Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 595: Yao Lao's shock

After serving the tea, I called for Master.

After Yao Older agreed, they were regarded as formal mentors.

Elder Yao called his nine other direct disciples and thirty-three disciples over again, pointed to Zhang Fan and introduced them to them: "This is the closed disciple I just received. You should all have heard the news. "

The disciples nodded one after another.

Yao Lao said: "Zhang Fan, make a self-introduction and get to know each other."

Zhang Fan immediately introduced himself to everyone.

Other disciples saluted Zhang Fan one after another.

Yao Lao's other nine direct disciples shouted in unison, "Junior Brother Zhang."

And the disciples of Yao Lao's re-transmission are called Zhang Fan: "Brother Zhang."

At the same time, on the edge of a medicine field.

Wu Yue stood up slowly.

Although he has been kneeling for nearly two months, his body is only condensed from poisonous mist, without meridians and blood, so after kneeling for nearly two months, he moves as freely as a human being.

But his mood is not as comfortable as "body".

He originally thought that the old man Yao said that he closed the disciples was just an excuse, in order to drive himself away.

Only now I discovered that Yao Lao really accepted Zhang Fan as a closed disciple.

Then I have no hope at all.

He glanced at Zhang Fan from a distance, with a trace of hatred in his eyes, then turned around and walked down the Spirit Medicine Peak step by step.

Zhang Fan was actually a little confused at this time.

Why would Yao Lao favor himself?

Is it because you made him a thousand herbal medicines and gave him a few boxes of detoxification and beauty capsules, so you fell in love with yourself?

This is impossible.

Next, Old Yao dismissed all the disciples and said to Zhang Fan: "Let me go to the bamboo house. You will come at the latest, so hurry up and study. I must hurry up to teach you."


Zhang Fan responded and followed Yao Lao to a distant bamboo forest.

In the medicine field, Yao Qian, Yao Lao's big disciple, watched Zhang Fan leave with Yao Lao, with a strange look in his eyes.

The second disciple Yao caught sight of him, and smiled: "Big brother, usually the master takes a certain disciple to the bamboo house and teaches some dry goods. We work so hard to serve Master on weekdays, and his old man may not be able to do it for a month. Take us there once. This picture of Junior Brother Fan just arrived and was taken to the bamboo house. Sure enough, every master’s favorite is the closed disciple."

After listening to the medicine money, his brows frowned slightly, and he said, "Second Junior Brother, do you want to provoke the relationship between our senior brothers?"

Yao Lian hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Big brother is serious. The Lingyao Peak code is clearly written, and you must not instigate the relationship between the brothers. Even if you give me ten more courage, I will not dare to instigate everyone's relationship. what."

"That's good."

The medicine money sneered.

Yao Lian sneered secretly in his heart: Seeing your unhappy look, do I need to provoke it? I'm just a fun watcher at best.


Let's say that Zhang Fan was taken to the bamboo house by Yao Lao.

Yao Lao turned around and closed the door.

Zhang Fan always finds the atmosphere a bit weird.

Two big men are locked in a small room. What are they going to do?

When he saw Yao Lao's expression clearly, he was even more shocked.

Why does Yao Lao's expression look so... Yin Dang?

Upon closer inspection, he saw Yao Lao eyebrows and smiles, his sparse beard turned upside down, completely devoid of the majesty and coldness he had during his apprenticeship.

Zhang Fan secretly said that it was not good.

This guy is not Yao Lao, he should be called Ji Lao.

Yao Lao approached Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan quickly took a step back: "Don't come...or I will call someone..."

"Hey, a special defense layer has been laid around my house. Even if you break your throat, no one can hear you."

The old medicine is completely exposed.

Zhang Fan swallowed and said, "What on earth do you want?"

Old Yao smiled and said, "I just want to check your body."

"I go!"

Zhang Fan cursed and was about to continue.

Yao Lao said: "I don't understand, what kind of medicine you little guy took. You haven't seen it in just two months, and you have been promoted by two consecutive levels."

When Zhang Fan heard this, he was relieved and stopped avoiding.

Yao Lao walked over and turned on the super watch on his left wrist. A green light was projected on the watch. After scanning Zhang Fan twice, a lot of data appeared on the virtual screen of the super watch.

Old Yao looked at the data and wondered: "The data are all normal, why did they get promoted so fast? Generally speaking, even if someone is talented, it will take at least ten years for each level to be promoted after reaching the King of Wu. . And the further you go, the slower you get promoted. It takes at least twenty-three years to be promoted from the first-level martial king to the third-level martial king. This is still the most talented.

"But you little fellow, in just two months, you have been promoted from the first-level martial king to the third-level martial king. This is really too fast. What kind of medicine did you take?"

Zhang Fan rolled his eyes and said, "This may be the medicinal effect of Yao Lao's thousand bodybuilding plants."

"Nonsense. Bodybuilding grass can only be used to temper the body. When can it help people improve their strength?"

Yao Lao scolded.

Zhang Fan shrugged: "It can only be that my talent is too high, it has reached the historical level."

Old Yao shook his head, sighed, and said, "I won't be able to study it for a while. I can only take you to the bamboo house to study often in the future."

"Still don't."

Zhang Fan felt a chill.

You make yourself uncomfortable once you come, and come often?

"The other disciples are eager to let me bring them, why are you still not happy?"

Yao Lao asked.

"That... I have claustrophobia."

Zhang Fan casually said nonsense.

Old Yao didn't care about this with him, and a silver smile appeared on his face.

Zhang Fan had a chill again and asked, "What are you doing again?"

Yao Lao approached Zhang Fan again and said, "I have thoroughly researched the detox and beauty capsules you gave last time, and then added some other medicinal materials to make the detox and beauty capsules more effective. It works. The detoxification and beauty capsules that I have developed can not only detoxify, but also firm the skin and delay aging."

"and then?"

Zhang Fan asked ~www.readwn.com~ Then, do you have any other medicines? Let me study it too. Although the medicine produced in your small place has extremely poor efficacy, as long as one or two raw materials are changed, the efficacy of the medicine can be increased thousands of times. "

Zhang Fan understands, no wonder this old guy accepted himself as a closed disciple, it turned out to be the idea.

But fortunately, since he had the idea of ​​medicinal materials on his body, many things were easy to handle.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan made a reluctant expression of love, in fact, he randomly found out a packet of medicine in the secondary biological space and gave it to Yao Lao.

Old Yao took the packet of medicine, looked at it carefully for a moment, and said, "This is... Isatis root? What is the effect?"

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