Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 126 - TRANSFOOOOORM!

"Alright Lucas. How are we supposed to beat that hugeass thing!?"

After rescuing the elders and Im, Lucas carried them and flew back to Sunny.

As he landed, Usopp quickly approached him and asked.

Lucas gave him a thumbs up.

"With the power of friendship?"

"I see! With the power of...LIKE HELL THAT WOULD WORK!!!"

Usopp retorted.

Lucas chuckled and suggested again.

"Or how about we slice its nape? That might work."

"No shit! Anyone would die if their nape is sliced! But can that big thing even be slashed!?"

"Only one way to find out!"

Zoro grinned and took out his swords.

"And how are you gonna get there?"

"Can't you carry me?"

Lucas imagined carrying Zoro to fly while he slashed down on Uranus.

"Well, let's try it."

Wings spread out behind Lucas' back. He walked behind Zoro and grabbed him as they both flew.

Once they were near Uranus' face, Lucas created an air foothold in midair for Zoro to stand on.

Zoro got into stance as he held Enma with both hands overhead.

Although Zoro often uses three swords in his attacks, his one sword style boasts immense power.

This was a sword technique that he had honed from the teachings of Koushiro and Mihawk. The one sword that can split an island in half!

Zoro's muscles tensed as he focused his all in this one strike.

"One-sword style…"

Each arm held onto the sword as well with immense power.


Feeling the pressure coming off Zoro, even Lucas broke into cold sweat.

When Zoro's sword descended, it felt as if a giant sword from the heavens slashed down instead!

The clouds cleared and the sea parted!

As the slash reached Uranus, a deafening explosion rang out.


The contact with the water created an explosion of mist that covered their vision.

As the mist faded, they finally saw Uranus once again.

"...You've got to be kidding me…"

Zoro's mouth twitched at the sight.

After all, his strongest move was only able to make a small gash on its face! Moreover, that bit of injury was healed in no time!

"It can even regenerate itself…What the heck is this monster!?"

Everyone watching below was shocked.

Even though they were far away, they could still feel the pressure from Zoro and knew its power.

Yet Uranus surprisingly was only injured a bit. Not to mention it also healed instantly after!

Seeing this, Lucas was also speechless.

Is this thing really like the titans in a certain anime? Don't tell me we really have to slash the nape?

Uranus' head turned as it gazed the two of them in midair with his huge eyes.

"Lucas...nice to finally meet you."

"You must be Rocks? Is Lucius still there, or are you all that's left?"

Lucas frowned as he asked.

Uranus laughed.

"Zehahahahahaha! That cousin of yours is long gone. He knew that I resided inside him, but he didn't do anything and believed that I was helping him become stronger! He didn't know that I've been slowly consuming him from the inside…"

Hearing his laughter, Lucas frowned.

Just now, he sounded a lot like Blackbeard...don't tell me he's also a part of him?

Is it the Darkness fruit's special ability? To transfer its user's minds onto the next user?

What an ominous fruit…

"When you told him that you've gathered the rest of the Road Poneglyphs, I got so excited that I nearly killed him on the spot! That little bastard held on for a few more days. Alas, he was weak. It didn't take much for me to occupy his body!"

Lucas sighed.

He stared at Uranus with half-closed eyes.

"Shut up. What are you doing saying all of that to me? Now that's just lazy writing."

"Laugh all you want. In this form, none of you are my match!"

Uranus grinned.

The next moment, his huge hand moved as he raised it up high.

Lucas quickly grabbed Zoro and flew away, just in time to dodge Uranus' slap.

Uranus sneered.

"You can't escape from me. Don't forget, I still have my Darkness ability!"

His hand touched the water below him.

"Black Hole!"

The water turned black and started to spin wildly as it pulled the sh_i_p_s in.

Lucas frowned.

"How can you still use your devil fruit ability even though you're on water!?"

"I have fused with the ancient weapon Uranus! This is but one of its perks!"

