Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 558: The first to pass the test

? In the eyes of the Longevity Gate, there are no zombies, humans, and blood races.

Therefore, whether it is a zombie, a human or a blood race, the hierarchy is exactly the same.

Above the spirit martial artist is Wu Ling;

Above Wu Ling is the King of Wu;

Above Wu Wang is Wu Huang;

Above the Emperor Wu are the saints.

Above the saint martial artist, is the strongest martial saint.

The head of the Changshengmen is a martial sage.

And now the realm of Dracula is the blood ancestor, which is equivalent to a paladin who is only one rank lower than the head.

With such strength, it should not be difficult to carry these lightning strikes with your body.

So he is most likely to be the first to come out.

At the same time, Wu Yue's body was no longer a physical entity, but a collection of smoke-like objects.

It is not surprising that such a body can bear a lightning strike.

As for that Tana, although it is not as likely as these two people, she is also equivalent to the realm of King Wu.

The longevity gate has already done calculations, and the lowest limit that can pass the power grid is the corpse king.

So Tana also has a chance to pass, although the chance is far from the other two.

As for Zhang Fan and the other two zombies, they didn't even think about it.

Those two zombies are the head zombies, equivalent to Wuling.

Zhang Fan is also in the realm of Wuling.

They couldn't even reach the minimum pass.

If they forcibly enter the power grid, there will only be one result: being bombed into scum.

So they didn't think about these three people at all.

At this moment, a Changshengmen pointed at the power grid and said: "Look, someone is coming out."

Everyone looked at the person, and saw that person was naked.

Obviously, his clothes had already been burned in hundreds of lightning strikes.

His skin was burnt black long ago, and his hair was standing upright.

In this case, he couldn't see his face at all.

They want to use their breath to determine who this person is, and that's impossible.

Because the influence of magnetic fields and electrons in the power grid is too great, the breath is also extremely unstable.

But they all believe that this person must be Dracula.

Because only Dracula has such strength.

Liu Wuxu looked at a very special kind of watch on his wrist that was constantly shaking like a liquid, nodded, and said, "One day and three hours, um, this speed has been in recent years. Outstanding."

"Sure enough, the speed at which a paladin can pass this level is far from comparable to others."

"I think it took two days to get out when I passed the exam."

"This Dracula not only has a first-class admission ticket, but also has such a strong strength. He is very likely to become the head disciple."

"In that case, we will call him senior brother."

"But having said that, he was introduced to the sect by us. If he becomes the head in the future, wouldn't we get a lot of benefits?"

The more people talked, the more excited they became.

As for the Jiu Shishu, he didn't even look at the side of the power grid.

After taking a sip of wine, his eyes narrowed.

It seems that I can sleep to death at any time.

Amidst these people's discussions, the people on the power grid walked out with a gap of ten meters.

In the last ten meters, he was not knocked down even once.

With his not strong body, he carried the billowing thunder abruptly, step by step, slowly and firmly, walking towards the exit.

From the outside, he didn't seem to be bombarded by those blood-red lightnings, but the lightnings seemed to be born inside him.

And he didn't look like a mortal, but like Thor.

Looking at the situation, the few people in the Changshengmen were all in a daze.

You should know that even if the average disciple passed the grid of this kilometer, they were all extremely embarrassed and crawled out.

This person is good, but step by step, he walked out abruptly.

It seemed that the thousands of lightning bolts on his body had no effect at all.

After stunned for a moment, a disciple of the Longevity School couldn't help but exclaimed: "As expected of a paladin, the physical strength is too strong!"

"Yes, most of the disciples we recruited in the past were in the realm of King Martial Arts or Emperor Martial Arts, and there was never a paladin. This Dracula was the first paladin we recruited. Naturally, the physical strength is far beyond ordinary disciples.

"Yes, this is a paladin who is only one rank lower than the head, and is stronger than us. He can pass through the power grid in this way, although it is unexpected, but it is reasonable."

Liu Wuxu looked at the "Thunder God" in surprise, his eyes a little dull.

Only the Nine Master Uncle, who seemed indifferent to all of this, sat on the rock next to him, leaning on a boulder, yawned, and seemed to be about to fall asleep.

Finally, in the eyes of everyone, the man took the last step and came out of the grid.

At this moment, the three junior brothers behind Liu Wuxu couldn't help but quickly greet them.

You know, Dracula has a first-class admission ticket, and now his body strength is so strong, the future is definitely boundless.

How can they not take advantage of this opportunity to build relationships?

"Junior Brother Dracula, one day and three hours, you broke the record!"

"Yes, Junior Brother Dracula, even if most people barely pass this level, it will take at least two days or more. You only took one day and three hours, which is really fast. I am ashamed!"

"Eh, how can you still be called a brother? Although we are brothers early in the longevity gate, we are brothers late. But there is another rule, that is, the direct disciples of the head are all brothers. Senior Brother Dracula’s strength, This good fortune must be a direct disciple of the head. Let alone us, even our master must be called Senior Brother, so it must be called Senior Brother Dracula."

When this disciple said so, other disciples responded.

"This is our negligence, but I hope Senior Brother Dracula is not to blame."

"Senior Brother Dracula has a large number of people, so naturally we don't account for the negligence of those of us."

Liu Wuxu is obviously a little bit uncomfortable with the flattering of these juniors ~ www.readwn.com~ so quickly.

However, he is kind, and at this time people have just experienced nine deaths from the power grid, it is not easy to dissuade him.

So he also stepped forward, bowed his hand to the man whose body was as black as coke, and said, "Dracula, congratulations on passing the second level."

He is very rule-abiding, before he started, he was not considered a person of longevity.

So he is neither called Senior Brother nor Junior Brother.

At this moment, the man who was covered in coke and smoked from his body said: "I am Zhang Fan."

Suddenly, everyone present was dumbfounded.

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