Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 68 - Wrath Of Storm

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"More humans on my Island and you can fly? Most interesting! "

Storm felt 3 talon-like claws press into her back, "Who sent you here! Shield?, Roxxon? answer me or you're going to die right here. " growled a high-pitched voice.

Storm struggled to answer as the talons in her back were pinching her nerves " Nobody sent me, we ended up here by accident. " she said, the talons lifted from her back.

"Accident? Do you think I'm stupid? " He said.

The stranger stomped on Storm's back very hard that a couple of her ribs cracked under the pressure " You were sent here, to steal our vibranium, weren't you? That's what you all care about, don't you? "

"Look buddy, I have no idea what you're talking about, much less what vibranium is. I just want to leave with my friend. " Storm moaned, the pain of her ribs burning and throbbing.

"I am Sauron and this is my forest!" Storm felt the talons grab her shoulders and carry her away.

Storm finally caught a glimpse of her captor he was a green pterodactyl-like creature but with teeth, claws, and human legs.

She could barely focus, not to mention use her powers to get out of this situation. Both her and Rogue were ambushed and got hit with a poison dart as soon as the attack started.

She quickly started losing consciousness, and it wasn't long before the world went black.


Storm woke up the next day bound and in a cell.

The cell was rather dim, it was made out of some kind of wood and a few guards could be seen guarding her.

They were giving her unsettling looks and seemed to be barely holding themselves back.

She knew what those gazes meant, the streets of Cairo taught her to be wary of those gazes.

There was a small lamp every few steps, which produced a yellowish glow.

She should have been more vigilant, but it couldn't be helped. Before she realized it, she was already surrounded.

She could've fought her way out, but they had already captured Rogue and threatened to kill her, if she didn't comply and let herself be captured.

They were certainly strange creatures, some looked more lizard-like than others. But what they all had in common was the fact, that none of them seemed to be what could be considered normal.

She wondered, if they were a hidden civilization somewhere, perhaps an experiment gone wrong?

Her first speculation seemed to be wrong, since it was impossible for prehistoric creatures to know about Shield, nonetheless speak English.

She couldn't tell what to think of them, but they were certainly intelligent and more worryingly they were dangerous.

Suddenly there was a large commotion, and moments later the guards left to check it out.

It seems something big was happening.

"What's going on?" Storm wondered.

Storm could hear shouts of rage and fury asking for blood. Taking advantage of the commotion, and the fact, that no one was keeping an eye on her.

She used her powers to produce winds strong enough to break the cell's door.

* Crash *

Free from her short lived imprisonment Storm decided to look for Rogue.

She had no idea where to look, so she decided to check out what the whole commotion was about.

Storm moved slowly towards where a large group of those mutates were gathered.

They were gathered around a large hut, with their spears drawn.

Storm got close enough until she could hear what they were shouting.

" Kill her!! She killed the chief ! Execute her! Burn the witch! "

One of the mob threw the torch in his hand at the hut.

The hut's straw roof caught fire and it wasn't long before the whole thing was set aflame.

" No! Please! No!" A voice called out, from within the hut.

Storm immediately recognized the voice and knew who it was.

It was Rogue!

Storm without a shred of hesitation called upon a great wind.

She blasted the mob away, breaking the encirclement.

She rushed into the burning hut only to find Rogue crying.

She was tied up to a wooden post, in the middle of the room.

What was strange about the scene, was the fact that she was barely wearing any clothes.

Only enough to cover her modesty. The creature from before, called Sauron was lying dead beside Rogue.

He had Rogue's broken power inhibitor clutched in his cold dead hand.

It didn't take a genius to deduce what probably went down.

Sauron probably tried forcing himself upon Rogue, and got himself killed when he accidentally broke her inhibitor collar causing her powers to activate.

As soon as Rogue noticed someone entering the room, she raised her head to look at who it was.

" Orroro..."

Rogue only managed to croak out her name, before promptly passing out from the smoke.

Storm quickly freed Rogue from her restraints and covered her with a cloth, she found beside the bed.

Rogue's powers were dormant, while she was unconscious, so Storm was able to touch her.

Storm carried Rogue in her arms and slowly walked out of the hut.

She could still hear, the mob outside calling out for blood.

Rogue had gotten closer to Storm over the last couple of year, and her heart was filled with grief over what her student went through.

Rogue had started slowly coming out of her shell. Ever since Doug helped her with her powers and built her an inhibitor.

She started becoming more social and even dated a few times.

She only knew, because Rogue had confided in her, but Rogue was still a virgin.

She wanted her first time to be special, and Storm had a suspicion of whom Rogue had in mind.

Rage slowly replaced her grief.

Storm's eyes turned pure white as she started floating in the sky.

Raising her hand slightly, she began to summon her powers.

A small gray cloud began to form above her hand. Growing to the size of a field.

Happy with her work, Ororo moved the cloud towards the crowd, allowing rain to begin to pour over their heads.

She felt a tug on her powers. Suddenly, the cloud began to grow, doubling, tripling its size in seconds.

The rain pouring harder from it. She suddenly felt another surge of power, overwhelming her.

