Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 597: Outsider

Zhang Fan understands Yao Lao's intention.

Just to treat himself better, so that he can take the medicine from himself better.

But to be honest, this Wen Dong and Wen Jing are really pleasing to the eye.

The two look cute.

Especially these two big eyes, blinking and blinking, seem to be full of curiosity about everything.

Just like the eyes of a child.

Wen Dong said to Zhang Fan: "Senior Brother Zhang, we can do whatever we need to do whatever you want to do in the future."

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "You don't have to do a lot of work. Just keep the house and yard clean and not let others disturb you. The others I'm talking about include my seniors. Understand?"


Wen Dong nodded and said.

Wen Jing just nodded without answering.

"I want to go into the house to practice. If nothing happens, don't disturb me."


The text responds to the soundtrack.

Wen Jing still just nodded.

Zhang Fan entered the room and directly entered the secondary biological space to practice drinking.

Wen Dong saw Zhang Fan enter the house, he sighed in relief, patted his chest, and said, "I was scared to death. I was also worried that Senior Brother Zhang would be very fierce. I didn't expect to be so approachable and lacking a bit of air."


Wen Jing responded.

Wen Dong said: "Some of the brothers we served before were fierce, and some often bullied us. This brother Zhang should not be able to. I heard that he used to carry water in the Houshan vegetable garden. He also suffered. Should treat us well."


Wen Jing still just returned a word.


Zhang Fan practiced in the secondary biological space for two months.

It was only a day in reality.

He returned to reality, greeted Wen Dong and Wen Jing, and asked the **** the left: "Wen Dong, is there anything going on this day?"

Wen shook his head and said, "Nothing."

Then he looked at Zhang Fan in surprise.

Seeing her so surprised, Zhang Fan asked, "What?"

Wen Dong said, "I don't understand. Brother Zhang only saw us once. How can we distinguish the two of us so clearly?"


Zhang Fan only said two words.

Wen Dong is a little unclear.

Except for their personalities, the two sisters are exactly the same in every respect.

Even the realm is a third-level spirit martial artist.

No matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to see them once and be able to distinguish the two of them.

This brother said it was a detail. What are the details?

Zhang Fan went on to say: "This will be the case in the future. If there is nothing special, don't disturb me."


Wen Dong replied.

Wen Jing still nodded.

Then Zhang Fan entered the secondary biological space again.

This time he was in the secondary biological space, and continued to practice eating and drinking alcohol.

And Wen Dong and Wen Jing are also happy these days.

They haven't seen Zhang Fan for three days.

This courtyard is like the two of them.

Zhang Fan did not assign them to do this or that like other seniors.

For so many days, Zhang Fan didn't let them do anything.

Apart from cleaning the yard and house every day, the two of them spent the rest of their time practicing together, eating together, and sleeping together.

This kind of day, for them who have suffered so much, is like a fairy day.

The other outer disciples also envy them.

Their days are more free than most inner disciples.


On this day, more than a dozen strangers came to the Spirit Medicine Peak.

The head of the man had white hair and beard, and looked 70 or 80 years old.

The people behind him were all wearing exactly the same clothes, and they seemed to be the old man's disciples.

The old man saw the thousand acres of medicinal fields on Lingyao Peak, and he said with envy: "Old Yao, an old man, has created such a large medicinal field. Sure enough, he has taken refuge in the longevity gate, which is still helpful for studying pharmacology. "

But after finishing speaking, he said contemptuously: "But I lose my freedom in this way, and I will stay here for the rest of my life. How can I be like Lao Tzu, a scattered person, where I want to go, what I want to eat, and what I have seen. There are hundreds of grasses in the world, so knowledgeable, is it comparable to his old fellow?"

His ten or so disciples nodded one after another: "It's still the master's wise choice."

At this time, Yao Qian, Yao Lao's big disciple, saw so many strangers who weren't longevity.

He frowned, greeted them and stopped them.

"Who are you guys? So noisy at Spirit Medicine Peak?"

The old man glanced at the medicine money and asked, "Where is the old man Yao?"

"Presumptuous! Dare to speak out to insult Master!"

The medicine money looked gloomy.

Hearing this, the old man looked at the medicine money carefully and sneered: "The old guy has a poor vision of choosing medicinal materials, and his disciple's vision is better than choosing medicinal materials."

Upon hearing the medicine money, he said angrily: "It seems that I came to my spirit medicine peak to make trouble, please leave immediately. Otherwise..."


The old man sneered and asked.

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"I don't blame it, but you gave me a try."

The old man still said with a smile.

The medicine money was furious, and shouted directly: "Come on, give me trouble with these few, and go down the mountain!"

The disciples around who were busy in the medicinal field gathered around after hearing this.

Add up to more than 300 people.

The old man laughed and said, "Sure enough, Yao Lao, the old fellow, still only knows how to bully the less. The older he gets, the less promising he is."

The disciples around, listening to the old man's nonsense, even dared to insult Yao Lao, all of them rushed towards the old man.

However, the old man hadn't moved yet, and the disciples around him took action.

These disciples have reached the level of Wu Wang.

Yao Lao's disciple is not an opponent at all.

Three times five divided by two, he was brought down by the disciples of the strange old man.

Seeing the medicine money, his heart was not good, and he hurriedly shouted: "Brothers and brothers, come out~www.readwn.com~ Someone has come to our Lingyao Peak to make trouble!"

Before the words fell, the eight other disciples of Yao Lao jumped out one after another.

The medicine money glanced at the crowd, but did not see Zhang Fan, and asked, "Where is Junior Brother Zhang Fan?"

Everyone shook their heads, saying they didn't know.

The medicine money whispered: "When something goes wrong, I know to hide. I really don't know what the master can do with him!"

Then he said to everyone: "These outsiders have spoken insult to Master. As disciples, how can we sit idly by? Give me a shot!"

Although the disciples of Yao Lao are not very strong, they have always respected Master. Where can others insult Master?

They all shot one after another, blasting towards those outsiders.

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