Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 11 - The Man who Talks of Dreams

It is said that when choices are made, whether good or bad, follow you forever and affect everyone in their path one way or another.

With the death of Blackbeard, many changes began to occur.

When a devil fruit user dies, their devil fruit returns back to the earth and would reappear once again somewhere in the Grand Line.

This was also true in the case of Blackbeard.

Upon his death, many days had passed, on a certain island somewhere along the first half of the Grand Line, a young man with white hair was walking unsteadily in the forest.

His skinny look and body full of bruises are enough to tell you that this young man had not lived a good life.

Often, he is bullied and beaten up. His parents are dead and he has no money to eat.

As he was walking in the forest, he saw a strange-looking fruit in front of him and hesitated.

Just as he was hesitating, his stomach growled again.

He no longer cared and took the fruit and...ate it!

He ignored the weird taste and simply eat his feel.

Once he was finished, he felt a strange power emerge from him.

Looking at his hands, it suddenly released a black mist and he immediately understood.

What he ate was...death!

He wasn't a person who knew a lot. He didn't know the existence of devil fruits. As such, he could only think of such things.

To him, that strange fruit was definitely poisonous. For him not to die...means he conquered death! And for him to gain such powers...means he now controls death!

His mouth twisted into a weird grin.

Later on, he would venture into the sea and feared by all...as the Black Death!

Back to the present, in Jaya.

While Lucas was busy embracing Nami, at this time, Robin appeared.

"Hm? Sounds like something exciting just occurred? What happened?"

"Ah! You're back Robin-chan! Would you like to eat first or take a bath first?"

Sanji, who was still feeling jealous of Lucas, immediately started his advance on Robin instead!

Of course, he was just ignored by Robin.

Luffy finally noticed that Robin had left as well and asked.

"Where did Robin go?"

Hearing the word Sky Island again, Nami was about to snap but Lucas quickly calmed her down by jiggling the sack of Belis.

As if charmed by the sound, Nami's eyes turned to Belis again and melted in bliss…

Lucas was speechless.

Looking at the two of them, Robin was confused but still calm, as if it did not matter to her at all. Lucas remembered what she told him before and let out a cold sweat...

Not minding Lucas, Robin walked over to Luffy and handed a piece of paper to him.

"Ooh! It's a treasure map!"

"It's just an ordinary map, where is this place?"

Usopp asked.

"It's this island...the city on the left is where we are, Mock Town. On the other side...do you see the X mark on the east coast? I heard that a very special person from Jaya lives there."

"A very special person?"

"His name is Montblanc Cricket. He was exiled because he kept talking about his dreams...we should be able to talk about similar interests."

Lucas smiled.

"So you think if there's anyone on this island who would know about Sky Island, it would be him, correct?"


Robin nodded and gave Lucas a smile. Nami saw this and immediately pinched Lucas' waist.


Though it didn't really hurt, Lucas still acted like it did to satisfy this little demon when he remembered what she did with Sanji before...

And so the crew began to set sail once again to reach the other side of the island.

As Lucas continued to train, the crew met with the brother of that Masira guy from before, who looks like an orangutan, and made a ruckus.

Lucas frowned upon hearing the noise and stealthily drilled holes into their ship. Anyway, none of them were devil fruit users so they can drown safely…

How he controlled the water from within the cabin was due to his application of Observation Haki.

He can now 'see' the area around him within 2 meters. It's still small but if he only directs it to one side, it would be longer.

Since the other side was too noisy, knowing their general direction was pretty easy.

Once they noticed they were sinking, they quickly fled instead of causing any more trouble.

At the deck, Luffy looked at them in confusion.

"In the end, just what does that orangutan want?"

"Dunno, anyway those monkey brothers are idiots…"

"This is the place on the map."

"What's his name again?"

"Montblanc Cricket…"

"The man who talks of dreams…"


"That's so cool!"

Nami, Usopp, and Luffy looked at the place in disbelief!

