Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 20 - SpiderCypher ?

" Spiderman, Spiderman does whatever a spider can..." as I am singing and humming the song, on my way to the warehouse that Sophie found.

I was going at a speed, that would make any Olympic athlete jealous. I find it exhilarating how fast and strong I have become.

I have been running over rooftops and jumping from building to building for the past few minutes. I was of course in the mirror dimension, so I could cut loose honestly, the only reason I am going to a warehouse is that it has metal beams and I want to measure how much I can lift, but I plan on building a dedicated training area soon.

I could have also used a portal, but then again I have never been there plus jumping around is more fun.

I could see why spidey loved it so much.

I finally arrive at the warehouse and promptly proceed to drop kick the door open, because why the hell not?

I start doing some exercises to measure my new stats.

" Sophie, open a file named SpiderCypher test #1 " I tell her enthusiastically.

"Are you still on about that idiotic name? Like seriously what's wrong with your original name?"

She sighs in frustration.

" Well, it doesn't have the name Spider in it " I said childishly.

'I need to update her personality matrix and add a serious mode or something the banter is fun and all, but I may have gone a bit overboard with the recent updates that I made. It's honestly starting to freak me out how much it feels like I am talking to an actual person and not a machine ' I think to myself.

" The troubles of being a genius" I say while sighing to myself.

I first started testing my new strength by lifting metal beams. I find out that my strength has increased drastically. I can now lift up to 25 tons which is more than I remember the original spiderman doing, but then again I have been properly trained and reached human peak potential in regards to my physique a long time ago, but I suspect I can increase my strength even more with training. The Spider serum seems to have also increased my body's potential.

I also tested my wall crawling by crawling on the wall and other various surfaces.

I also tried it with different objects that have different textures. My guess is that the ability works by electrostatic force which allows me to stick to objects or for objects to stick to me for as long as I want.

I can adhere to any surface as long there isn't much insulation between me and the object.

Thankfully I didn't find any of those creepy microscopic insect like hooks on my hand like the ones shown in the Spiderman movie .

I always thought those were weird . I mean how would they even work through a suit or gloves and what about his legs ? Does it work through shoes too ?

I then move on to one of the cooler spider like abilities and that's camouflage. Many people mistake it for invisibility. But the ability is much more useful than simple invisibility.

First of all it allows you to camouflage yourself, your clothes anything you happen to be holding and potentially a small area around the user. It can also camouflage your heat signature essentially making you impossible to detect. Except by smell or sound.

It's certainly more useful and convenient than my usual invisibility spell. Which by the way works by tricking the eyes and simple devices like security cameras that don't use infrared.

I mess around with it for a while, trying to control it by making only a part of myself invisible or by hiding things I am wearing . Like making my shirt invisible , while still keeping everything else visible. I also try and make my watch invisible and even making my whole body invisible except for my head. Which makes it look like a head is floating in the air.

A grin splits my face as I think of the kinds of pranks I can pull. I can make my head invisible while the rest of my body visible or I can do the opposite. Both are terrifying to a degree.

I mean why wear a mask when you can just scare your enemies to death.

Imagine a headless body going around and killing people. That's gotta bring moral down at the very least.

Sadly, I can't test my spider-sense for now. As I need to be in danger for that to happen. I then test my healing factor and discover a simple paper cut takes a few minutes to heal. I mean it's decent, but not that impressive in the grand scheme of things.

My stamina and my sense of balance have increased drastically and to superhuman levels. I can almost say my stamina is approaching Captain America levels of stamina.

Now, that guy was known to be a stamina freak !

In regards to my sense of balance I reckon I can give daredevil a run for his money.

I also tried to look for some spiders, so I can try and communicate with them. Strangely I couldn't find any which seemed a bit weird to me since, this is a pretty big warehouse and not finding a single spider is very strange.

I did find alot of spider webs though.

I try a few more tests for agility, top speed, reaction time, and overall performance. My new speed is at least 120 mph, which is pretty fast.

I also measured my reaction time by throwing rocks and screws at myself using portals and with my strength, they were pretty fast. My reaction time is 0.0343 seconds which is fast enough for me to at least react to a speeding bullet, not enough to dodge mind you but at least shift a bit and avoid a fatal blow in close proximity and in regards to my agility it's almost inhuman.

After I finished measuring my new basic stats. I moved on to the more specialized aspects of my powers.

I tried using the venom blast, but it didn't work but then I tried channeling my Chi instead and it worked!

My [Chi mode] was now upgraded to [Lightning Chi Mode], my whole body was surrounded by a golden glow with red and golden lightning arcs coming off me. It looked like the Raikage's lightning cloak in Naruto or even the Flash when he is using the speed force with lightning surrounding his body.

I start to test myself again in my new boosted state. All my stats are double what they were maybe even tripled. My speed is now almost as fast as a low-grade speedster which is still pretty fast if you consider how fast they can go.

I can't break the sound barrier yet, but I am close.

I start to try and manipulate the lightning as I know this is just my own bio-electricity and I should have some degree of control over it. I start by trying to control the intensity and also increasing the flow in certain parts like my legs or arms. I then try and fire electric bolts and I am met with some success.

Hmm... it seems that I still need to practice more especially if I want to gain more control over my lightning constructs. I decide on practicing for the next few days so that I can get a handle on my new powers before I go to the X-mansion next week.

Sadly, I don't have any organic webbing or anything like that, but maybe I'll develop them with time like Miles did. I'll still try and figure something out in the meantime. I don't want to be a spiderman knock off but at this point, he'll be the knock off since I was bitten first.

Maybe I can use energy constructs instead like those energy ropes the Ancient One likes to use so much, it will depend on the degree of control I can have over them, but I guess they're not necessary for now.

I get back to the hospital, after a night of total destruction. I pretty much wrecked the whole street with the " testing " I was doing.

I go to bed with a satisfied smile on my face.

( POV Change )

"So, how are things going? Any news about the mutant you detected, it's been almost a year ?" the woman asks.

"Yes, he resurfaced recently, but strangely he seems to be stronger than when he first awakened" the man answers.

" I still don't understand, how we couldn't find him for all this time. Is it his mutant powers that allow him to do that? " She asks with curiosity.

"Hmm... I don't think so, I think someone or something was concealing him, someone powerful" he states with certainty.

"Should we be worried ?" she asks in a concerned tone.

" I don't know yet. It will all be clear soon, I have already made some arrangements all we have to do now is wait. "

( Chapter End )


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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