Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 123 - Rocks

The whole crew was busy moving about in the ship.

Gears turned and pieces moved one by one. After a few minutes, a huge cannon appeared on the deck with its muzzle pointing at Pluton.

"Hades has been activated!"

"Mm, then I suppose it's time to use this Ancient Weapon Killing Canon."

"...What a long name."

Kohza chuckled wryly when he heard Iceburg.

Iceberg just shrugged.

"It's better than Battle Franky 100 or something."


"Shall we fire?"

"Ehh, hold on."

Kohza placed his hand up to signal Iceburg to hold while he contacted Lucas.

Picking up a card, he spoke.

"Captain, Hades is fully charged and ready to fire."

"Oh. Fire then."


"What? Would you prefer it if I were to shout? Or maybe say a few lines? No need to bother, sink 'em!"


Kohza put the card away and nodded at Iceburg. He then shouted to the whole crew to get ready.

"Brace yourselves! Fire up the canon!"

"Firing in 5!"






This was all that everyone could see and hear.

Even the Celestial Dragons standing on Pluton could only open their mouths agape in shock before that blinding light enveloped their entire body and disintegrated into nothingness.

The Ancient Weapon Pluton, after finally revealing itself to the world, wasn't even able to do anything and got destroyed just like that…

If Pluton were to have a consciousness, it would definitely cry out.

Am I the Ancient Weapon or you are!? This is unfair!

The blinding light continued to shoot to the horizon. It stretched a long distance that everyone in the New World was able to see the light shooting from the sky.

On board the Strawhat Ship, Luffy and the rest had just found the final Poneglyph and was returning to Wano when they saw the light above them.

"Ooh! A shooting star!"

"No, that's not it. The angle is wrong for it to be a shooting star…"

Nami also saw the light and turned to where the light came from.

She looked at her Log Pose and pondered.

"Over there should be the Red Line…"

When she thought of that, she also thought of a certain someone who said he will be going to Mariejois.

"Hmph, that guy better not be up to something dangerous again...Luna is still with him."

Back in Mariejois.

By the time everyone's sights returned, they were no longer able to see a glimpse of Pluton at all!

Lucas looked at the empty sky in front of him and nodded.

"Hm, well, that's that then. So much for an Ancient Weapon."

"Old geezers, are there any more Celestial Dragons alive?"


"There are some left…"

"They are in the bas_e_m_e_nt."

"We have captured them earlier."

"Mjosgard is also there."

"Tsk, can't one of you finish a sentence by himself? Why do all of you need to speak?"


"Take me to them then."

Just as Lucas was about to leave, the Kings and Queens snapped out of it as they turned to look at Lucas in fright.

King Cobra hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Lucas...in the end, just who are you?"

Lucas paused when he heard his question.

He grinned and turned to face him.

"Lucas World...you best remember the name of your new Emperor."

This was the first time that Lucas had spoken his last name to anyone. He hasn't told anyone about it since he knew there was a pirate called Byrnndi World and he didn't want to be related to him.

Later on, he had asked Kohza to investigate him but found that this person didn't exist here.

Well, Byrnndi was from a filler arc in the anime so that maybe why.

Besides, he used to get teased about his last name back on Earth, when his friends called him, they would keep calling him Za Warudo repeatedly.

That's why Lucas never made it a point to intentionally tell his full name.

The reason he spoke his last name now was because his supposed 'Aunt' Im was also surnamed World when she told her story a while ago.

It was one of the reasons why Lucas somewhat believed her story about being her nephew.

Anyway, since he's already playing the part, there was no reason to keep hiding his last name.

It was also him giving his own stance to the Five Elders who might still have any misgivings.

As Lucas walked away, the Five Elders soon followed him behind with smiles on their faces.

Finally...the World family will shine once more!

While walking the huge hallways of the castle, Lucas spotted a familiar figure leaning on a wall.

"Shanks? What are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question? Why're the Five Elders following you? And what the hell is with that huge ship just now!?"

Shanks was just about to return after meeting the Five Elders earlier but who would've thought that such a huge ship would appear just now.

Not to mention how another huge ship completely decimated the other one…

And now he saw Lucas here as well and the Five Elders seemed...submissive to him?

Just what the hell is going on!?

Lucas raised a brow and turned to the Five Elders, not answering Shank's question.

"What's he doing here?"

"Young master...he was here to report on a certain someone."

One of the elders spoke. He paused for a moment and remembered what Lucas said earlier about finishing a sentence so he just spoke in one go this time.

"Young master?"

Shanks' jaw nearly hit the ground after hearing the elder spoke.

"A certain someone?"

Lucas' interest was piqued. He turned to Shanks with a teasing look.

"Shanks, I never knew you were an agent of the World Government. You sure hid deeply."

"Aren't you even more absurd!? What's with this young master thing!? Also, I'm not an agent! I'm a pirate!"

"Then what are you doing here reporting to these guys?"


Shanks hesitated and turned to look at the Five Elders once again.

Seeing as they have no reaction, he continued to speak.

"It was because of a deal I made with them back then..nevermind. How much do you know about Rocks?"

"They're hard, made of earth, and basically everywhere."


Shanks sighed and shook his head.

"I take that as basically nothing then. I am talking about the pirate. Rocks D. Xebec."

"Oh. I don't know him. Is he famous?"

Lucas thought for a moment and couldn't remember such a figure in the story.

"Then, I'm sure you know Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Kaido, right?"

"Yeah, they're all dead."

"...My point is, all three of them used to be pirates under one captain in the past. That person is none other than Captain Rocks. In the past, it took Captain Roger and the Marine Hero Garp to ally together just to take him down. He is that powerful."


Lucas was surprised.

There was such an amazing character? How come he never heard of it before?

The Five Elders seemed to have known what he was thinking and explained.

"Back then, all information about Rocks had been classified by the World Government."

"Only a few people knew of his existence."


Lucas nodded. Shanks continued to explain.

"He was believed to have died in that battle many years ago and that was the end of it. At least...that's what we thought so."

"So he's still alive?"

"I have been investigating it in the past and I fear that may be the case. I believe he will make his move once all the Road Poneglyphs have been gathered and the path to the final island has been revealed."

Lucas nodded.

Then, he took out a small denden mushi from his pocket and called Nami.

Soon, he could hear her voice.

"Lucas? What is it?"

"Nami, have you guys gathered the poneglyphs?"

"Yeah. We're on our way back to Wano now. Robin is busy deciphering the poneglyphs. I believe she's looking for the path now."

"Alright. Call me if anything happens."

After saying goodbye, the hallway he was in fell silent.

Lucas didn't seem affected by the atmosphere as he looked back to Shanks.

"Seems like that would be soon."

"L-Luffy is already on his way to the final island!?"

"Weren't you listening? They're still going to Wano first."

"But they already gathered the Poneglyphs! This is bad! If Rocks is really still alive, none of us will stand a chance against him!"

The Five Elders also appeared grim as they heard the news.

They had heard Shanks' report earlier but didn't think much of it as they thought it would still take a while for anyone to gather all the poneglyphs. They could still prepare for it.

Now...it seems that they needed to quickly prepare and inform her Highness!


Lucas chuckled and continued to walk without worries.

"What are you all so scared of? I'm here."

"Lucas...you couldn't even beat Roger in the past!"

"Shut up! Don't ruin my cool moment dammit! Also, that's the past! If Roger appears before me now, I'm gonna whup his stupid ass!"



AN: Lots of bullshit guessing here... XD Anyway, I just wanna put some info to fill the gaps.

I think there will only be at most 5 more chapters? maybe? until this story ends...

See ya next chap!

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