What they saw was...a giant castle! It didn't look like a place of an exiled person at all!

"Is that his house!?"

"He's filthy rich, isn't he!?"

However, Zoro and Sanji weren't amused.

"Stupid, look clearly."

"Hmm, a man who dreams...more like a man who wants attention."

"? What are you talking about?"

Chopper was confused but then noticed it as well when they neared it and appeared at the side.

"Ah! It's just a board!?"


At this time, Lucas had also come up to the deck and smiled wryly upon seeing the house.

To put it simply, Montblanc Cricket's house is just half a house. The other half is just a board with the outer side painted to look like a palace.

Seeing this, Nami asked Robin.

"What dreams did he speak about when he was exiled?"

"I don't know all the details but...he talked about a large amount of gold hidden here on Jaya island."


"You mean like a pirate's treasure!?"

Everyone was excited! Especially Nami!

"Dig fast Chopper! Dig out the gold!"

"Just dig and we'll find it?"

Chopper immediately believed Nami and started to earnestly dig on the ground…

Meanwhile, Luffy was still being himself and went on with his own pace.

"Hello! I'm coming in!"

"Hey! Don't just walk in there!"

Usopp panicked but of course, Luffy didn't listen at all…

"Hmm? No one seems to be home. Hello!"

"Luffy stop that! What if he's a bad guy!?"

While Luffy explored the house, Lucas went over the table and sat as he picked up a picture book that was laid there.

Nami noticed him and saw the book in his hands.

"Ah, a picture book...It's a really old one too! King of Liars, Norland. Hehe."

Looking at the title, Nami laughed.

Usopp appeared suddenly as if someone had called him…

"Ohh! That sounds like a very interesting book!"

...Lucas thinks that Usopp is better suited for the title King of Liars though…

"King of Liars, Norland...that brings back old memories. I used to read it a lot."

"You know about this book Sanji? But it says its published in North Blue."

Nami asked curiously.

"Yeah, I was born in North Blue. Didn't I tell you?

"First time you said anything about it. I thought you were from East Blue."

Usopp said but due to some background noise of Chopper digging, Nami got pissed again.

"Chopper, what are you doing? Be quiet!"

...Poor Chopper was shocked! It was obviously you who made me dig!

Ignoring Chopper, Sanji continued.

"I grew up in East Blue. But this story is pretty popular in North Blue. People say it's just a kid's story, but I've heard that this Norland guy really did exist!"

Lucas did not mind them and simply read the picture book.

Basically, it's a story about Montblanc Norland, an explorer who always spoke of past adventures.

One day, he came back from an expedition and went to report to the King. He said he discovered an island across the mighty seas that has a mountain of gold.

Naturally, the King wanted to see this himself. So he commanded 2000 soldiers to come with him. After going through many hardsh_i_p_s, they arrived on the island...but only saw an ordinary jungle.

Norland was blamed for this and was sentenced to death for all his lies...but his last words were…

"I know! The mountain of Gold sunk into the sea!"

However...no one believed in him anymore and thought that he could only continue to lie till his death…

"And the pathetic liar died...without becoming...a true warrior...of the seas…"

Nami read these last few lines out slowly while looking at Usopp.

Knowing what she meant, Usopp was angry!

"Don't look at me! And stop making up all that stuff!"

Well, yeah. Those last few lines weren't really in the book…


"Wha-!? Luffy fell into the water!"

"!? What are you doing!?"

As Nami said, Luffy did indeed fell into the water as someone had pulled him down.

The next moment, someone emerged from the water and looked at them.

"Who the hell are you people?"

This is...none other than Montblanc Cricket!

Lucas already knew he would arrive and was ready to use his power to pull Luffy back up.

"You punks got a lot of guts to enter a man's house without permission. This area is my territory!"

"Usopp! Go save Luffy now!"

"It's alright Sanji, I already pulled him out."

Upon returning to the surface, Luffy coughed and glared at Cricket.

