Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 38 - The Symbiote

Author Note: The next few chapters are at least 2000+ words. This chapter can be considered to be the last short one on my backlog. I hope you guys are enjoying the story. And as always thank you guys for your support. I couldn't do it without you. ????

I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)


" He's a being that has annihilated millions if not billions of lives, and he's currently trying to gather these infinity stones. These stones can only be brandished by beings of extraordinary strength. Their carriers could use the stones to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field and can even extinguish whole galaxies." I said.

" That's awful. " Kitty said.

" That doesn't even begin to describe it." I said.

An hour went by of me answering what I could of their questions. Most of the questions revolved around how strong Thanos was, when he was coming and if we could even stop him.

" The future is in constant flux. I have only seen a few glimpses and possible paths. We can only prepare. He has an army. He's incredibly strong and he's intelligent. I can't divulge everything I've seen. It could change things too much, if I do.". I said.

That put a lid on their endless stream of questions.

The Time Stone also showed me something important. It showed me a solution to my current problem.

I went to the the library, and spent the next few hours looking for a book on how to access the light dimension.

I finally found it and spent the next few days, meditating and trying to gain access to the light dimension.

Masters of the Mystic Arts, mostly rely on channeling dimensional energy, since it is more sustainable and reliable than other scources.

Some dimensions are harder to access, than others as you would either have to have an affinity to them or make a contract with one of it's inhabitants.

The Ancient One for example had a connection to the dark dimension.

Normally even if a Sorcerer were to establish a connection, it was only to borrow some power for a certain task. Not use it to sustain themselves. Those who do get corrupted by it's energy and ultimately become over reliant on it.

The lightforce on the other hand can be considered a cleansing energy, being derived from life force. It is capable of purging toxins, drugs, and other malignant substances, as well as curing diseases, mental instability. It is fundamentally different from any energy related to darkness.

The problem is, it's extremely hard for one to naturally have an affinity to it. I could only think of Tandy as one of the few people who ever managed to gain access to it.

Tandy was the Light dimension's avatar, I don't remember much about her backstory, but I remember that she had a counterpart. An avatar of the dark force.

A week had passed by with me trying to sense the Light dimension.

I finally managed to gain some access to it after numerous failures. Dr. Parker on the other hand managed to make some progress with the project I gave him.

I was initially surprised, but then remembered, that this project originally belonged to him. He already knew it inside out and was a brilliant scientist by his own rights.

He found the problem with the fusion process, and pointed out several issues with it. It turns out that the X-gene and the Spider DNA couldn't figure out a way to co-exist and were continuesly fighting over dominance. It was an endless cycle.

There needed to be some kind of buffer, to make them both less aggressive.

The Spider Venom was domineering due to it's nature, and the X-gene wouldn't give up it's territory. There was also a lot of science and technical terms involved , but that's what it essentially boiled down to.

I took the symbiote sample, that I had previously fed my blood and started purifying the symbiote using the light force energy.

It screeched as if in pain, and tried to get away from the light. I kept infusing it with light energy for the next few minutes, until I noticed it gradually losing its black color and turning white.

I spent the next few days, doing tests and making sure, I eradicated it's consciousness.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that it didn't inherent, the symbiote's usual weaknesses to sound amd fire. Leading me to believe that those weaknesses, originated from it's psyche and weren't biological in nature.

This new symbiote, which I dubbed the "Enigma" demonstrated tremendous healing powers and other powers that differed from the Venom symbiote.

It produced antibodies that can cure any known disease and remove any other impurities within a human body. Unlike the original symbiote, this symbiote is completely mindless,and could be used without risk. It's only flaw was it had now gained a new weakness to Darkness energy.

' Well, at least darkness energy is way less common than fire and sound.' I thought to myself.

After I made sure everything checked out, I still didn't fuse with it and decided to wait.

I won't be satisfied with just the symbiote for my supersuit. Although very impressive, it still lacks in Physical and Magical defense. It can stop normal bullets, and maybe even a shot fired by a bazooka, but can it hold up against the Hulk ? What about Thor's mystical lightning ?

Luckily, the materials needed to build my bio-tech mesh. Was readily available for the taking. A little trip to Wakanda and voila problem solved. All I needed after that was a power scource and I was golden. For now thought, 'time to get me some super metal.'

Vibranium is an extraterrestrial metallic ore known to exist on Earth in two forms. The largest known deposit comes from a meteorite that crashed on Earth approximately 10,000 years ago.

Vibranium is better for defensive purposes as it is can withstand nearly unlimited amounts of force.

Most of the aforementioned meteor, consisting of the more common variety of Vibranium landed in Africa in the now modern-day nation of Wakanda.

Even though deposits have been found in other locations; due to the fact that Wakanda is the first known source in existence that is the reason why, it is known as Wakanda Vibranium.

Wakanda Vibranium has the unique property to absorb vibratory waves such as sound as well kinetic energy by somehow storing this energy within its molecular bonds.

The more energy it absorbs, the stronger the molecular bonds become until the Vibranium is extremely difficult to damage or destroy.

This makes Vibranium highly prized for it's durability.

Although not as hard or dense as Adamantium, few other substances can equal it in durability.

In addition Vibranium is much more easier to shape and manipulate than Adamantium and remains unsurpassed in its ability to absorb impacts and to absorb noise and sound.

Wakandan Vibranium also has the power to greatly amplify mystical energies.

It taps into an energy flow on the Quantum Level that is virtually infinite. Which is perfect for me, eventually when I learn Asgardian runes, in tandem with it's natural abilities. I will be a force to be reckoned with.

Wakanda Vibranium is also a powerful mutagen. Exposure to Vibranium has led to the mutation of flora and fauna such as the Heart-Shaped Herb that is eaten by the Black Panther to bestow upon their physical enhancements.

I gave Sophie the task of finding Wakanda, a while ago. Their cloaking device kept them hidden, but their location could be deduced with enough time and effort. Luckily, Sophie managed to find it, and now all I had to do was sneak in.

I didn't waste time and promptly opened a portal to Africa and headed to Wakanda.

( Chapter End)


I hope you guys are enjoying the story stay tuned for Doug's adventures in Wakanda.


"Did you really think... we would cry and beg... for mercy? You're the pathetic crybaby in this family, little boy... not us! Now... excuse us -- while we escape!"

----- Eddie Brock (Venom) "Earth-616"

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