Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 702: The Gate of Longevity is about to be revived (Part 1)

When Zhang Fan and Wu Tianyi arrived in the hall, they saw ten pharmacists lined up in the hall.

Judging from the information displayed by their badge chip, nine of them are all first-class alchemists.

This was in Zhang Fan's expectation.

After all, pharmacists are rare creatures, just pull out a first-level pharmacist, and they are all sought after by everyone outside.

It's good that the president can give himself so many first-level alchemists, so don't think about second-level medicine.

But to Zhang Fan's surprise, the oldest one at the far end looked like 80 or 90.

From the information point of view, it is actually more than 300 years old.

This person turned out to be a third-level alchemist.

This really surprised Zhang Fan.

I thought that ten of them were all first-level alchemists, but I didn't expect there to be a third-level.

The fourth-level pharmacist who had just summoned these ten pharmacists, seeing the surprise flashing in Zhang Fan's eyes, he also secretly relieved.

As long as Zhang Fan is satisfied.

If Zhang Fan is satisfied, the chairman will be satisfied.

If the chairman is satisfied, he won't be held accountable for the mistakes of these people just now.

He looked at the president, and saw that the president Qi Dongqiang also glanced at him.

Although his eyes were dull, he knew the chairman very well. From this glance, he knew that the chairman was quite satisfied.

He breathed a sigh of relief again.

Several other alchemists also gave him grateful glances.

Zhang Fan said to the president: "President, since all the pharmacists are here, it should not be too late, I will take them to the Longevity Gate first. I will meet again in three days."

Wu Tianyi was puzzled: "Didn't Master He say that it takes two days for you to come here? It takes four days to come and go, right?"

Zhang Fan smiled and said, "In fact, what Master He said is not quite right. I came here for only a day and a half."

"The sooner the better."

The president said.

Zhang Fan nodded, and then said to the ten pharmacists: "Dear pharmacists, everyone should be wronged in my secondary space, and we will be at the gate of longevity tomorrow night."

The pharmacists nodded one after another: "Just take a rest."

"Just take advantage of this day to practice."

"I haven't had a good sleep for a long time."

Hearing this, Zhang Fan waved his right hand and put these alchemists into the secondary biological space.

When the other pharmacists met, they all felt dumbfounded.

These pharmacists, if you pull out any one, will be sought after by thousands of people.

Now it was all put into the secondary biological space by Zhang Fan. If this is known to others, I really don't know what to think.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Zhang Fan teleported and disappeared.

Qi Dongqiang looked at the place where Zhang Fan had disappeared, and said nothing for a while.

The other pharmacists also looked at the place where Zhang Fan disappeared, and they secretly marveled.

In the entire fairy world, although there are not many people with four-dimensional space debris, they are also not a minority.

However, the alchemist was originally a rare species. Among these rare species, it is even more rare to find people with four-dimensional space fragments.

In the past five hundred years, only three have been out.

Now Zhang Fan is not only talented in refining medicine, but also possesses four-dimensional space debris.

God has shown him too much favor, right?


In the evening of the next day, on the square of the Changshengmen Yongshou Peak.

Without warning, Zhang Fan suddenly appeared here.

Several disciples saw Zhang Fan appear, and they quickly saluted Zhang Fan: "Head!"

"Good boss!"


Not long after, the great elder who got the news came to Zhang Fan and followed him and said, "The head, you can be regarded as coming back. These days when you are away, I am so busy alone. Every day there are too many people asking for it. If I find you, I can’t find you, so I can only come to me. Come back now, I can finally relax."

Zhang Fan said, "Don't count on me, I'm leaving soon."


The Grand Elder was swallowed and was speechless.

Zhang Fan directly took out ten energy stones and said, "Elder, I know you have worked hard these days and have no time to practice. The time in these ten secondary biological spaces is sixty times that of reality. You are here. Sixty hours of cultivating inside, only one hour has passed in the real world."


The great elder stared at Zhang Fan: "Such a magical secondary creature space must be very precious. Headmaster, you are the hope of the longevity gate. You should use these secondary creature spaces if I am busy. As long as the longevity gate can be revived, what does it matter if you are busy?"

Zhang Fan said, "Take it, Grand Elder. This time the biological space is built by myself. In the future, if you don't have enough, come to me again."

The great elder had already taken offense to the incredible performance of Zhang Fan.

It is not surprising to hear that Zhang Fan himself can build such a magical secondary creature space.

When I was about to accept all these secondary biological spaces, I continued to say, "Thank you, the master. By the way, our Changshengmen Pharmacy still has some elixir in stock. But if you are not in the Changshengmen for a long time, these The elixir may not last long."

Zhang Fan nodded: "So I brought a few alchemists back. They will stay at the gate of longevity for half a year."


The great elder is overjoyed.

If this is the case, even if there are not as many elixir refined by Zhang Fan himself, and the quality of elixir refined by Zhang Fan is not high, but if you sell less elixir every day, you can still guarantee continuous supply.

Zhang Fan took out a secondary biological space, waved his right hand, and the ten alchemists inside appeared in front of the elder.

Zhang Fan introduced: "These nine are first-level pharmacists, and this is a third-level pharmacist, which is higher than mine. Great elder, you have to let the disciples live and serve them. These famous pharmacists, can Condescending to come to a small place like our longevity gate is definitely a great honor for us."

The big elder's eyes widened.

He knows that Zhang Fan has always acted amazingly, capable of nothing.

But that is limited to Zhang Fan himself.

And what is the concept of a pharmacist?

A small sect like the Changshengmen ~www.readwn.com~ a fifth-class sect that doesn't even have a martial sage. With two first-level alchemists, the master and the old man, it has become a fourth-class sect. .

From this we can see, how effective is a pharmacist?

Now the head has brought back ten pharmacists, and even a third-level pharmacist!

You know, the average third-level pharmacist will only appear among the giants like the three big sects.

Now that the head can let them stay in the longevity gate, this is really amazing.

I saw that third-level pharmacist held a fist at Zhang Fan and said politely:

"Master Zhang, what do you say. How dare we neglect what the president of the General Conference personally explained? What's more, you are the hope of our Dongzhou alchemist. It is an honor to be able to associate with such a talented alchemist of Master Zhang. We. Don't worry, we will do our best in the past six months, and there will be no slack."


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