Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 566: Distribute energy stones

? Zhang Fan originally thought that with his current strength and current strength, even if he had to do handyman duties, he would do some difficult things.

Unexpectedly, it started from carrying water.

In the first week, he had a tough pick.

You can only pick up to seven times a day.

This is even less than one-third of the 30 times the minimum required by others.

He is obviously stronger than a dozen other handymen who carry water, and his strength is also greater, but he can basically easily complete the task of thirty times a day.

Zhang Fan asked these handymen.

These handymen who carried water told him that carrying water not only requires great strength, but also the cooperation of hands, eyes, feet and so on.

For example, this pole is made of bamboo, and it will sway up and down when carrying water.

When the pole is swaying downwards, if your step just lifts up, it is equivalent to using the opposite force to the pole.

This will make carrying water more difficult.

On the contrary, when the pole swayed downward, your steps just fell;

When the pole swings upwards, your steps have just been lifted, so that when you fall together, it just matches the rhythm of the pole, which saves a lot of effort.

After understanding these techniques, Zhang Fan picked up the water again, and it was really easier.

Fifteen trips were completed on the same day, which was half of the standard number.

However, if the frequency is not reached, there will be no food.

Even if Zhang Fan doesn't rely much on food now, but the body consumes so much every day, if he doesn't eat, he still can't hold it.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan has compressed biscuits brought from the earth before.

A biscuit is enough for him to consume for a day.


At the same time, in the past few days, after Dracula entered the mountain gate, he has been favored by the elder and became the elder's personal disciple.

The status is much higher than the other brothers.

Although Wu Yue did not become a direct disciple of the elders, as a second-class disciple, he could study and practice normally without doing handyman duties.

As a third-class disciple, Tana started as a handyman.

But the handyman at the inner door is completely different from the handyman at the outer door.

The work of the handyman at the inner door is not as heavy as the one at the outer door.

Every day is the easy task of cleaning the courtyard, sorting out cheats, and sending and receiving letters.

Especially for the Tana people who are so beautiful, the work assigned to her by the brothers who assigned the work is easier, that is, every morning class, breakfast, lunch, dinner, evening class, bedtime and other time periods, just ring the bell.

Sure enough, not only the earth is a world that looks at faces, but this fairy world is also a world that looks at faces.


Time flies, they have been in the immortal world for a month.

In this month, Dracula has accepted the guidance of the great elder to systematically learn the cultivation of Longevity Secrets, and some cultivation methods about body refining and Qi refining;

According to Wu Yue's characteristics, Wu Yue's master specially adapted a set of practice methods for Wu Yue to practice.

After practicing this technique, Wu Yue's grasp of poison became more and more accurate, and his strength increased extremely quickly.

Apart from doing handyman duties, Tana has also begun to practice the longevity formula.

Only Zhang Fan, as an outer disciple, had a heavy workload and had no time to practice.

Of course, this is because there is no time to practice in the eyes of others.

In fact, Zhang Fan would enter the secondary biological space every night after others fell asleep to practice the longevity formula.

One night of cultivation is equivalent to someone else's cultivation for a month.

And this month, Zhang Fan became more proficient and more handy in picking up water.

He is now able to reach the standard of 30 trips a day.

Every day you can eat Jangshengmen meals.

This longevity meal seems to have some inexplicable benefits.

Zhang Fan’s greatest feeling is that he can relieve fatigue and help his body recover quickly.

At the same time, during this month, Zhang Fan also asked how the outer disciples entered the inner door.

Every year there is an exam for the outer disciples, and the top 30 outer disciples can enter the inner door.

This is what all the outer disciples are eagerly looking forward to, but for 30,000 disciples, only the top 30 are selected. The difficulty can be imagined.

Zhang Fan's idea now is for the exam eleven months later.

This day is the beginning of the month.

Zhang Fan got up early in the morning and everyone he saw seemed very excited.

Zhang Fan was a little puzzled, and asked a handyman who carried water: "Brother, why do you all seem to be so happy today?"

The handyman who carried the water said, "Of course I am happy! What day is it?"

"August 1st. Is it possible that Army Day is also celebrated here?"

Zhang Fan asked unconsciously.

"What Army Day?"


Zhang Fan thought that people in this fairy world have almost never been to the earth, so naturally they don't know what Earth China's Army Day is.

The handyman carrying water didn't wait for Zhang Fan to explain, and said, "Today is the number one, it's the day for the energy stone!"

Zhang Fan just remembered. He had heard that on the first of every month, the Changshengmen would issue energy stones to his disciples.

These Outer Sect disciples, due to their heavy work, spend very little time on cultivation.

The energy stone is very important to them.

No wonder these outer disciples are so excited.

"Then how many energy stones will you get for handymen like us?"

Zhang Fan asked.

"A disciple like us who has been here for more than three years can receive five. As for a newcomer like you, you can only receive two. But two energy stones are for an outsider like us. In fact, it’s also very important, aren’t you excited?"

After listening to Zhang Fan, he suddenly lost interest.

He now has more than 300,000 energy stones.

These two energy stones are really insignificant.

Seeing that Zhang Fan was not at all excited, the handyman said strangely: "What? Really not excited yet? I saw the handyman who was not excited yet when I heard the energy stone, I saw it for the first time."

"Whether we are happy or not, sad or not, anyway, the rated energy stone will definitely be sent to us."

Zhang Fan said.

The handyman gave Zhang Fan a thumbs up and said, "Your realm is much higher than mine. But at six o'clock in the afternoon, after work is over, go to Brother He to get the energy stone, don't forget."

"Oh, I see."

After Zhang Fan finished speaking, he continued to carry water.

At six o'clock in the afternoon ~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Fan followed a group of handymen to the courtyard where Brother He lived.

Although this kind of yard with three houses looks inconspicuous, those who can live in this kind of yard in the outer door are all quite distinguished people.

You know, Zhang Fan and the others are still a dormitory with fifty people.

Outside the door of He Xie's courtyard, there was already a long queue.

Zhang Fan and those who carried water lined up behind the long dragon.

The long dragon moved slowly. It took a full two hours, at eight o'clock, and the sun was about to set, when more than a dozen handymen carrying water came to the yard.

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