Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 41 - EndoSym Armor

I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)


I was finally done with building my Grav-Reactor, and it was a thing of beauty. The reactor ended up being as big as my palm.

The outer shell, which was made from vibranium contained the Gravitonium core. The reactor had a metallic sheen to it and was pulsing with a purple glow. The core was switching between a solid and liquid state, and almost seemed like a living metal.

The reactor's core was being exposed to an electric current, which then caused the Gravitonium to solidify, in its solid state gravity fields erupt randomly, changing the rules of gravity around it.

The Vibranium shell then absorbs these gravity spikes and convert it into energy, creating a perfect cycle of energy.

The suit itself was being kept in the shell that surrounded the Gravitonium. I also switched out my watch, to the more advanced and better Kimoyo beads.

The beads were specifically made for a number of purposes like over-air speech - so basically a cellphone in a bead, holographic display projector, 3D spacial mapping and interface - to let you interact with the holographic displays, and power sources.

I planned on giving one to Jean, Kitty and the Ancient One, so we can always stay in touch. In case of an emergency.

The suit itself was based on the designs I took from Wakanda. It used the same technology as the original Black Panther's suit. It could also absorb Kinetic energy, and use that energy to produce energy blasts.

The suit itself looked similar to the Black Panther's suit, but it was silver. I didn't bother with customizing it yet, since I wanted to see the results of it bonding with the Symbiote.

I took out the squirming mass of Symbiote, and let it bond with the suit. Normally this wouldn't work as the Symbiote needed a biological host to bond to, but the mutated sample, which was exposed to the Vibranium's radiation, gained the ability to bond with Vibranium.

After it finished bonding with the suit. I came closer to it, and extended my arm to touch the suit. It immediately started crawling up my arm, firmly latching to my skin.

I grabbed a fistful and pull at it, only for my hands to get stuck and the living liquid ooze to begin climbing up my shoulders.

I fell on the floor, struggling to move as it crawled over my entire body. I would've cried out for help, but the slime wrapped around my face, covering my mouth.

I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting pain, maybe even suffocating and passing out, but instead, I felt... normal. No, I felt more than normal. I felt like I was more powerful.

I immediately grew in height, and felt like I could manipulate my own biomass. I tried morphing my hand into blades, claws, and various weapons, and was successful in my attempt. I could also extend one stinger for each fingertip.

This armor after merging with a Symbiote, became a fully liquid smart-metal which hardens instantly on connection with my body. The psionic bonding with the suit allowed me to control it remotely, and call for it with no need of electronics.

I could give it psionic commands, but it does not have intelligence of its own, only a psionic link.

I knew that the symbiote would amplify my own powers, but I never knew it was to this extent. I wanted to take this process to an extreme by bonding with it on a cellular level. It was the only way I could solve my messed-up DNA, but now wasn't the time.

I commanded the suit to separate from me and it extended to the point of it forming fully into a humanoid form. I tried getting it to move and I was successful in commanding it to move around.

I commanded the Symbiote, to separate from the original suit and was successful in making it return to it's previous organic form.

I spent the next few days trying figure out a way to heal myself.

Dr.Parker and Dr.Hansen walked in on me, only to see large piles of medical texts in my lab. Every table and surface to the left side of the lab, was covered with something related to the biology of the human body.

Microscopes and petri dishes, tissue samples, hair follicles, blood, and various vials of chemicals that liked to change color or bubble when something was added to them.

Every surface to the right, was covered with computer components, soldering irons, Kimoyo beads, heaps of notes, and about seven different computers, all compiling different bits of code, or moving through massive databases.

They heard me mumbling to myself. "Using the right techniques, it can be directed with pin-point accuracy, and used to energize targeted molecules, to directly rearrange DNA'"

"Hm... but, human cells can only go through mitosis so many times before they die completely. This would need to be carried out on a fairly large scale; millions of cells at the same time, so there's almost no room for error." I continued.

" Uhm... Mr.Cypher ? Are you alright? " Dr.Parker said.

" Ah... Dr.Parker just the man I was looking for. I need you to take a look at something." I said.

" Erhm.. What is this? "

He said as he started reading the data. His brows creased as he kept reading, until he finally turned to me and said.

"What mutation are you trying to cause?"

" I managed to obtain a particular piece of DNA that allows for infinite reproduction. If I manage to 'flash' it into the mitochondria of a normal human cell-" I said.

"You can theoretically obtain immortality." He continued.

" That's brilliant! It's theoretically possible, but it would have to be done on every cell simultaneously, and of course there's still the compatibility issue... " He droned on for a bit, until I finally stopped him and said.

" The compatibility problem is not an issue, using your Gene-splicing research plus, the sample I obtained from a mutant who is virtually immortal, we are already half way there. " I said.

