Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 75 - The Avengers (Pt. 3)

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Tensions were building high.

I watched as Tony and Banner were on, one side looking at files regarding Shield's "Phase 2", which by the way, were a complete rip off, of what the Nazi did, back in WW2.

Steve was holding an advanced gun in front of him, while Fury was trying to make excuses and control the situation.

In one word, it was a shit show.

"I was wrong, director. The world hasn't changed a bit." Steve said looking at Fury disapprovingly.

Natasha enters and keeps her eyes on Banner, who sees her and asks, "Did you know about this?"

Natasha counters, "You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, Doctor?"

"I was in Calcutta. I was pretty well removed." He said.

"Loki is manipulating you." She said.

"And you've been doing what, exactly?" He asked.

"You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you." She said.

"Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy. I'd like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D. Is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction." He said.

"Because of him." Fury said, pointing at Thor.

"Me?" Thor said.

I started getting closer to the table, readying myself for what was about to happen.

As entertaining as this was, I had no choice, but to wait until things played out.

( Flashback)

After my failed summoning of Piotr, I couldn't resist but to use the time stone once more.

I sifted through millions of possibilities and experienced different timelines.

Each action, each decision. Had an enormous effect, on what could happen.

I was surprised to see, that things had already drastically changed, and more often than not, it was for the worst.

I saw multiple endings, ones where we failed, some when we succeeded and even others where some of us didn't make it.

The harder I tried to look, the tougher it was to distinguish what was real and what wasn't.

Was I peering into possibilities, or was I just seeing the futures of different parallel worlds?

The visions became ambiguous imagery, and my mind was starting to get overloaded, but luckily the Ancient One pulled me out of my trance.

" A sorcerer could only look through so many possibilities, before his mind breaks. Remember Douglas you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you." She warned.

I was heavily panting, trying to catch my breath, and between breaths.

" I had to, things were starting to diverge from what I last saw. I tried looking further this time, to try and figure out what was causing it, but I couldn't. Something was stopping me, from looking any further." I said.

A slight frown appeared on her face, and she stood still contemplating something.

" I don't think it would be wise, to use the time stone to see the future again. There is only a number of things, that could possibly stop you from viewing the future, either your own death or..."

" Or what?" I questioned.

" Or something very powerful, and I'm talking something on the level of a cosmic entity. " She said.

I sighed in frustration, and resigned myself.

She was right, and I knew it. I had no way of knowing who or what, but for whatever reason.

It was incredibly difficult, to see any details of how or why certain events played out, and it was flat out impossible for me to see past the final battle.

' Could it be, because I'm destined to die?' I wondered.

But what could possibly kill me? Even if you were to destroy my body, I'd only need a few cells, and I'd eventually regenerate.

Something smelled fishy, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what. I mean, why didn't I see Illyana and Kitty getting kidnapped?

Why didn't I foresee, summoning Mikael instead of Piotr?

" Did you at least find out, something useful?" She asked.

I was suddenly broken out of my thoughts by her voice.

" Yes, it seems that no matter what. The Avengers need to assemble, and the portal needs to be opened. I was having second thoughts, about whether or not, I should just stop the invasion, before it happens. But that scenario was a dead end. Everybody would end up dying, if I did that, and by everybody I mean the whole universe. " I said.

" It is such, with turning points in history. Any major interference on your part, could further endanger us." She said.

" I'm not giving up though, even if I can't stop it from happening. There's is no reason, I can't keep collateral damage to a minimum. I already contacted Sophie and Diana. Our perperations should be enough. " I said.

" Good. You were never one to give up, it's one of the things I liked most about you. And speaking of giving up, I haven't heard you mention Jean in all of this. You haven't told her, you're back have you? " She said.

" Things... Things are complicated between Jean and I. We didn't exactly part, on the best of terms. I have no idea, how she'll react when I see her again. I broke a promise. She may even hate me, now. " I said.


" Ow!! What was that for?! "

" Sophie and Diana, were right. You really are an idiot. Stop thinking too much, and go talk to her. " She said, before leaving.

I could hear snickering sounds coming from my watch, and what suspiciously sounded like.

'He deserves it.' and ' She should have hit him harder.'

I was sensing a conspiracy, but it was unimportant right now.

I only needed to hold off, until the portal was opened. After that it was open season.

I could do whatever I want and things such as plot and Canon, could kiss my beautiful toned ass.

There was one other thing, I saw when I used the time stone.

Something I haven't told the Ancient One about.

It seems like I was going to gain a new ally in the future, and in preparation I needed to pay a certain Half-Jotun a visit.

( Flashback end)

"Everyone. Shut. Up!" They all turned to look at me.

"The Tesseract is on a plane, coming towards us, and it's fast. While we were busy trying to find it using the sceptre, they followed the sceptre to us, here. We have seconds before they reach us." I said.

Banner looks at his monitor and saw that the algorithm was still not complete.

Fury started giving out orders, and rushed out of the room.

"Now, would you like to shelf this talk for later and concentrate on the current problem?" I asked them, once Fury was gone.

Everyone just sighed and turned to Banner. He was about to say something, when my Spidey sense goes off.

"Get down!"

