Ultimate Devouring Evolution

Chapter 792: Fire Dragon Shenwei

Dozens of current ropes all attacked the dragon, and quickly wrapped its head, tail, wings and limbs.

The dragon was entangled like rice dumplings, unable to fly anymore, and fell directly into the trapped formation where Zhang Fan was.

All the elders met, and all of them were happy.



The disciples around were also very happy.

However, this made the dragon furious, opening his mouth up to the sky and howling: "Oh——————"

The big elder sneered: "Even if you break your throat, it's useless. Our Feng Shui Men's Feng Shui is so trapped that it is difficult for even Saint Martial to escape easily, let alone you beast?"

Just said this, that long and long mouth.

As he was the closest to Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan immediately smelled a pungent sulphur smell.

The next moment, boom——

A flame burst out from the mouth of the fire dragon.

The current ropes on it suddenly broke apart.

The Feng Shuimen disciples were shocked: "Can breathe fire?!"

"I have seen some genetic beasts, but I have never heard of them that breathe fire!"

"Is it really a fire dragon?"

Zhang Fan also came back to his senses at this time.

When he thought of picking the five volcanic icy souls before, he saw some animal footprints in the ash near the volcano.

In addition, these people call the volcanic ice soul dragon fruit.

It is very likely that this fire dragon is related to the volcanic ice: either it is the guardian of the volcanic ice, or the volcanic ice is its food.

When I picked the volcanic ice porch, I probably left something like smell, which was noticed by it, so I followed the smell and flew over.

At this time, the fire dragon was very close to him, and the violent aura from his body made Zhang Fan almost breathless.

However, the fire from the fire dragon also burned the ropes of the water entwining Zhang Fan.

Moreover, the water in front of Zhang Fan has also evaporated a lot, and a white vapor rises into the air.

The whirlpool also stopped for a while.

Taking advantage of this, Zhang Fan quickly teleported up and came into the air.

The fire dragon doesn't care about Zhang Fan anymore. It belongs to fire, but it is pure water.

Those human beings are also all attributes.

This irritated it, which was already violent, opened its mouth and roared again, and another flame spurted from its mouth.

This flame instantly covered within a hundred meters.

And those two feng shui trapped formations, in the flames, all of a sudden white steam rose up.

Although water can overcome fire, it depends on circumstances.

When water is similar to fire, water naturally overcomes fire.

But when the amount of water is much smaller than the fire, it will form anti-gram.

It's like a drop of water falling into the fire. You can try another one?

This is the case at this time.

Although the feng shui trapped array reached a hundred meters in diameter, the flames emitted by the fire dragon far exceeded this amount.

With a burst of fire, it will turn to scorched earth within a kilometer.

Those disciples of Feng Shui Men were burned to the point of crying and screaming, crawling and rolling, and it was terrible.

The elders of the Feng Shui Gate condensed a water-attribute mask to protect the whole body.

Twenty-nine of them joined forces, all using water-based genetic weapons, and attacked the fire dragon together.

Although the flame of the fire dragon is strong, how can it withstand the attack of the twenty-nine martial sages?

Soon, its flame was suppressed and could no longer be ejected.

At the same time, the elders of the Feng Shui Gate have once again built a larger Feng Shui trap, trapping the fire dragon in it.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan didn't stay any longer. One teleport was already a hundred kilometers away.

Thanks to this fire dragon that came suddenly.

Although its goal is itself, without it, how can one get rid of it?

In front of the Feng Shui Gate, the Feng Shui Array built by the elders has reached a kilometer in diameter.

Inside the trapped formation, not only the whirlpool was spinning at extreme speed, but there were hundreds of thigh-thick water ropes that bound the fire dragon.

Seeing that this guy was completely trapped, both the disciples and the elders all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It can be regarded as trapped this guy."

"It is said that if you eat one piece of fire dragon meat, you can increase your life span by a hundred years. I wonder if it is true?"

"There is such a record in ancient books. But if it is true, I don't know."

"Don't you know if you eat it?"

"If it is true, then we won't have to fight for a dragon fruit. Fire dragon meat is for everyone."

"That's the case. We are both elders of Feng Shuimen, and if we continue to fight, we will only laugh."

At this point, the third elder suddenly said: "What about the kid?"

All the elders looked at the trapped formation, where is Zhang Fan's figure?

"Fleeing in chaos?"

All the elders changed their expressions.

"Outrageous, we must not let him escape! Chase!"

The Great Elder roared again.

If Zhang Fan really escaped, even if there was fire dragon meat in front of them, they might not be able to enjoy it.

A group of elders hurriedly moved into the clouds and fog, scattered around looking for Zhang Fan.

At this time, Zhang Fan was already thousands of kilometers away.

His destination at this time is only one ~www.readwn.com~ that is the main city of Xiniu Hezhou: Xizhou City.

At the time of the pharmacist meeting, Cheng Ji, the president of the Xi Niu Hezhou pharmacist guild, had promised that he would do him a favor.

In this way, if Chengji was allowed to negotiate with Feng Shuimen, even if he couldn't get the five volcanic icy souls back, it shouldn't be a problem to get two back.

According to the map instructions given by the Nano Watch, Zhang Fan teleported for a full two days before arriving at Xizhou City.

Dongzhou City is built on a mountain, but this Xizhou City is different. It is built on a sea close to the land.

A ten-kilometer-long bridge connects Xizhou City and the mainland.

Of course, people above King Wu can fly directly to Xizhou City.

When Zhang Fan teleported to Xizhou City, he saw that Xizhou City seemed more prosperous than Dongzhou City.

Needless to say, the streets are full of traffic and shops.

On the surrounding beaches, there are also many high-tech ships.

On the whole, Xizhou City is more than twice larger than Dongzhou City.

Zhang Fan quickly asked Nano Watch to download a map of the city on the information stone at the entrance of the city gate.

Xizhou City is forbidden to fly, so Zhang Fan can only rush to the Alchemist Guild at the fastest speed.

The pharmacist guild in Xizhou City is also in the shape of a medicine tripod.

It's just that this huge medicine cauldron is more than twice the size of Dongzhou City.

Zhang Fan entered the hall of the medicine cauldron, and the pharmacists around him and the customers who were excluding the purchase of elixir found Zhang Fan's clothes and hair messy. All of them frowned slightly.

Even the security guard at the door-a third-level paladin-looked at Zhang Fan from time to time, with a vigilant look in his eyes.

A holographic maid approached Zhang Fan and asked: "Sir, what business do you want to handle?"

"I want you to become the president."

Zhang Fan said.

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