" Wait even if it's true, it will cause an enormous amount of strain on the body. The DNA will start breaking down before the subject has a chance to go through the procedure, who will be even insane enough to go through something like this. Just the pain alone is enough to drive anyone crazy. They'll end up dying anyway. " He said.

" I found a solution to that problem too. You seem to be misunderstanding something doctor. I already figured it out, and I already have a willing subject. I just need you to monitor the procedure and make sure nothing goes wrong. " I said.

" Are you mad! You expect me to agree to human experimentation. I don't know what kind of person you think I am, but I won't risk someone else's life no matter what. " He said.

" Relax Doc. I already talked to Dr.Hansen, she'll assist too. If this is successful, we might have a chance to cure your wife. The Extremis virus is still incomplete and needs a lot more time until it's finished. The rejection rate is still too high, amd Mary's condition is getting worse. We're running out of time.This is the only solution we've got." I said.

He grimaced a bit at my words and his fists tightened. He couldn't refute my words, because he knew more than anyone. How severe his wife's condition was. Her condition has been deteriorating ever since she went into that coma. Nothing we did could improve it.

He's been spending more and more time in the lab each day trying to find a solution. He was making impressive strides, but it was still too slow. His wife had a few more days at most.

" Even if.. Even If I agree to something like this. Mary would never forgive me." He said with a resigned tone.

" At least she'll be alive. She doesn't even have to know. Plus you never asked me who's the willing test subject." I said.

He sighed. " Who is it? "

" You're looking right at him. " I said.

(The Next Day)

" I still think you're crazy." Dr.Hansen said.

" Come on, we've been over this. Nothing is going to happen. Relax. If we're successful we would've essentially cracked the secret to immortality." I said.

It was true. I never could have figured it out, without their research. It would have taken me a long time, to even get close to doing something like this. I made sure to give them instructions incase anything happened and Sophie already had the Ancient One on speed dial.

I called upon the Symbiote within me and watched as it wrapped me up in a cocoon. I was going to let it bond to me on a cellular level.

" This is...! " Dr. Parker said.

" What's wrong?" Dr.Hansen said.

" It can't be it was destroyed on the plane, unless he... Stop! Stop! the procedure." He said.

" His vitals are within parameters, stopping it now could prove detrimental." Dr.Hansen said.

" You don't understand that thing is dangerous, it will do more harm than good. " he said.

" Master Cypher has told me to inform you, that the sample he's bonded with was purified and underwent a different procedure. Please proceed with administrating the T-W cells Dr. Hansen. " Sophie said.

" Administrating them right now. " Dr. Hansen said.

Dr. Parker could only sigh in defeat and decided to monitor the situation. Hopefully things would go smoothly, and he wouldn't have to interfere.

( Doug's Mindscape)

I was back in my Mindscape staring at that same strange red door. I pushed the door open and found, nothing has changed, the room still had those strange circuit markings all over it, and that giant screen occupied most of the room.

I approached the screen and could see hundreds of lines of code, running through the screen.

I called upon my Symbiote, and watched it as it materialized over my whole body. I extended several tendrils from my body and connected them to the computer in front of me.

A connection was successfully established, and I began the process of going through the codes. I could finally understand the genetic language which was displayed on the screen.

Only, due to my powers, they were displayed as computer code.

I now had total access to my entire genetic code down to the atomic level.

With this genetic access I can find any form of illness and negate it, keeping me perfectly healthy, and curing me from any viruses at the genetic levels, even cancer.

First I decoded all the information that would allow me to change back to my original form; reversing me back to normal without severe side-effects, unnatural mutations or potential body damage.

This process took what felt like weeks, the amount of information I had to go through manually, was staggering to say the least.

Second I accessed the encoded information hidden away in my DNA, with that kind of data storage. I had access to new courses of possibilities like gene-splicing, modification, etc.

I immediately began the process of splicing several useful traits, like wolverine's regeneration, my spider powers, and even managed to strengthen Cypher's original powers.

By the time, I was done. It felt like months had passed. The reason it took so much time was because, my Symbiote wasn't able to assist me with such things.

I had to write every single line of code manually, and I couldn't add any code I hadn't previously researched in the real world. The amount of information required to add a single trait or power was enormous.

Symbiotes already had the ability of genetic imprinting and could access any powers they retained in their Genetic memory. It's the reason why Venom had Spider-Man's powers even after their separation.

My Symbiote was a blank slate and didn't have a consciousness of its own. In the future. If I were to gain any useful powers. I would have to decode the acquired DNA sample into computer code, and then input it, into my own Genetic data banks.

Finally done I decided to exit my Mindscape. Luckily time passes here extremely quickly , so not much time has passed in the real world.

(Chapter End)


Damn. This chapter took a lot out of me. A lot of information to go through. Cypher will be having a lot more fights in the future. So, stay tuned for more. I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and as always thank you for your support.


"McAvoy or Stewart? These timelines are confusing."

- Deadpool


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)

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