Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 761: Wu Yue's embarrassment

Everyone is waiting for Zhang Fan's decision.

But Zhang Fan was actually very helpless.

Originally, this matter should not be decided by him, but the big names in the pharmacist world at the scene.

But for some reason, the big guys at the scene stopped talking except for a few words at the beginning.

Even Cheng Ji, who has always been arrogant, didn't say a word.

Could it be that these people in the fairy world are so scared one by one?

At the same time, when the entire field was surprisingly quiet, on the sidelines, a man wearing the costume of a dark alchemist like Wu Yue walked in briskly.

This person is not someone else, but Wu Yue's companion.

Was eliminated in the first round.

He came to the court at this time and said to Wu Yue first: "Little Yueyue, great work!"

Then he glanced at the crowd with disdain, and sneered: "Don't let us Diablo Alchemist participate? You are stupid now."

Then he pointed to the old men on the rostrum and shouted: "Hey, those old guys, don't you take out the Yao Shen post? Do you have to wait for Xiao Yue to poison you all to death?"

The pharmacists were so angry that they didn't dare to move because of the strangeness in the dantian.

The dark pharmacist pointed to Zhang Fan again and said, "How about it, have you taken it? I'm not afraid of my poison, but Xiao Yueyue is a master of poison, but no one can live in front of Xiao Yueyue's poison. Three seconds later. Are you scared?"

While talking, he walked towards Zhang Fan's side.

It seems that he was almost kicked by Zhang Fan that day, so he wanted revenge.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Yue hurriedly flew down towards the dark alchemist.

At the same time, Zhang Fan had already moved.

After a teleport, he came to the dark alchemist and reached out and grabbed the guy's shoulder.

But when Zhang Fan caught the shoulder of the dark alchemist, bang——

A cloud of dark green mist suddenly exploded, covering Zhang Fan and the dark alchemist completely.

Zhang Fan stretched out his hand again and grabbed a blank.

Seeing the poisonous man enveloped himself, he quickly jumped back and out of the poisonous mist.

Wu Yue shielded the dark medicine alchemist behind him, and a cold killing intent appeared in his eyes, his tone was extremely firm:

"Zhang Fan, if you dare to hurt him, I will make you restless for the rest of your life!"

Looking at Wu Yue, Zhang Fan felt that strange feeling once again.

Wu Yue is really gay?

Seeing that Zhang Fan didn't dare to do anything, the dark medicine alchemist snorted coldly, "Huh, dare to hurt me? Xiao Yueyue, poison him!"

Wu Yue turned his head and used energy to transmit his voice: "How many times have I said that he is a one-hundred-poison body. Until now, I haven't worked out a poison to deal with him."

The dark pharmacist heard this, and said in his voice displeased: "Little Yueyue, in any case, I think this guy is not pleasing to the eye, he will be poisoned one day.

"That's something for the future, today we will get the medicine **** post first."

After Wu Yue finished his transmission, he watched Zhang Fan's movements carefully, and said coldly to the big names in the medicine refining industry on the podium: "I will give you thirty seconds, and immediately hand over the medicine **** post to me. Otherwise, everyone present will have to die!"

In Wu Yue's voice, there was absolutely unquestionable firmness.

On the rostrum, the big names in the medicine refining industry glanced at each other, and finally Qi Dongqiang said:

"You are afraid that there is one thing you haven't figured out."

Wu Yue looked at Qi Dongqiang, and said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, I just want Yao Shentie."

Qi Dongqiang shook his head and said: "In the past pharmacist conferences, the Medicine God Mansion will give us the Medicine God Mansion. The champion can only report to the Medicine Mansion when he holds the Medicine God Mansion. But this time, the Medicine God Mansion has come. According to the news, it was said that it was to prevent someone from intercepting and killing people who have medicine **** posts, so this time no medicine **** posts will be issued. Instead, one month after the end of the pharmacist conference, the medicine **** mansion will come and pick up the champion. Shenfu."

Before Qi Dongqiang's voice finished, several other bigwigs nodded in agreement: "Yes, the rules of this pharmacist conference have changed."

"This strong man, don't you know?"

"Little hero, it's not that we said you, please inquire before doing something, okay?"

"Young man, it's the so-called plan and then move. You don't inquire clearly before you do something, look, this is not for nothing, is it?"

Zhang Fan saw that the performance of those old guys was a little abnormal.

Even if Wu Yue made a mistake, but you ridicule him like this, are you not afraid that Wu Yue will really come to the scene of a massacre when he is angry?

In that case, even my more than 10,000 bottles of venom, I am afraid it will not save you all.

Wu Yue felt embarrassed when he heard this.

Nima, wouldn't it be so coincidental?

I planned something for half a year, so it went bankrupt?

This is too much, right?

The rules of this conference have changed?

Why didn't I hear any wind beforehand?

Thinking of this, Wu Yue snorted coldly and said, "You old guys, I'm not a three-year-old kid, do you think you can fool me?"

Cheng Ji shook his head and smiled jokingly: "Young people~www.readwn.com~ If you don't believe it, we can't help it. Now that we are all poisoned by you, we can only let you kill."

The dark pharmacist next to Wu Yue heard the words and said angrily: "Do you really think Xiao Yueyue dare not do it? Xiao Yueyue, poison them to death!"

Wu Yue is interested in this.

Without showing you some color, do you really think I dare not?

Thinking of this, a dark green medicine pot appeared on Wu Yue's chest.

Although he did not carry poison, he was poison himself.

His medicine cauldron is even more poisonous.

In this medicine cauldron, the dark green smoke continued to roll and flow out.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan felt bad in his heart, turned his right hand, and took out ten bottles of venom.

Wu Yue sneered: "Zhang Fan, although your venom is strong, it is outdated. Since the last time, I have conducted research on venom, and finally I have developed a poison to crack it. Don’t say you get 10,000 bottles today. , Even if you take out one hundred thousand bottles or one million bottles of poison, it will not help."

Then his dark green smoke spread at an extremely fast speed.

It was like a large dark green cloud, quickly covering the entire square.

On the square, the tens of thousands of people screamed.

They wanted to escape, but the dark green smoke quickly blocked the way around.

This makes them inevitable.

In front of all the screens, the people watching the live broadcast couldn't bear to see this scene.

This is nearly fifty thousand lives.

And those on the rostrum are all three continents.

If they die, the three continents are likely to be messed up.

At this critical moment, Zhang Fan threw out a bottle of venom in his right hand.

Bang bang bang bang bang-

The venom continued to explode, like a firework, bursting with a dazzling green light.

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