Actually it frightened her slightly. She had not felt this out of control for a long time. Not since she had first started to develop her powers.

The cloud became bigger filling the sky. The rain was pouring harder and thunder now boomed from the clouds.

A harsh wind began, blowing the huts away, trees were ripped out from their roots, shouts of panic and fear drowned out by the howling winds.

" Goddess, have mercy! Have mercy!"

As the storm continued to rage, Storm's emotions were in turmoil.

The cries of mercy, and anguish were none stop.

A voice filled with fury came out of her, it sounded like her own voice, but at the same time it sounded somehow different.

As if a different entity was speaking through her.

" You deserve no mercy, you shall receive none."

A few minutes pass by before Storm suddenly hears a famaliar voice in her mind.

" Orroro stop! It's all over."

A feeling of relief washed over Orroro, she recognized Jean's voice.

It meant that they could finally go home.

She began to try and control her breathing, trying to calm her raging emotions.

She tried reaching out to the depths of her powers, to summon the storm to stop.

Slowly but surely the storm, began to ease, the wind, thunder and rain stopping.

The cloud began to decrease in size, until it was back to its original state.

With one last effort, Ororo concentrated on dismantling the cloud altogether.

She slowly floated down, Rogue still in her arms.

She could see Doug, Jean, Xavier, Beast, Angel, Cyclops and Night Crawler on the ground, waiting for her.

Jean went up to Storm and took Rogue from her arms.

" It's okay Orroro, you can leave the rest to us." Jean said.

Storm could feel a wave of exhaustion come over her.

She started swaying and before she could collapse Night Crawler teleported behind her and supported her.

" Thank you Kurt." She said.

" No thanks needed, ve didn't do anything. " He said.

" You came for us, that's enough." She said.

" It's the least we could do Orroro you're a valued member of the X-men and most importantly you're an irreplaceable friend. " Xavier said.

" Thank you, Professor. " She said.

" What happened to her?" Angel said.

Everyone noticed the state Rogue was in, a few guessed what probably happened mainly Doug and the professor.

The X-men were young so, their minds were somewhat innocent.

The professor was pretty old and probably seen some unsavory things over the years.

On the other hand, Doug wasn't as young as he seemed.

If one were to add the years he had previously lived, in addition to this one.

He was probably be the oldest one here, right after the professer.

He didn't know how old, Orroro was, but atmost she'd be only as old as him.

Storm grimaced and stayed silent. The professer sighed, while Doug shook his head.

Seeing their reactions, Angel decided to drop the subject and not ask anymore questions.

Doug opened a portal back to the X-mansion and left with X-men.

He could always come back later, now that he knows this place exists.

( A few Days Later)

Rogue woke up a day after we got back from the savage land.

She asked about Kitty and Illyana, and after confirming their safety, decided to lock herself in her room, she refused interacting with anybody but Storm.

I built her another inhibitor instead of the one she lost back in the savage land.

But for some reason she refused to wear it, and would only do so, when she had to go to school.

Her powers created a figurative barrier around her, one that prevented people from getting closer to her, both physically and emotionally.

" I feel bad for her Doug, I wish I could help her somehow, but we were never close. Kitty was the closest one to her, and I don't know how she would take it, if she found out, about what happened to Kitty." Jean said.

" It's better not to tell her, it would've only made her feel worse. The Ancient One and I, managed to reverse most of the damage. She's not a demon anymore, but It'll take time for her soul to heal. All we have to do now is wait for her, to wake up. " I said.

" Thank god, I've been worried sick. " She said.

" Illyana should be waking up too. " I said, with a grimace.

" Is she going to be okay? " Jean asked in worry.

" I don't know Jean, as far as we could tell, it's irreversible. All we can do now, is wait and see which Illyana wakes up. The one corrupted by Belasco or the one we know. " I said.

After my talk with Jean, I locked myself in my lab. I couldn't help, but feel powerless.

What use is all this power If I can't use it to help my friends and family.

I knew it would be hard, when I first arrived in this universe.

I had even thought that the power, I had collected was enough.

I became a sorcerer, I took the spider serum, I took the Extremis serum, I created my own Symbiote.

I built a suit, better than Tony's. I even built one of the biggest companies in the world.

I killed, stole, lied and cheated.

But it still wasn't enough!

Piotr and Logan were missing. Illyana was a half demon. Kitty was in a coma. Rogue was sexually assaulted, and It was only a matter of time, before I lost Jean.

The Phoenix was simply too powerful.

I couldn't even remember a single instance, where things didn't end badly for Jean.

What else should I do? What else should I become?

I found myself standing, before the lab's cold storage unit.

My hand wrapped around the fridge's unit and I slowly opened the door.

Two vials stared back at me, one was filled with a golden yellow liquid that almost seemed to glow, while the other was filled with a dark blue liquid.

The answer was right before me...????????????????.

(Chapter End)


Tell me what you guys think in the comments. To be honest, I'm not entirely happy with the chapter, but I hope you're all enjoying the story.

P. S ( Rogue wasn't raped, she was only assaulted. Sauron didn't get a chance, to take things too far. Still it doesn't stop it from being traumatic.)


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