Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 49 - Killer Droids

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or give me death! Wait.. that's not right I mean give me freedom or give me death! And some stones.)

P. S :- Happy New year Everyone!!!

Enjoy ;)


We reached the expo using a portal, and I immediately cast an illusion to hide us both. We got just in time to see the main attraction.

An exclusive press release by Hammer Tech in the Stark Expo main auditorium.

I was in my suit, which looked like The Spider-Man 2099 White Suit, including clawed fingers, arm spikes, and lacked visible eye lenses.

The suit had circuit markings all over it, which gave it a more futuristic and otherworldly look.

The Symbiote responded to my thoughts and my mask came down. I looked towards Jean.

Jean's suit looked like the Dark Phoenix's Jean Grey. She wore a burgundy trench coat and had a hood to hide her bright red hair. She also wore a half-mask to hide her features.

The black under suit and the trench coat were made out of a vibranium/kevlar mesh. It was completely bulletproof and could stop high caliber bullets and absorb high energy blasts.

Soon the event began with Justice Hammer taking center stage. He danced on to the stage, which caused Jean and me to cringe.

He gave a long-winded speech about how he was better than Tony. He then introduced them, the Hammer Drones.

Army, Navy, Airforce, and Marines, each unit had eight drones. And then he brought out the War Machine unit.

Everyone cheered at the Patriot appearance. I just told Jean to get ready.

And then suddenly, Iron man came flying in and people lost their shit. They cheered for him, Tony was whispering something to Rhodes and suddenly all hell broke loose.

The drones fired their guns at Iron Man, who flew away from the stage to prevent human casualties.

The glass top of the Expo broke apart, showering the audience with glass.

The illusion broke as soon as we started moving.

" Phoenix!!!!" I shouted.

"On it!" She yelled back.

Jean used her telekinesis to hold all the pieces of glass and debris that would have fallen on the crowd.

The rest of the drones slowly made their way down the platform and into the crowd. They didn't seem to be focused on killing people. But in their fight with Tony, people were bound to get hurt.

A navy drone noticed me first and fired a heavy machine gun round at me, which I dodged.

I could have just let them hit me, but I didn't want to let anyone know bullets won't hurt me.

I got close to the drone and used my claws to cut his handoff. Then, without wasting time, I stabbed his chest and destroyed its arc reactor.

By now, the drones had noticed me and Jean who had used her telekinesis to destroy 2 drones.

They started ignoring people in favor of us, which is what I'd wanted.

I started attacking with double the speed while dodging bullets and rockets from the drones and destroyed the arc reactor for each drone.

Jean used psionic blasts and tore each drone apart.

" Destroy their energy sources they're rigged to blow." I said.

She gave me a nod and hit the drones' chests with enough force to shatter the power source as well as their joints.

"Shield has been notified of this event. Black Widow is heading to the secondary location, to try and secure the hacker who has taken control of the drones." Sophie's voice interrupted.

"It's probably Vanko, send her a text to be careful. We'll be dealing with the drones." I said, while looking for more drones to destroy.

We had collectively destroyed only 12 drones and I could see 6 more. I know the air force drones went after Tony, so there had to have been 24 drones on the ground.

I saw another drone point his hand blasters at a kid wearing an Iron Man mask, who puts his hands up pretending to blast the drone.

I take that moment to web the boy and bring him towards me while simultaneously throwing a severed drone's arm at the drone's chest.

As the drone falls down, I look at the kid and examine him to make sure he's okay.

"Miles!" a female voice interrupts me from my musing, and I see an attractive black woman come towards me. Huh. So this is Miles Morales.

He's still young, about 9-10.

"You should get out of here. This place is about to blow. Don't stay near any of those fallen robots." I tell them and speed away to destroy another drone.

I go from drone to drone and destroy their arc reactors. I even plucked out a few of the repulsors to study.

They might not be the real thing, but they were replicas of Stark Tech. I hide it within myself for convenience. I saw Jean giving me a curious look. I just shrugged in response.

*Sigh* " More stealing." I heard Sophie.

" I am not doing this for free you know, it's Tony's mess. I am just fixing it." I said.

Within 15 minutes, all the drones in our vicinity were destroyed. I check in the HUD to see if I have anything else in coming but don't find anything, so I let my guard down for a bit.

There were 2 blips on my screen, about a mile away from me, which was probably Iron Man and War Machine nearby.

" I am going to see, if Tin can and his buddy need any help. Wanna come? " I asked.

"I don't think anybody died, but a lot of people got hurt. I'll be staying here to help whoever I can. " She said.

" Shield will be here soon. So don't stay too long. Also these drones may have multiple bombs in them. It's still not safe, so be careful. "I said.

She gave me a nod and went to help the injured people. I headed towards the park where, Iron man and War machine where about to have a fight.

I arrived just in time to see the two of them arguing about where to stand before the drones landed and the two lowered their visors.

The drones started firing at them as Tony fired his repulsor beams, while Rhodes fired his guns.

