Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 685: Promotion: 1st grade Wuhuang

Nether Wraith originally had the effect of raising the level of spiritual medicine.

Although Zhang Fan could not refine the second-tier elixir, it was still feasible to directly upgrade the finished elixir.

He has just asked Nano Watch to do calculations, and the success rate has reached 80%.

He also felt a little hot in his heart.

But Zhang Fan didn't think it was safe for Zhang Fan to upgrade the elixir.

"No one has done this kind of thing before. Because it's not feasible at all. But you have a ghost fire, which can remove the extra impurities in the elixir and improve your grade. But I don't think the success rate will be too high. You have to be careful. After all, if it fails, the elixir will be useless. If you want me to refine a middle-grade Martial Emperor Liquid again, I guess it will take three to five years."

Zhang Fan smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm sure. Even if it's really spent, it's a big deal to take the lower-grade Wuhuangye."

Master He listened and said with a smile: "Who are you going to take this Wuhuangye for? So caring?"

Zhang Fan said: "Myself."

"You yourself? Aren't you just promoted to the fifth rank of Wu Wang half a year ago? Could it be that..."

Having said that, Master He probed Zhang Fan's breath with his breath, and suddenly took a breath.

"His——Tenth-level Martial King! So fast?!"

The average Wu Wang, from level 5 to level 10, not a few decades or hundreds of years, it is impossible.

It took him thirty-three years to go from the fifth rank to the tenth rank.

Zhang Fan reached the tenth level in only half a year.

This Nima is too scary, right?

It's just that the talent in refining medicine is strong, and the talent in cultivation is so abnormal. This is not leaving other people alive.

And Zhang Fan still needs to take Wuhuangye now.

If it succeeds, it will be promoted from the fifth level to the first level in half a year.

This speed is almost nothing.

You know, the other kings who have taken Zhang Fan's king's liquid are basically still at the fifth level.

Seeing that the shock of Master He seemed to be endless, Zhang Fan interrupted him and said, "Master He, I used the ghost fire to forcibly upgrade the grade of King Wuye and need your guidance. After all, I have never been in contact with the second-tier spiritual medicine. ."

"no problem."

Master He replied.

Next, in Zhang Fan's right hand, a group of ghost fire condensed.

He began to pour the drop of Wuhuang liquid into the medicine cauldron, and began to freeze the medicine cauldron with the ghost fire.

There is only one drop of Wuhuangye. If the medicine cauldron is not frozen, the Wuhuangye will evaporate after a little bit of baking. What else is there to talk about upgrading?

Master He saw the blue and white ghost fire in Zhang Fan's hand, and his eyes were full of envy.

Then he pointed Zhang Fan what temperature should be in certain places.

Where to use the distillation method, where to use the flame directly.

Time passed by, but the two of them were so focused that they didn't even notice.

After about three hours, they poured a drop of liquid medicine from the distillation flask.

Suddenly, the dazzling aquamarine light radiated, causing both of them to narrow their eyes.

"It really is!"

Master He couldn't help being surprised.

Zhang Fan also nodded in surprise: "Well, it's done!"

After carefully operating for three hours, he finally successfully upgraded the Wuhuangye's grade.

Zhang Fan couldn't wait. After successfully upgrading the Wuhuangye, he naturally wanted to take it immediately.

He first installed all the items in the refining room into the secondary biological space to avoid being destroyed by the shock wave when he broke through.

Then he asked Master He to wait outside the refining room.

When Master He closed the door, Zhang Fan couldn't restrain his excitement and poured out the drop of Wuhuang liquid.

As soon as Wuhuangye was taken in, it turned into a breath of fresh air and flowed into Zhang Fan's stomach.

Then it spreads out from the stomach, along the meridians, and flows throughout the body.

Soon, he felt a hot sensation all over his body.

However, this kind of heat didn't make him feel pain, but felt very comfortable, and couldn't help but groan.

Soon, that clear stream penetrated every cell in the body, tempering these cells.

Entering each of his bones again, tempering these bone marrows.

Before he swallowed the blood core of Wu Sheng, he only absorbed those energy of Wu Sheng, but he did not temper his body too much.

If the body does not reach a certain strength, it cannot withstand the impact of more energy.

Therefore, if you want to be promoted to Emperor Wu, you must first temper your body.

The tempering speed is not fast, but it is not slow.

After more than an hour, Zhang Fan could clearly hear that there was a crackling sound at all his joints.

Every cell in the body seems to be breathing continuously.

The body is finally tempered!

Next, is the second stage.

The clear stream began to transform into energy, converging towards Zhang Fan's Dantian.

Because of the enormous energy, the process of gathering to the dantian took a long time.

However, after these energy flows into Zhang Fan's Dantian, they can quickly merge into the original energy in Zhang Fan's Dantian.

This is completely different from the blood core that swallows Wu Sheng.

Swallowing Wu Sheng's blood core, although the energy has been absorbed, the level has also increased a lot in a short time.

But it will take a long time to completely refine the energy of those martial sages.

Now I am taking this Wuhuangye, but I have no such worries.

The energy in the Wuhuangye will merge into Zhang Fan's energy by itself ~ www.readwn.com~ for another half an hour, and Zhang Fan finally absorbed it at about four in the morning.

At a certain moment, boom——

In his dantian, a green shock wave came out.

Soon, this shock wave passed through his body and spread to the surroundings.

When he hit the surrounding walls, a light yellow light suddenly appeared on the walls.

Fortunately, it was protected by this light yellow mask, otherwise, the fourth laboratory would be destroyed by the shock wave in minutes.

"Congratulations, you have been promoted to Emperor Wu."

The voice of Nano Watch came.

Zhang Fan clenched his fist, only feeling that the fist was full of energy.

The mountain can be opened with one punch!

Emperor Wu, finally reached!

So is Wu Sheng still far away?

At the same time, the door of the refining room was opened, and Master He walked in with joy:

"Congratulations Master Zhang, congratulations to Master Zhang, breaking through to the realm of Emperor Wu!"

Zhang Fan smiled and said, "Thanks to Master He’s Wuhuangye. By the way, Master He, when I was forcibly upgrading the Wuhuangye grade just now, I corrected the medicine spectrum of Wuhuangye. You use this correction In the later medicine spectrum, the success rate of refining the lower-grade Wuhuangye can reach 100%. If the middle-grade refining is a bit lower, only 80%."

Master He looked speechless.

What is meant by "only 80%".

This is too high, OK?

At the same time, he was a little surprised that Zhang Fan could draw a prescription only by looking at his own refining medicine, and he had corrected it.

However, Zhang Fan has caused too much shock, and he has long been used to it.

So there was no more words, and he directly accepted the revised medicine spectrum passed by Zhang Fan.

"By the way, Master He, this Wuhuangye is a lot of money, I will pay you now."

Zhang Fan suddenly remembered that he hadn't paid him yet.

Master He waved his hand: "No money."

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