"Hey! What was that for!?"

"You guys are after the gold right? Then prepare to die!"

Cricket didn't care how he got back up so soon and simply attacked!

He extended his leg and kicked towards Luffy!

Still pissed, Luffy didn't bother to dodge and let Cricket hit him.

Sure enough, with a body made of rubber, the kick didn't really hurt him at all!

Cricket was surprised but was still calm!

Seeing as his attacks didn't work, he used his gun and shot at Luffy!

"That's not gonna work either!"

Just as Luffy was about to give him a knuckle sandwich, Cricket suddenly fainted…


"Eh? Hey?"

After a while, Chopper did his work as a doctor and tried to heal Cricket.


Zoro asked when Chopper mentioned what happened to Cricket.

"Ah, you mean he's sick?"

Luffy, who obviously had no clue about such terms can only ask like that.

Lucas added in.

"Basically means decompression sickness. It's something divers experience sometimes."

"Yes. But it's not a long term illness and should pass."

Chopper continued.

"It happens on a diver's descent. When excess nitrogen enters the body's blood and tissue. Then on the ascent, the chemicals diffuse out in the form of bubbles causing various symptoms."

"Yeah, weird sick stuff."

Luffy was no longer able to comprehend anything that came out of Chopper's mouth and could only look out the window and stare at the distance.

"He must have been diving every day. Not letting the bubbles to dissolve properly."

"Why would he?"

"I don't know why...but it is very dangerous. In some cases, it can be lethal."

Chopper said solemnly.

Seeing as everyone turned silent, Lucas spoke.

"Well, his name is supposed to be Montblanc Cricket. The same surname as Montblanc Norland. And Norland's claim about the gold under the sea...do you think they may be related?"

As he said that, the others looked at each other and thought that it was indeed possible.

"But...isn't it supposed to be just a story?"

Nami asked but Lucas just shrug.

"Hey, some stories can be real."

After all, this is the One Piece world…In Lucas' world, this is also...just a story.

Suddenly, two monkeys...err, two people appeared at the door.

"Boss! Are you alright!?"



"Ahh! They're here to kill us!"

Though Luffy and the others just stared at the two silently while they also looked at them in confusion...Usopp, Nami, and Chopper panicked!

"What are you doing here!?"

"What did you do to the Boss!?"

The two monkey brothers shouted, preparing to attack!

"We're taking care of him, so leave us alone!"

"They wouldn't listen! They are beasts! Everyone, escape through the window!"

Luffy just answered them frankly but Usopp was still afraid.

Nami also quickly hid behind Lucas subconsciously…

"They're such great guys!"

"Ah! They listened!"

...Lucas feels like Usopp is doing some kind of comedic skit here...it was funny reading it in the manga but looking at Usopp...Lucas felt his head hurt.

Since everyone had calmed down and ready to talk, Luffy asked.

"Do you two live out here too?"

"Actually, our Boss' home, is also the headquarters of the United Primate Armed Forces."

...Is that 'Primate' supposed to be a pun for Pirate!?

"However, we usually live on our sh_i_p_s."

"This house is too small for us."

"You two are big. But compared to the giants, you're like ear wax to them."

Seeing Luffy get along well with the two monkey brothers, Usopp asked Zoro.

"How can they get along so well?"

"They're just simple-minded."


After a while, Cricket was finally awake!

"Mr. Diamond-head! I want to ask you something."

Luffy grinned as he entered the house.

He called him Diamond-head because Cricket had this weird pointy...thing on his head. Frankly, it looks more like the bottom of an acorn than a diamond...

"Thanks for your help and sorry for all the trouble. I thought you were like those fools trying to steal the gold."

Hearing the G-word, Nami's eyes turned into Belis again!

"Gold? You have Gold?

"Don't act like those fools."

Usopp immediately chided Nami to stop.

"You wanted to ask me something, what is it?"

"We want to go to Sky Island! Please tell us how to get there!"

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