant as powerful as you, they don't stand a chance. "

" Do you think it's another Meta-human? " Jean asks.

I nod.

" Then what's the plan? " Kitty asks.

" I... "

My head jerks up in alert. <We' re being watched.> I communicate to Jean and Kitty telepathically.

I turn away and walk over to where I felt the presence stalking us. They must be pretty good, if they're able to stay hidden from all of our senses.

I only noticed because of my Spidey- sense, which usually activates when I am in danger, or If I'm being watched.

" It's easier if you just come out. I know you're there."


" Suit yourself."

I draw upon my magic, and speak. "Avslør deg selv! ". [>Reveal yourself! <]

A pulse of magic is released and sweeps the area around us. A figure is suddenly revealed crouched down behind a clearing close to where we landed the camouflaged quinjet.

I frown, regarding the figure curiously for a moment. I'm not sure what she thinks she's doing, but I suppose I can take a guess. I look at Jean, who just looks as confused as I am.

Kitty looks between me and Jean. " Illyana? What're you doing here?"

Illyana notices us approaching and stands up.

"Damn it. " I hear her mutter.

" How did you find me? Even Master A has a hard time finding me when I use my concealment spell. " She asks.

I raise an eyebrow." Master A?"

" Ancient One." Kitty clarifies.


" We're getting off track here. Illyana what are you doing here? How did you even get here?" Jean says.

" I saw Kitty picking up her suit. So, I tagged her with a tracking spell and opened a portal here. She only uses it for missions or when she's training with Mordo, and since he's out on assignment I knew it was for a mission. " She said.

" Really? Mordo goes on assignments?"

" What did you think he did all day? " Kitty asks.

I shrug. " I don't know. Brood? "

" Demon hunting. Apparently some idiots did a ritual thinking it was a joke, and accidentally summoned a demon. The new recruits are too green to handle it, and most of the masters are busy. " Illyana said.

Huh. I guess things like that happen more than you would think.

" Not that I'm not impressed. But, this mission is strictly 18 and over. Not to mention both your sibilings are probably wondering where you are right now."

She shrugs. "Piotr took Mikael to our grandparents' place. I didn't see the point of going, I was born after he disappeared, so my prescence won't exactly jog his memory. "

" Still. It's probably best if you head back." I said.

She frowns. " I'm not leaving without helping those captured Meta-humans. And, if you try and stop me. I'll just teleport back. "

Well, when you put it like that?

Still. Jean could probably put her to sleep using her telepathy, and I could probably restrain her with a spell before she teleports away.

I am startled by a light tap on my shoulder and turn to see Jean, slightly shaking her head.

< I' ll look after her. I can't make portals, she can come with me and help out. > She communicates telepathically.

<Are you sure about this? I was about to ask you to put her to sleep. >

< It's best not to antagonize her. Even if we stop her now, there's no guarantee she won't try and sneak out on her own in the future. At least this way we can keep an eye on her. >

Kitty pokes me with a finger. "I can tell when you guys are talking. So, speak up."

"Illyana you're with Jean. You are to follow her orders, while on the field. Agreed?" She nods.

I then look towards Jean and notice her eyes slightly unfocusing. She suddenly snaps back to attention.

<The X-men are coming, I can feel them a few miles south.> She communicates telepathically.

I sighed. " Of course he sensed it too. "

" What's wrong? " Illyana asked.

" Nothing's wrong, let's go say hello."

(Chapter End)


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