I conjured a shield to block the explosion. Covering Natasha and Tony, they were base humans and I couldn't risk them getting killed.

The others could take care of themselves.

No sooner do I conjure the shield, an explosion occurs and throws us all in different directions.

Steve was helping Tony stand up, while Natasha and Banner were nowhere to be seen, Thor ran out of the room, probably heading towards loki.

I see a hole in the floor and yell out to Tony and Steve, "I'm going after Banner."

Steve nods at me and I jump down the hole. I see Natasha is stuck under rubble, while Banner was writhing on the floor about 10 feet away from her.

I first go towards Natasha and help her free her leg, "You okay?"

Natasha nods, and says, "I'm okay. We're okay. Right?" She looks at Banner who's now turning green.

I push her away from me slowly and order, "Get out of here. I'll handle him."

" Are you sure? Shouldn't I call Thor for help?" She said.

I cracked my knuckles, and started stretching my neck.

" It's alright. It's just a Hulk, I can handle a Hulk." I said.

"Okay, then I'll leave you to it." She hesitantly said.

She started limping away, and by the time she left. Banner had already finished turning to the hulk.

"Hey big guy. Remember me?" I asked.

Hulk roars loudly in my face, to which I mumble out, " I'll take that as a no, then"

Hulk starts running at me, breaking a few pieces of equipment along the way.

' I always wanted to do this. '

In response using my symbiote, I bulk up to match his size, till I was slightly towering over him.

He prepares his fist to punch me, and as we're about to collide. I suddenly halt and transfer all my momentum, to my next move.

I kick him with all my strength in the chest, and his body was flung away by the enormous force.

I used the Gravitonium in my suit, to transfer all my weight to one concerted point, add to that all the kinetic energy stored in the Vibranium nanites, and you have what I now dub.

" The Hulk Stomper."

It didn't take long before I heard an angry roar coming from the Hulk shaped hole, in the wall.

Whom I kidding all of his roars were angry.

" Damn, you really are a monster." I couldn't help, but say.

Hulk rushes at me and starts attacking earnestly, I jump, out of the way of his punches and kicks. Trying to buy a few seconds to come up, with another plan.

'Yeah, that should work!' I suddenly remembered.

I dodged another punch, and as I ducked under it. I closed the distance between us, up until I was inside his guard.

I went to strike him, but instead of a closed fist, I hit him with an open palm.

His astral form was flung outside his body, and I could see Banner's confused face, looking down at the Hulk.

I quickly capitalize on the opportunity, and extend several tendrils from my suit, to the hulk.

The Symbiote latched on to his prone form, and started purifying the gamma radiation being produced from his body.

His body quickly, started shrinking down, and before long.

Dr. Banner was back to his, regular normal sized self.

His astral form looked at me in astonishment.

" How..."

Before he could continue, I grabbed his astral form and shove it back into his body.

" I'm sorry, Doc, but I don't have time to play 20 questions. It's going to have to wait. " I said.

I turned on my earpiece, " The Hulk is down. I repeat the Hulk is down. Stark, Cap, Natasha, anyone hear me?"

" Copy. I've taken down Barton. I'm taking him towards the medbay. " Nat said.

" What about Loki? " I asked.

"Thor's going to help secure Loki" She said.

Stark's voice comes over the earpiece. " We're

running into, a bit of a problem here, me and Cap are..."

" I'm headed right towards you." I said.

A few minutes later and the engine starts running again, thanks to Me, Cap, and Tony.

I found out that Barton was still unconscious, and Thor was nowhere to be found.

Loki escaped and Coulson was dead.

A few minutes later and we were sitting on the meeting table, everyone was sombre, some by Coulson's death and others by the fact that Loki escaped from right under our noses.

On the other hand, I was quite happy.

With Coulson fake dying, the Avengers were one pep talk away from coming into existence. And this time, even Banner was here to witness it.

Fury gathered Tony, Banner and Steve back into the briefing room, everyone there had a look as if in a daze.

A look of numb shock is shown on their devastated faces.

"These were in Phil Coulson's jacket. Guess he never did get you to sign them." Fury said.

Fury threw Coulson's Captain America Trading Cards on the table towards Steve.

Steve picked them up, Stained with blood.

"We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, location of the cube, Thor. I got nothing for you. Lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming. Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier. There was an idea, Stark knows this, called THE AVENGERS INITIATIVE. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea, in heroes." He said.

Tony gets up and starts walking off, not wanting to hear it anymore.

I raise up my hand and say" I know where loki is."

" What/Where?! " They all shout, breaking the previous tension in the room.

" Why didn't you say anything? " Banner asked.

I shrugged" I didn't want to spoil the mood. It would've been rude."

I pressed a few buttons on my gauntlet, and a holographic map popped up in front of me.

" While you were all busy fighting like children, I thought it would be a good idea, to put a tracker on the scepter " I said.

" Wait a minute, is that... " Tony said.

" Yeah. Stuttengard was just a preview, this is opening night. Loki's a full-tilt diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built in the skies with his name plastered…" I said.

" Son of a bitch!" Tony shouts.

" He's heading towards Stark Tower. " I continued.

( Chapter End)


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