Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 531: Dou Zhang Xiaoliang

? Because Asia is too far away from the Arctic ice sheet, even at the speed of the corpse owner, it will take at least three days to rush back.

Zhang Fan can take advantage of these three days to massacre and plunder these zombies in Asia.

At the same time, after sucking the blood of the ice lizard, the mouse seemed to have been sleeping in the secondary space.

This guy is really getting lazy.

Zhang Fan didn't bother to pay attention to it.

But by the morning of the third day, it finally woke up.

After communicating with Zhang Fan's consciousness, it knew that Zhang Fan had been massacring those zombies these days.

And now Zhang Fan is devouring the blood core of a corpse king.

It couldn't help but said with some disdain: "Still slaughtering these zombies that are not up to the table? You will have such a good life in this life."

Zhang Fan said indifferently to this guy's ridicule: "Otherwise?"

"Come on, now that you have me, you can do whatever you want for good? Still swallowing low-level goods such as the blood core of the corpse king? Isn't it possible to get a blood core of the corpse king to taste?"

Zhang Fan said, "Blood core of the corpse king? To put it lightly. If the corpse king is so easy to be killed, is it still a corpse king?"

The little guy said in a voice that hates iron but steel, "I have said that now you have me, you can do whatever you want. Do you think that after my evolution, the illusion that I set up can't confuse a small corpse emperor?"

When Zhang Fan heard this, his heart suddenly moved: "Can you confuse the corpse emperor now?"

As far as Zhang Fan knew, the illusion of the white mouse in the past had some effect on the corpse king, but it had no effect on the corpse king and above.

Could it be said that after this little guy has evolved, he has a stronger mind and can really have an effect on the corpse king?

"Remove the question mark at the back."

The white mouse replied with a look of old gods.

"Very good, then let's go to Zhang Xiaoliang and try now."

Zhang Xiaoliang wanted to kill himself many times before, but Zhang Fan kept this account in his heart.

If the white mouse can really affect the mind of the corpse emperor, it is naturally impossible for him to let Zhang Xiaoliang go.

The most important thing is that after Zhang Fan's current strength has reached the Intermediate Martial Spirit, he has swallowed some ordinary corpse kings, the effect is no longer great.

If he can swallow a corpse emperor's blood core, there is no doubt that he will immediately be promoted to a senior martial spirit.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan nodded immediately and said: "Then go find Zhang Xiaoliang and try!"


At the same time, Zhang Xiaoliang was hiding in an inconspicuous small town.

A few days ago, they trapped Zhang Fan with the Seven Emperors Ten Thousand Killing Array, and almost killed Zhang Fan.

Suddenly a Wu Yue appeared, not only saved Zhang Fan, but also killed one of them.

This makes all the corpse emperors secretly panic.

Killing a blood emperor in front of the corpse owner and the six blood emperors, how terrible is Wu Yue this guy?

And at that time, he saw Wu Yue's appearance, he went to hunt down the other three corpse emperors who had been poisoned.

In other words, Wu Yue didn't seem to plan to let go of any corpse emperor at all.

Zhang Xiaoliang was still very afraid of this poisonous guy.

So he was alone, hiding in this humble town without telling anyone.

Asia is so big, Wu Yue wants to find him, the probability is also very small.

The dignified Asian corpse emperor hides in such a poor country.

Zhang Xiaoliang's heart is naturally very aggrieved.

But this is also no way.

Hiding in this town, at least the safety of his body is guaranteed.

However, he didn't know how powerful Zhang Fan's nano watch was.

When Zhang Fan met Zhang Xiaoliang for the first time, the Nano Watch had already established a secret connection with Zhang Xiaoliang's multifunctional watch.

As long as Zhang Xiaoliang is within 100 kilometers of the Nano Watch, he will be detected by the Nano Watch.

Zhang Fan first asked Nano Watch to search the networks of these nearby cities and found the place where Zhang Xiaoliang appeared recently.

Then in the vicinity of this place, use the nano watch to constantly search for the signal of Zhang Xiaoliang's multifunctional watch.

After about two hours, he had found the town where Zhang Xiaoliang was located.

There are about a thousand zombies in this town.

Because Zhou advocated the arrival of Xiaoliang, the peaceful town in the past became lively.

Although Zhang Xiaoliang ordered them to be silent, these zombies were still busy quietly.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the whole town seemed peaceful and busy.

In such peace and busyness, Zhang Fan walked into the town openly.

His appearance caused all the zombies in the town to be stunned for a moment.

After all, this place is very deep in the wild, and almost no human will come here.

They have not seen a living human for nearly two hundred years, and now a human being suddenly appears here, how can this not surprise them?

After being surprised, all the zombies were excited, and they all rushed towards Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan didn't have any politeness, and the blood vine gene was thrown out, and the whole town suddenly became a slaughterhouse.

More than a thousand zombies, in just ten seconds, they all turned into flesh and blood in one place.

Blood vines crisscross the entire town, and blood flows into channels.

In the tallest five-story building in the town, Zhang Xiaoliang suddenly felt like Brother Dao after seeing this scene.

He is not afraid of Zhang Fan, his hard power is obviously far beyond Zhang Fan.

But now he, the owner of the continent, had the main city destroyed because of Zhang Fan's martial spirit, and the main city that had just been built was destroyed.

It's good now, even the small town where I was staying has been destroyed.

Zhang Fan, what kind of hatred is this?

Do you want to treat me like this?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoliang jumped directly out of the building, separated from Zhang Fan by fifty meters, pointed at Zhang Fan, and asked:

"Zhang Fan~www.readwn.com~ what do you want to do? Where did I go, where did you get it, now I'm hiding in this broken town, and you have to chase it. Are you the **** you still a human?"

Zhang Fan said coldly: "What I want is actually very simple."

Zhang Xiaoliang listened and said, "Let's listen."

As long as Zhang Fan has requirements, as the corpse emperor, it is easy for him to meet these requirements.

I'm afraid that Zhang Fan doesn't make any request, it will be difficult.

Zhang Fan looked directly at Zhang Xiaoliang, without the kind of humility that he should have when he was two steps lower than the opponent.

Then he spoke lightly: "What I want is very simple, it is your life!"

When the corpse emperor heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed and said, "Zhang Fan, your personal strength is very strong. That's right. But you think you can kill a corpse emperor casually with your current strength. , Then you are so naive."

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