Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 612: Zombie, grass!

   After saving the two disciples, the Great Elder conducted a simple inspection on them.

   It turned out that the bodies of these two disciples could no longer return to their original state.

   This shocked everyone.

   Next, the elder warned all the disciples that they must be extremely careful and should not act rashly in any situation.

   then led everyone away from the lake.

   then continued to walk towards the dark forest.

  On the way, they encountered very few animals, only occasionally three or two genetic beasts jumped not far from them, and it seemed that they had no intention of attacking them.

   is the disciples of the longevity gate, they besieged and killed several genetic beasts.

   And it seems that these genetic beasts have not been infected by the corpse poison of the zombies like the outside legend.

   This made everyone's heart frightened before, and finally relaxed a little.

   After that, the journey went smoothly, without encountering any powerful monsters, let alone encountering strange things like cannibalism.

   This made everyone's hearts more relaxed.

   But because the surroundings are still unchanging black trees, black withered grass, faint black fog, and gloomy sky, everyone's mood is still very depressed.

   After another two hours, someone suddenly shouted: "Look!"

   Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw a green plant through the gap of the trees in front.

   Amidst the seemingly unchanging black surroundings, a green plant suddenly appeared, which made everyone energetic.

   After all, they absorbed the lessons they had learned in the quagmire of appetite, and they didn't immediately rush over.

   Instead, he walked forward carefully while exploring.

   Soon, they discovered that the green plants here are not just one plant, but looking at it, they are all green plants.

   After sending more than a dozen disciples to carefully probe the green plants, they found that there were no animals and no zombies.

   This greatly relieved everyone.

   Seeing that there is no danger here, the elder ordered: "Have a rest here for half an hour."

   Everyone cheered and began to find a place to rest.

  In the depressing dark forest, such a green area suddenly appeared, to them, it was like an oasis suddenly appeared in the desert.

   The plants here include shrubs, vines, and weeds that are two feet high.

   There are many wild flowers.

   Many female disciples couldn't help but let out exclamations.

   In order to show love to a female disciple next to him, a male disciple walked over and plucked the wild flower.

   But there was a small thorn on the wild flower that stabbed his finger.

   This surprised him very much.

   You know, his realm has reached Wu Ling.

  Even ordinary swords can't hurt him, how can he be stabbed by a small flower?

   In surprise, he lowered his head to look closely.

   I saw a drop of his blood flowing down the flower stem.

   But when it was halfway through, the flower stem squirmed and absorbed his blood.

   This discovery surprised him, and quickly backed away.

   But after absorbing his blood, the flower seemed to come alive instantly.

   Above the flower stem, four or five vines quickly stretched out, entangled his right leg.

   Then a lot of spikes grew on these flower stems, which pierced directly into his right leg, sucking his blood.


   This disciple screamed.

   Others also wanted to come and rescue him.

   But the stalk sucked blood too fast. When everyone rushed over, his right leg had collapsed, leaving only the skin and bones.

   And the flower stem grew rapidly after absorbing the blood, and it had grown to a height of one person, entangled the whole body of the parent and child, absorbing his blood.

   The disciples around met, one by one, they were so scared that they never dared to go forward, but backed away.

Elder    knew that even if that disciple was rescued at this time, he would not survive.

   So the Great Elder immediately ordered: "All disciples, leave this green area immediately!"

   The disciples listened and hurriedly backed away.

   But some disciples were too flustered. When they were running, they tripped to the ground by the vines under their feet.

   At the same time, his arm was torn apart by the grass on the ground.

   After absorbing his blood, the grass immediately pierced the disciple's leg like a knife.


   The blade of grass actually pierced the disciple's right leg.

   then greedily absorbed the disciple's blood.

   The great elder noticed this and immediately understood, and said to the people around: "Be careful not to be injured by these plants. Once injured, they will absorb the blood, and they will come back to life, full of aggressiveness."

   But the elder said it was too late.

   These Changshengmen disciples have not experienced much experience.

   So one by one was in a panic, running around, inevitably some fell to the ground, punctured a little.

   As long as their blood drips on the plant, that plant will immediately "live" and attack them.

   And their blood will drip onto more plants, which will activate more plants.

   For a time, there were screams in the entire green area.

The elder    reminded the disciples: "Condense the energy cloud quickly, and fly as high as possible!"

   But these disciples lacked experience on weekdays. At a critical juncture, they panicked one by one, and few of them could listen to the words of the elder.

   They ran away one by one, but they kept falling to the ground.

   Only Zhang Fan, Wu Yue, Dracula, and Tana, these disciples who had experienced too much in the Mortal Realm, calmly flew into the air and left the green space.

The elder    saw these three hundred disciples ~www.readwn.com~ in just one minute, they lost a tenth, and he was panicked.

   But the great elder is the great elder after all, although he is not confused.

   While saving these disciples in the air, he shouted to Zhang Fan: "Zhang Fan, can your four-dimensional space law save them?"

  Since the great elder spoke, Zhang Fan couldn't refuse directly.

   He moved slightly and disappeared instantly.

   The next moment, without seeing the aggressive plants, they suddenly fell to the ground, motionless.

   Those disciples escaped in a panic.

   Until this time, Zhang Fan appeared in front of everyone.

   It turned out that he used the law of four-dimensional space to strip the blood out of the plants.

   This made the plants lose their "vitality".

   At this time, all the still alive disciples came to the black forest not far from the green area.

   Many of them turned pale with fright and gasped.

   The Great Elder looked at the disciple who had lost one-tenth, and he was very upset and regretful.

   They decided to come to the Dark Forest to practice their disciples this time, which was very hasty.


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