Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 131: Zombie Bat

Zombie bat, Zhang Fan had seen it before when he was reading the information.

Zombie bats, although they can only be regarded as level 1 monsters, they win in large numbers.

There are at least a thousand in each group.

The sound of a bat is extremely small when flying, and there is almost no sound when a zombie bat is flying.

It often falls silently on humans and takes a bite.

Even if it is a level 10 quasi-warrior, encountering zombie bats is a headache.

Seeing so many bat zombies now, Zhang Fan naturally let the students hide immediately.

Of course he couldn't be hard-headed, and ran down the mountain with the students.

Soon they ran into the dense forest, each looking for trees to hide.

Zhang Fan was slightly relieved when he saw that the students were hiding one by one.

But his brows wrinkled tightly.

After coming out of the laboratory last time, although I encountered some zombies and monsters, they were only level one to level three.

As for zombie bats, monsters that only appear in the deep mountains, they have never encountered it once.

This time I brought students out by myself, and I would encounter so many level 6 zombies, such as zombie dogs, zombie horses, and even zombie bats.

This is really weird.

While thinking in his heart, the group of zombie bats has flown over their forest.

Moreover, these zombie bat groups hardly hesitated, and flew directly towards the place where he and the students were hiding.

When Zhang Fan saw some, he was shocked.

Before I can think about it, Zhang Fan’s voice is extremely calm, but it is full of no doubts. "I will lead them away, Zhuge Liang, after I lead them away, you take others to a safe place and wait for me. If I am half an hour If you don’t come back, don’t wait for me anymore, just take them back to the safe zone.”

All the students were taken aback when they listened.

Wang Dong's nose was sore.


Yuan Dashao said firmly

"Teacher, we are with you"

Gao Daxiao said, "Teacher, you have already done it for us just now, this time you must not let you go alone"

Young Master Wen and Young Master Guo were still talking, but Zhang Fan suddenly looked back and stared at them.

They all shut up one by one, not daring to say another word.


Zhang Fan's gaze was full of fierceness, and he roared like he was about to kill.

All the students trembled.

This made them couldn't help but think of the scene where the teacher killed so many zombie horses and zombies just now, without changing their faces.

Zhang Fan didn't speak any more. He jumped up and used an entry-level arrow to jump towards the depths of the forest.

The bats used ultrasound to detect someone jumping out, and chased Zhang Fan one by one.

It was like a large black cloud, chasing Zhang Fan.

When Zhang Fan walked away with the bat, Zhuge Liang shouted "Go" to the students

"If you want to go, you go, I will not go"

"I won't go"

The four big names said one after another.

Although Wang Dong didn't say anything, the firm gaze in his eyes showed everything.

Zhuge Liang said coldly, "This is the teacher's order. Are you going to disobey?"

The others were silent for a while.

"The teacher asked us to go to a safe place to wait for him. He got rid of those bats, and he will naturally come back to us."

Zhugeliang's voice seemed very calm.

His drawing of the sword was about to approach Dacheng, and he became more calm because of this.

"But how did the teacher find us?"

Wang Dong asked.

Zhuge Liang replied, "Nano watches have established a connection with our multi-function watches, and teachers can easily find us."

When the others listened, they were slightly relieved.

They picked up the helmets they had found before, and followed Zhuge Liang, swiftly and silently towards the line.

Let's say that Zhang Fan took the bats and ran into the deep forest.

Although his lungs are fast, as his physical fitness declines, his speed also slows down.

But there were too many bats, he avoided this one, and the next one chased it.

This makes him tired.

Although the Kaishan Punch is powerful, one punch can blast dozens of bats into meat sauce.

But there are thousands of bats, and this punch is just a drop in the bucket.

And once he turns his head back and punches, it will definitely affect the speed.

Thousands of bats will pounce on behind.

So after a few punches, Zhang Fan didn't dare to fight anymore, so he could only turn his head and flee without his life.

About ten minutes later, more than twenty blood holes had been bitten in his body.

However, after these bats bit him, he did not feel the cold feeling like being bitten by a zombie.

On the contrary, the blood in the body feels like it is boiling.

"what happened"

Zhang Fan's heart shuddered.

After being bitten by a zombie before, I just felt pain and the blood seemed to get cold.

Apart from this, he has no other feelings.

After all, he also has a virus in his body, so he is naturally not afraid of zombie virus infection.

But this time after being bitten by this zombie bat, how could the blood feel like boiling?

Feeling hot and dry, as if the whole person is going to burst at any time

Strangely, he looked at the zombie bat a few more times.

From this look, I found a suspicious point~www.readwn.com~ These zombie bats are all level 1 monsters. It stands to reason that the level 1 monsters infected by the zombie virus are basically tattered, some The bones were broken, and some heads were tilted.

Only after the level gets higher and higher, as the self-healing ability appears and strengthens, the bodies of zombies and monsters will become more and more complete.

For example, a level 6 zombie has almost the same body as a normal person.

However, although these zombie bats are of low level, each body is very complete.

There is no sign of damage.

Coupled with the feeling of blood boiling from the body after these zombie bats bit themselves.

Thinking of these, Zhang Fan suddenly realized that "it's not a zombie bat"

Wait, it's not a zombie bat, what would it be

As Zhang Fan was thinking, the forest in front had disappeared, and a clearing appeared in front of him.

There was no shelter from the trees in the open space, and the bats immediately wrapped Zhang Fan and surrounded him tightly.

Zhang Fan only felt bitten by countless bats on his head, hands, and face.

He hardly has any resistance.

Can only run desperately with both feet.

Can't see the direction, can't see any scene.

In this way, he endured the constant pain that came from his body, one foot high and one foot lower, and he ran forward.

When I thought that maybe it was over, at a certain moment, he suddenly felt light.

The whole person fell down at a rapid speed.

The bats around disappeared instantly.

There was only a whistling sound in my ears.

He opened his eyes and looked around, only to realize that he had run out of the cliff and was falling down extremely fast.

The bats above their heads obviously didn't expect to fall suddenly. After a bit of a daze, they chased them down again.

Whether it is being caught by a bat or falling, there is only one result.


End of this chapter

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