Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 580: Ripped off

After Zhang Fan was promoted to the 1st level of Wu Wang, his strength increased by more than twenty times.

It's much easier to stir up water.

Can easily complete 30 missions every day.

Of course, he is not a fool, even if he can complete the task easily, he will not just carry water with his head buried.

Like everyone else, he picked slowly.

As long as you can guarantee the completion of thirty missions per day.

In this way, even if He Xie and Fatty wanted to whole Zhang Fan, they couldn't get hold of it.

And every night, Zhang Fan would enter the secondary biological space to practice the longevity formula.

At the same time, his body is constantly absorbing the energy in the energy stone.

After being promoted to King Wu, the energy required for every small increase in strength is extremely huge.

So even Zhang Fan is not as easy as before.

He consumes an energy stone almost every night.

According to his estimation, he might have to consume the energy in the 1,000 energy stones to make him a level higher.

In other words, it would take nearly three years to improve one level at the current rate.

This is already very fast for others to upgrade to a level for decades or even hundreds of years.

But for Zhang Fan, who is accustomed to rapid improvement, he felt that it was still too slow.

We must find a way to get some drugs that can make people improve quickly.

There are two ways to get these drugs.

One is to go to Yao Lao;

The other is to enter the inner door, and you will receive that kind of medicine or herbal medicine.

Zhang Fan directly dispelled his first thought.

Last time I went to Yaolao's place, I evacuated the medicine field of Yaolao directly.

I am afraid that I have been blacklisted by Yao Lao now, how can I get drugs again?

Then there is only the second method, after eleven months, take the internal exam.

Therefore, during these 11 months, Zhang Fan still had to carry water every day and enter the secondary biological space to practice cultivation every night.

After a month of this kind of life, someone suddenly came to Zhang Fan.

The disciple said, "I am the Lingyao Peak who takes care of the Yaotian. Yao always looks for you."

Zhang Fan was a little bit confused. It has been a month since he visited Lingyao Peak last time.

With Yao Lao's personality, he emptied his bodybuilding grass by himself. He should be so distressed that he should be directly blacklisted.

Why would you come to yourself again?

"Brother Yao, is there anything wrong with Yao Lao looking for me?"

Zhang Fan asked.

"My surname is Sun, so you can call me Senior Brother Sun. I don't know what Yao Lao is asking for you. I'm just a messenger. You should ask Yao Lao yourself."

Zhang Fan nodded, and immediately got up with that Senior Brother Sun, left the Houshan Vegetable Garden and headed for the Spirit Medicine Peak.

"Zhang Fan, why did you leave suddenly? If today's task is not completed, it will be bad for you."

He Xie saw it from a distance and cried out.

But because of the last time, he dare not yell at Zhang Fan now.

Zhang Fan was too lazy to talk to him and didn't answer at all.

The Senior Brother Sun turned his head and glared at He Xie: "Does Yao always go to him and report to you?"

In a word, He Xie withered on the spot.

Although he is Zhang Fan's superior, Yao Lao's position in the Longevity Gate is extremely special.

Not to mention the outer disciple, even the inner disciple, he would call as he wanted to, without reporting to anyone.

Now he is in charge of a small Houshan vegetable garden, how dare he manage Yao Lao's affairs?

But there was secret joy in his heart.

Yao Lao went to Zhang Fan. Could it be the 1,000 herbs that Zhang Fan obtained by improper means last time, Yao Lao wanted to retaliate against him, right?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, he was in a good mood, and he was about to report the matter to the fat man.

When the fat man heard about this, he also thought it was very possible.

"Senior Brother Pang, if Mr. Yao is really making trouble for him, after this kid comes back, he won't be able to finish his 30 missions today, and we can take the opportunity to fix him."

"Yes, this can be regarded as an indirect vent for the medicine."

The two of them made up their minds, and they asked people to inquire about the situation, and waited for Zhang Fan to return.

The disciples who carried water secretly worried about Zhang Fan.

"Junior Brother Zhang Fan is going there this time, I am afraid it is really bad luck."

"Yeah, last time he didn't know what method he used, he actually got thousands of herbs from Lingyao Peak. I must be furious to come to Yaolao. Now I need him to fix it."

"Hey, if that's the case, not only will Yao always fix him. He has delayed today's task, and He Xie will not let him go."


Half an hour later, Zhang Fan was taken to Spirit Medicine Peak by Senior Brother Sun.

Yao Lao is busy in a medicine field.

Seeing Zhang Fan's arrival, he stopped his work and left the medicine field.

After washing his hands in the spring water next to him, he asked straightforwardly: "Zhang Fan, do you have that kind of detoxification and beauty capsules?"

Zhang Fan did not answer directly, but instead asked:

"Why? Yao Lao thinks this thing works well, right?"

"It's not only good, the effect is simply great! After eating, the headache and dizziness disappeared, and the body is not painful or itchy in the cold and cold places. The constipation has completely disappeared. It has been a month and I have not committed it again."

Yao Lao seemed to be in a good mood: "I want to study your medicine, do you still have it?"

"There are, but there are not many."

Zhang Fan knew when he heard that there was an opportunity for ripping off, so he added the sentence "not much" at the end.

Yao Lao said: "Then give me some advice, I want to study."

Yao Lao said very domineering, just "give me a few boards".

"It's not impossible to give you a few boards." Zhang Fan looked embarrassed, "but after giving it to you, I won't have it. And...this involves the issue of intellectual property rights. I..."

Old Yao naturally knew what Zhang Fan was thinking about, and said with a smile: "Smelly boy, just say what you want."

When I said this, I suddenly remembered Zhang Fan’s last time when the lion had opened his mouth, he was shocked, and said quickly: "Make it clear in advance, don’t give me any more herbal ideas. Even if you want herbal medicines, you can’t have more than ten herbs. ."

After speaking, Yao Lao breathed a sigh of relief.

I am a little scared~www.readwn.com~ I was almost knocked out by this kid.

If he really made him speak loudly, he would still lose how many herbs.

Zhang Fan was a bit speechless.

What do you have at Spirit Medicine Peak?

There are also herbs.

What else can you tell me about not letting me take herbal medicine?


Zhang Fan suddenly thought of something.

Yao Lao should have the kind of herbs that can improve his strength.

In the past, those herbs were extremely precious, and only inner disciples could obtain them.

But now Yao Lao needs his own detoxification and beauty capsules, he should have a chance to get it, right?

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