Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 592: Yao old disciple

"Give you two choices, either let me compete or die."

In Zhang Fan's eyes, the killing intent appeared.

The fat man saw the undoubted killing intent in Zhang Fan's eyes, and his heart was horrified, and his face instantly turned pale.

He knew that Zhang Fan did what he said, and if he didn't let him compete, he would definitely kill himself.

When the other disciples around saw each other, they were shocked.

This Senior Brother Pang, as the supervisor of the 30,000 disciples of the Outer Sect, does not dare to offend him on weekdays.

Is this picture crazy?

Dare to threaten Senior Brother Pang by the collar?

"Zhang...Zhang Fan, what are you doing?"

"Zhang Fan, if you really move Brother Pang, you won't be able to enter the inner door in this life."

"You are killing each other at the same door, let alone entering the inner door, it is light to expel it directly from the longevity door!"

Hearing these words, the fat man became a little more courageous.

"Zhang...Zhang Fan, I always do things fairly and openly. If you miss the registration time, you have to wait for next year. If you really kill you, don't even want to enter the inner door in this life!"

When he said this, the fat man was also trying to figure out Zhang Fan's psychology.

He knew that a disciple like Zhang Fan who desperately wanted to enter the inner door would do anything to enter the inner door.

Now that he said so, Zhang Fan would definitely not dare to do it.

Zhang Fan looked down at the fat man with cold eyes, and his heart became angry.

In order to resurrect Ling Xiao, he wanted to join the inner door.

As a result, this guy stopped himself again and again.

Even if he couldn't kill the fat man in order to enter the inner door, it would be hard to get rid of the hatred if he didn't beat him out for a while.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan held the fat man's neckline with his left hand, and his right hand was rounded, just like a big mouth.


This slap made the sound extremely loud and quieted the noisy square.

All 30,000 disciples stopped their movements and looked at Zhang Fan in surprise.

This is the first time they have seen an outside disciple in so many years, and they dare to beat the fat man.

And he beat Fatty in front of all 30,000 disciples.

The fat man was also directly stunned, feeling his head dizzy.

"Zhang... Zhang Fan... You're looking for death..."


Before he finished speaking, Zhang Fan slapped him up again.

This slap is louder than before.

The fat man spun around and flew up.

Due to the principle of centrifugal force, his muscles spread outwards during the flight, and he felt that the whole person was a bit fatter than before.

After landing, he came back "thin" again.

At this moment, he saw two bright red palm prints on his face, one left and one right.

A mouth, spit out the teeth mixed with blood.

Since Zhang Fan started, there is no reason to stop.

Take another kick.


The fat man wiped the ground and flew out more than fifty meters before knocking down a flagpole on the east side of the square, and then stopped.

At this moment, the entire square was strangely quiet.

Even the five inner disciples who were in charge of proctoring the exams were so surprised to see this scene.

Don't think Fatty is just an outer disciple, but he is in charge of the entire outer disciple, and he has great power.

Therefore, many inner disciples are afraid to say a word to the fat man.

Now this outer disciple is better, in front of so many people, fat beats fat man.

Is this going crazy?

After reacting, an invigilator put **** together, one to Zhang Fan, and shouted:

"Presumptuous! It is totally unreasonable for a disciple of the outer sect to dare to beat the supervisor of the outer sect openly!"

When everyone listened, their hearts were shocked.

Especially those disciples who carry water.

They hadn't seen Zhang Fan for more than two months. They didn't expect Zhang Fan to be so irritable that he would hold the fat man when he came back.

Now that the invigilators have spoken, Zhang Fan is probably going to be bad.

However, Zhang Fan didn't take the invigilator's words seriously at all, and jumped to the fat man.

Lift your foot and step on the fat man's face.

Pop pop

With one foot and one foot, the fat man screamed like he didn't want money.

The invigilator thought that Zhang Fan had to stop anyway with his roar.

Unexpectedly, this outsider disciple would even ignore the words of his own invigilator.

He was so angry that his beard was curled up.

"Come on, tie up this kid for me, I will take him to the inner door and hand it to the sixth elder!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

The six elders are in charge of punishment in the longevity gate.

Generally, only disciples who have committed serious crimes will be handed over to the sixth elders.

And if it is dealt with by the six elders, it will be lashed by three hundred, and it will be killed directly!

Zhang Fan is really out of luck this time.

When the fat man heard this, the face that had been stepped on like a cake suddenly showed a hard smile.

Zhang Fan is really going to die this time.

Those disciples who carried water were worried.

If Zhang Fanruo is handed over to the Sixth Elder, let alone enter the inner gate, it is not certain whether he will survive.

With the order of the invigilator, the disciples around were gearing up to rush towards Zhang Fan.

After all, they all want to perform in front of the invigilator.

If they leave a good impression, their scores on this exam will definitely be a little higher.

Maybe these points can make them an inner disciple.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly approached from far away, overwhelming everyone's noise.

"Zhang Fan, I found you. Where have you been these days? I have looked for you no less than ten times."

Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice, and saw this person in his fifties, in black clothes and black robe, and even the hat on his head was black.

The word "medicine" is embroidered on the left chest.

Everyone knows this person, the director of Lingyao Peak, Yao Changxin.

Everyone was shocked.

Especially the five invigilators, at this time all clasped their fists to the medicine director: "Medical director!"

Yao Changxin just nodded to them, then ignored them and walked directly to Zhang Fan.

The five proctors were secretly puzzled.

Lingyao Peak has a special status in the longevity gate, and Yaolao's status is even more special.

After all, the herbs that can enhance their strength every year are controlled by the old man.

If someone is not good, offends Yao Lao, and cuts off their supply, they will really cry.

So even those elders dare not disrespect Yao Lao.

The status of the disciples of ~www.readwn.com~ Lingyao Peak has also risen.

The position of the master of Lingyao Peak is naturally very high.

Except for the head elder of the inner sect, and the disciples of the older generation, the remaining Mesozoic disciples and these new generation disciples must give three points of courtesy to the director of Lingyao Peak.

Such a big man, come to find an outer disciple of Zhang Fan?

This is confusing anyway.

Zhang Fan took his feet away from the fat man's face, looked at the medicine Changxin, and asked, "Look for me? Anything?"

Yao Changxin gave Zhang Fan a fist: "I have to congratulate you. Yao Lao wants to recruit a closed disciple, and he likes you."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole square was silent!

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