Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 70 - The Heart Of Limbo

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I was currently in limbo. Specifically I was staying in Belasco's old castle.

I waited a few days for Jean to calm down, and eventually she did.

She admitted she had abandonment issues, and the fact I was leaving, freaked her out, more than she liked to admit.

I understood where she was coming from to an extent.

In my previous, life I was practically alone, my parents were dead, for years, I suffered from depression, and the only thing that kept me going was the knowledge of my parent's love for me.

Jean didn't have that, she only had me. Before, I came along she had the professer, and the school.

Charles broke her trust and Jean was desperate to form another bond.

I gathered everything I would need for my stay in limbo, and left after saying goodbye.

I took the books, I obtained from Asgard and a few other items with me.

The bag, given to me by the Ancient One was certainly useful.

I planned on learning the enchantments used in making them, as they were too useful not do so.

Staying in limbo for prolonged periods of time, wasn't a good idea.

I wracked my brain for a solution, to my current predicament, and I ended up with a few possible solutions, to my problem.

My first option was to use the Eye of Basphorus. The incantation necessary to unlock the Eye of Basphorus was written on it.

I have yet to use it, after obtaining it, from the Ancient One.

Once activated, the Eye can grant its user one spell of choice, regardless of its power.

The artifact can only be used once, and it turns into dust afterwards.

I haven't used it yet, since it was useful as a trump card. I had a feeling, I'd need it one day, and I hoped that day never came.

Unfortunately using it to help, Illyana or Piotr was not ideal. Or it would be more accurate to say, it was ineffecient.

Illyana's situation was complex to say the least, and it needed a more complex solution in return.

The Gem gave the user, a spell a very powerful one, but at the end of the day, it was just 'One' Spell.

Illyana's soul needed to be alot more powerful. Currently her demonic side, was stronger and she would need years of Mystic Arts training for her, to become strong enough to resist that part of herself.

We would also need several powerful spells, for it to be of some use, one to isolate the part that was corrupted, one to seal it, and one to maintain her soul at, a state of equilibrium.

Playing with souls, was taboo and it was hard enough finding anyone with experience, so it wasn't a good idea, to do something without being absolutely sure of the results.

I thought about, using it to find Piotr and Logan, but then changed my mind on doing so.

The glimpses I managed to get from the time stone showed me Piotr, present at the time, of the New York invasion. Even so, If he doesn't show up by then, I'll use it to summon him, and logan.

Returning to the present, I was standing in front of the dungeon's door.

I had Belasco's severed head in my hand, and was currently attempting to unseal the door.

" Mhhmmhmm.. Aaaaahah.. Mm"

*Sigh *

" If you don't calm down, I swear to god, you're not going to like, what am I going to do to you." I threatened.

" Mhmjnm..??!mhnmnh.."

" Yes, and as long as you're useful, I'll think about it." I said.

After Belasco, calmed down a bit, I continued with my task.

I was going through his memories, trying to find the spell he used for sealing up the space.

Unfortunately, doing It while he was awake was way easier, so I had to wake him up.

He started cursing at me, as soon he woke up, promising unending suffering, and a very vivid description, of what he would do to me and everyone I loved.

In response, I put a muzzle on his mouth. And fried his brain a few times, using my Venom Blast.

His brain kept regenerating, but anything below the neck wasn't growing.

I had the Ancient One cast a spell using the time stone to prevent him from regenerating his body.

Everytime his body would try and grow back, it'll just reset to the moment, his head was cut off and burned by the Phoenix.

It was my fucked up version of the Headless Horseman, but mine, was the other way around.

An immortal bodyless evil sorcerer. Now, that's the stuff of nightmares.

" Finally, it's done."

" Mhmhmhnm.. Grghmmmhm" He said.

" Well. I lied, so just shut up and go back to sleep."

I knocked him out, using a Venom blast and kept him in my storage bag.

He wanted me to release him after I unsealed the dungeon, and make him my subordinate.

He didn't hide his thoughts well, and I saw right through him.

The bastard planned on betraying me as soon as he had the chance. Which was understandable, since he happened be a demon.

I entered through the door, only to find a myself in front of a huge stepping disc.

It was semi-transperent and I could vaguely see a heart shaped object on the other side of the portal.

It kept pulsing and I could feel the energy undulations coming from it washing over me.

As I got closer, I could make out more and more details. It took the form of a giant animal heart, hidden in a cavern deep below.

I stepped through the stepping disc, and was immediately bombarded by the huge of amount of radiation.