Tony kneed a drone hard, shattering it before punching another and throwing another away as Rhodes continued firing and Tony punched two more away.

A drone fired a missile at him and he leaned sideways to dodge before firing three missiles that embedded into the three drones and destroyed them.

Rhodes continued firing and kicking the drones as Tony punched them around before asking Rhodes to duck as he fired palladium powered lasers from the back of his hands.

In a rotatory motion, the lasers cut all the drones into two and some trees as well.

Sophie told me another drone with a higher repulsor signature was headed towards us.

The Whiplash Armor: Mark II landed near them and the visor removed to reveal Ivan Vanko brandishing his electrical whips.

Rhodes fired the ex-wife but it didn't gain enough energy before hitting his suit, only to fall down and fizzle out.

"The one thing of his that worked and even that didn't work." Rhodes said.

"That's Hammer tech for ya." Tony said.

Tony fired some missiles as Ivan's visor came down and he defended himself before swinging his whips as the two flew off to avoid.

Rhodes fired at him but Ivanko cut off his big gun. Tony flew up but he wrapped the whip around his leg and smashed him into a rock.

Rhodes fired again with his miniguns as Tony flew into him but was thrown away.

Ivanko wrapped his whip around Rhodes and pulling him closer, punched him off as Tony leapt at him with a roar and punched him.

He punched twice before being head-butted back and blown away.

I sighed ' This is pathetic, they're not ready for the big leagues.'

I jumped in and deactivated my invisibility to offer some help.

When I landed between them it caught the both of them off gaurd. I cut Rodes loose freeing him from Ivanko's wiplash and jumped with him away. Landing beside Tony.

"Who are you?! Get out of here its dangerous!" Tony said.

"Relax Mr. Stark. I saw that you two might need some help so I'm here to offer my assistance."

I said while looking at the dead missile on the floor. Seeing what I was talking about Tony laughed while Rhodey just grumbled in embaresment.

After Ironman was done laughing he looked towards me again.

"You want to help? Who are you anyway? Don't tell me you're from the future and you're here to stop my death or something. " He said jokingly, after seeing my futuristic looking suit.

"Erhm.. Well how about I get rid of this guy first and then we can continue talking about this. " I said, slightly caught off guard by his statement.

Hearing me say this Iron man was suprised, but Whiplash was angered. He sent a punch toward me with the suits full power.

"Watch out!" Tony shouted.

Rhodes tried to get me out of the way but to his surprise I ran towards the punch.

I sent out a punch infused with Chi to meet his, but this only caused for the suits arm to shatter to smithereens.

Iron Man and War machine were suprised, but Whiplash was completely terrified.

Ivanko tried using his left arm and tried hitting me with his wiplash.

I merely raised my right arm in response and the whiplash wrapped around it.

He smirked and said. " I've got you now."

Recognizing the threat I posed. Ivanko diverted most of the power in his suit to his whiplash probably trying to electrocute me to death.

I heard shouting telling me to let go.

I decided to play a little prank on Ivanko and pretended to struggle getting free.

Millions of volts went through my body. I screamed and shouted in pain. Ivanko kept the electricity going for a few more seconds.

He started laughing maniacally. " Now then, with the freak dead it's your turn."

My screams soon turned to laughter. " Stop! Stop! It tickles."

Everyone was shocked and frozen in shock over what they were seeing. A man in a futuristic looking suit was doubled over, holding his stomach and laughing. Whilst being electrocuted by millions of volts of electricity.

I began absorbing the electricity into my body. Ivanko in a desperate attempt, tried pouring even more power into the whiplash. It eventually ran out juice and I was left their standing with a satisfied look on my face.

I looked towards him and said. " My turn."

I pulled the whiplash and grabbed his other arm and ripped it off, similar to the arms I did the same thing to his legs.

Now it was just the man in the torso weighing him down on the ground. Seeing that he was now immobile, I turn to Iron Man.

"This was fun, we should do this again some time. This guy was not enough for me to even use my full strength. Call me next time when you have something bigger." I said.

I threw a card which had a number they could contact me on incase of emergency towards Iron Man.

Unfortunately he looked like he had shut down. Rhodes caught the card instead after it bounced off Iron Man's Armour.

He turned the card and saw that it had a phone number on it. The other side of the card had the name Enigma on it.

"Anyway, I should go. There are people to save and bad guys stop, see you later Mr. Stark! Later Rhodes. " I said.

As I finished saying this I jumped and swung away. Sophie told me Shield was coming our way. So I decided it would be better If I talked to him another time.

I picked Jean up on my way and opened a portal back to my base away from prying eyes.

( Chapter End )


"Hey, kids! Sing with me! ♫ The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round. ♫ My fists #$& up Sabertooth's face: pound, pound, pound. ♫ Pound pound pound. ♫ Cats go meow meow meow? ♫ Uh. Don't be a Deadpool, stay in school!"

- Deadpool (Earth-616)


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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