Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 617: Join forces to kill the enemy!

   Although Zhang Fan has never worked with Wu Yue before.

   But because the two of them have fought many times, they know each other very well.

   So when we work together at this time, there is actually a feeling of consonance.

   Zhang Fan's sword qi passed through the black stiff neck under Wu Yue's poisonous fog bonus.

   Although the wound on the black stiff neck is healing on its own, it seems that the healing speed is much slower than before.

  If he doesn't deal with it, it may take at least five minutes to fully heal himself.

   The black stiff heart was startled, and he hurried away, using the law of four-dimensional space to get rid of the toxins in his body.

   But his speed is far less than Zhang Fan's sword energy.


   Before Hei Zheng had completely eliminated the toxins in his body, there were three more wounds on his body.


   Zhang Fan's mind controlled the dark green sword energy, constantly shuttled back and forth, punching holes in the black stiff body.

   As the toxins in the body increase, the speed of self-healing of the black stiffness is getting slower and slower.

   After another two minutes, his body almost stopped healing on its own.

   At a certain moment, in the poison cauldron emerging from Wu Yue's chest, the dark green mist suddenly burst.

   At the same time, the black stiff body also burst.


   His body exploded to four or five yuan, flew away and hung on the surrounding branches.

   At this moment, Zhang Fan's figure instantly appeared beside the black stiff head, and a sword aura flew over, already splitting the black stiff head in half.

   You can see a blood core like a black glass ball inside.

   It turns out that the blood core of the zombie is black.

   Zhang Fan lowered his head to get the blood core.

   But at this moment, Wu Yue had turned into poisonous fog and flew over.

   The poisonous mist quickly enveloped the corpses and heads of the zombies.

   In this poisonous mist, Zhang Fan couldn't see his surroundings at all.

   And his nano watch seems to be malfunctioning.

   But he didn't rush and took out an energy stone.

   The next moment, from the energy stone, he took out a hairy stiffness.

   "Use fire."

   Zhang Fan ordered that Mao Zheng.

   A blue flame suddenly appeared on the stiff right hand.


In the poisonous fog surrounding   , Wu Yue's screams suddenly came: "Zhang Fan, you are so mean!"

   Until this time, Wu Yue realized that the original reason Zhang Fan took the zombie into the secondary creature space was to deal with him.

   "With each other."

   Zhang Fan sneered.

   Wu Yue’s poison cannot affect Zhang Fan. Otherwise, he would have died eight hundred times before Wu Yue.

   And even so, Wu Yue planted various poisons around and in Zhang Fan almost every moment, hoping that a certain poison would have an effect on Zhang Fan.

   These Zhang Fan knew about it through the nano-watch detection, he just didn't say anything.

   So between the two of them, there is nothing mean or mean.

   The reason why Zhang Fan was able to control that stiff hair so quickly was Xiaobai's credit.

   Xiaobai can not only cause hallucinations on humans, zombies and kinsmen, but it is still effective on zombies.

   At this time, Wu Yue screamed and turned into poisonous fog, flying towards the distance.

   On the ground, no matter the blood core or the corpse of the zombie, they were all taken away by the poisonous fog.

   Zhang Fan sneered: "Want to go? Leave the blood core!"

   said, his sword aura instantly passed through the blue flame in the zombie's hand.

   A layer of blue flame was suddenly attached to the sword aura.

   He controlled the sword energy with his mind, and chased Wu Yue's poisonous mist.

   Jian Qi quickly caught up with the poisonous mist, and then kept flying in and out of the poisonous mist.


   Wu Yue’s screams kept coming.

   Poison mist is constantly evaporating in this sword aura with blue flame attached.

   "Zhang Fan...you stop me..."

   Wu Yue screamed.

   "Live? Yes, leave the blood core."

   Zhang Fan said.

Before the words fell, a black head appeared in front of Zhang Fan.

   It's just that the head at this time is no longer pure black, but is stained with dark green.

   Obviously, this head has been contaminated with a large amount of toxins, and even the blood nucleus has been poisoned by Wu Yue and turned dark green.

   Zhang Fan twisted his brows, and the poisonous sword gas shuttled faster in the poisonous mist.


  Wu Yue screamed, and flew into the distance.

   At this time, Zhang Fan's head only felt dizzy.

   After using his mind for so long, his mind has been consumed a lot.

   If it were an ordinary person, it would have been dead at this time.

   His mind is far stronger than ordinary people, so he is just a little dizzy.

   He took back the sword energy, and then took the zombie into the secondary biological space.

   After that, he pulled out the blood core from the head and put the head into the secondary space.

   Then, using the law of four-dimensional space, he quickly left here.

   At the same time, outside the dark forest, about twenty kilometers away.

  Jangshengmen disciples are gathering here.

   "What shall we do now?"

   asked a disciple.

   "What else can I do? I hurried back to the longevity gate immediately. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

   "But Zhang Fan just blocked the zombies for us, and now we have appeared, and we just left like this, is it too loyal?"

   "What's the use of loyalty if I die?"

When Tana heard these words, she immediately became angry: "You bastards, Zhang Fan alone stopped the zombies in order to save you. Now you are even talking about this kind of bullshit, are you really human? Even the zombies like my old lady are more humane than you! The Great Elder is now going back to find Zhang Fan, and you all want to grease the soles of your feet. What a horror!"

   All those disciples lowered their heads.

   But there are still those guys who stubbornly stalk their necks in front of outsiders and say:

"Junior Sister~www.readwn.com~ That’s not what it said. Everyone has seen how ferocious the human zombie is. It is a black zombie, equivalent to the existence of a martial emperor. Moreover, the black zombie is completely capable of being crushed. Overwhelming Emperor Wu. We went there to die."

   The voice just fell, pop——

   With a crisp sound, Tana opened up a big mouth, and hurled the guy away.

   "Send to death? Zhang Fan would rather die for us, we can't risk our lives to save him?"

   The disciple was drawn so that the left half of his face was swollen, but he dared not speak any more.

   The others were also taken aback by Tana.

   dare not speak any more.

   At this moment, a figure suddenly ran from the direction of the dark forest.

   arrived in front of everyone at an extremely fast speed.

   This person is not someone else, but the great elder.

   Tana saw me, and came to the front quickly, and asked, "How about the great elder?"

   The great elder looked gloomy and shook his head: "Not found."

"how can that be?"

   Tana shook her head.

The elder    said: "I have searched for a radius of fifty kilometers, and there is no trace of them."


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