I called upon my symbiote to protect me from the radiation, and it only took a few seconds for my symbiote to absorb and metabolize the radiation out of my body.

I started scanning the core, using a few spells and after a few minutes, my suspicions were proven correct.

The core was tainted by both demonic and darkforce energies.

It probably originated from the fact, the previous rulers of limbo were corrupt to begin with, and over the century all this negative energy seeped into the core.

It turned this dimension inherently evil, one that would corrupt its denizens and turn them into demons.

I casted a spell I was familiar with, and one that I had used numerous times.

The spell that I used was a simple one, it established a connection between, the light force dimension and this one.

The Promethieum core was immediately bathed, in pure lightforce energy.

I watched as the heart of limbo, was getting baptized by the purifying energy of the Lightforce dimension.

On the surface, as this was happening, Limbo's appearance and physical laws began to slowly change...

A few months had passed ever since, that day.

The old Rocky terrain of limbo, was replaced by lush greenery.

The desolate desert, and demonic creatures that plagued this dimension, were no where to be found.

Limbo's appearance and physical laws were highly variable and could change with time, but it primarily depended on the personal taste of its ruler.

I was the only one left, so by default I became the ruler of this place.

My stunt practically wiped out, everything that existed on the surface, especially the demons.

Being the ruler/only citizen of limbo, came with a few perks, for example I could influence the ecosystem and climate of limbo to some extent.

Another perk was my newly gained ability of sensing anyone who sits foot on limbo. And the ability to instantly teleport anywhere in limbo.

I also discovered a hidden, but useful advantage of this place. Opening portals to other dimensions, was way easier than it was on earth.

The spell I had used previously to establish a connection with the light force dimension, was normally only strong enough for me to channel a small part of it. Here though? There was no such restriction, in reality it was a bit, too much.

I had to restrict the flow of energy, after a few hours had passed, otherwise this dimension would've been swallowed whole.

I managed to stabilize the connection after much difficulty. And got it down, to a continuous small trickle.


It took me a few months, to get things in order. First thing I did was take out my equipment and set it up, for future use.

Using several arc reactors, based on Tony's designs, I had enough juice to power the castle for the next 100 years and then some.

I set up a lab for my experiments, and a huge library filled with books from Asgard and Belasco's own library.

I also had some books from the sanctum. And no, I didn't steal them, I copied them by hand.

All in all, it was one of the most impressive magical libraries in the world. Whether it was variety, sheer volume or just based on their age.

It checked all those boxes.

Next was the alter room.

Why would I need an altar room, you ask? Well for rituals and magical experiments of course.

I couldn't exactly do them, in my lab. I mean, what if something goes wrong? Years of research would be gone, and although I planned on inventing Magitech, it was still too soon, to mix and match.

Over the last few months, in addition to making sure everything was setup correctly. I began focusing on improving my powers, and what I mean by that is Cypher's original powers.

I started contemplating what language really was, and what exactly was the nature of my power.

The definition, I came up with was that language was a structured system of communication used to convey meaning.

Most languages had a visual or graphical representation encoded into symbols, or a writing system composed of glyphs to inscribe the original sound or gesture and its meaning.

So it came down, to meaning and pattern recognition.

A language no matter how complex needed to follow a pattern or a rule of some sort, one would then assign meaning to it.

But that was a simplistic way of looking at it, I mean in this world, even inanimate objects or even animals, have the capacity for language, or for some sort of communication.

One example of that, would be my little scuffle with Miljnor back in New Mexico.

I mean that hammer did 'not' like me.

I began my training by trying to listen.

I tried listening to anything and everything around me.

For days, weeks even. I mediated under a large tree, which grew from one of the demonic souls purified, by what I dubbed the purge.

Most of those demonic, souls had no where to go after being purified.

A great number of them, perished and had their souls extiguished almost immediately and whatever was left was only enough for plant life and some simple creatures to be born.

I tried listening for words conveyed by inanimate objects and animals that do not speak the human language.

And, although these words are usually either inaudible or unintelligible to humans, Cypher's innate ability, allowed me to perceive these words and to understand and gain information through them.

At first, I couldn't hear anything, but after a few months staying consistent, and doing some reading in the library on my breaks.

I began to hear a faint sound, it was almost intangible, like a distant whisper.

I tried conversing with the voice and, waited for a response. My biggest obstacle was the fact, that I didn't know who or what the voice belonged to.

Was it the universe? The trees? The animals? The air?

I just kept hearing the same word.








( Chapter End)


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