As they talked, a figure jumped from one of the Marine Warsh_i_p_s.

"Ice Age!"

Aokiji's ice touched the ocean, instantly turning it into a land of ice.

Then, another figure appeared in midair in a flash of yellow light.

"I'm the only one who can kill this bastard! Out of the way!"

Kizaru appeared with his half mechanical body as he shot a ray beam onto Uranus.

The beam exploded on its face but Uranus remained unfazed.


Suddenly, a huge meteor appeared overhead.

Fujitora sheathed his sword and patiently waited for the meteor to fall onto Uranus.


Uranus merely lifted his hand and caught the meteor.

He sneered and crumbled the meteor in his hands to pieces first before throwing it onto the fleet of sh_i_p_s.

Lucas was surprised. That move looked so much like the Beast Titan from that certain anime…

As the meteor pieces were about to reach the sh_i_p_s, each captain moved and either blocked or destroyed the pieces landing on them.

An all out attack ensued.

Lucas watched for a few moments before flying back to Sunny along with Zoro.

As he landed, he turned to the rest of them.

"Anyone have any ideas? Nothing seems to be working on that guy."

"How about turning him into a toy?"

"Already tried, didn't work. Must be another perk of the ancient weapon.

Lucas shrugged.

While he was flying away earlier, he had already tried a lot of things on Uranus.

Even going as far as wishing it to turn into chocolate, or statue, or even hypnotizing him…

Lucas tried a whole lot but despite his seemingly overpowered ability, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to defeat this guy.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

"How about I turn big too and beat him up!?"

Luffy suggested.

"And how are you going to turn big? How long would you need to blow air onto your body for you to be as big as that guy?"

"I'll start now!"

Luffy didn't care and started to bite his arm and blow air in his bones.

Lucas chuckled.

He could probably make it so Luffy turns big immediately but...well, it's amusing to see Luffy huff and puff so Lucas decided to wait it out a bit.

At the side, Franky sighed.

"Although I made Sunny able to transform, it's not big enough."

Hearing the word 'transform', Luffy stopped blowing and froze. Besides him, Usopp and Chopper also froze with their eyes shining.


Seeing their reactions, Lucas laughed.

"Hahaha, isn't that interesting? I also want to see Sunny transform! Franky, do it! Then I'll turn Sunny as big as that guy!"


Meanwhile, the girls stared at them with half-closed eyes.


And just like that, Franky started to work and issued orders.

"Systems online!"

"Separation complete!"

"Docking complete!"

"Right leg, formed!"

"Left leg, formed!"

"Connecting to torso, complete!"

"Forming arms, complete!"

"Rotate the head!"



Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were at a loss for words with the excitement they were feeling.

They didn't care that a colossal giant is right in front of them capable of destroying them all. Right now, all they wanted was to board the mecha in front of them!

Lucas was also speechless seeing the mecha.

What was a giant warship earlier, is now standing with two feet and two arms.

The headpiece of sunny now became its head.

The mast was placed on its waist. Grabbing its end and pulling it revealed a katana within.

The sails turned into its cape that fluttered behind it as it bore the mark of the Strawhats.

The battle paused as everyone turned to look at the mecha, speechless.

Lucas chuckled and used his ability, resizing the mecha a thousand folds to match Uranus!


As Luffy sat on its head with sparkles in his eyes, he felt so moved seeing Sunny 'grow up' to the point that he had started crying.

Lucas laughed when he saw him like that.

"Let's go inside Luffy!"


Luffy excitedly jumped in the hatch leading to the interior of Sunny's head.

Everyone was already there as they watched the view outside through Sunny's eyes.

"Franky! Quick! Tell us how to control Sunny!"

"E-err, well...Actually, I only made Sunny able to transform. I didn't make it able to move!"


Silence filled the room.

It seems Franky only made it transformable since it looked cool. However, it isn't functional at all?

"W-well, you can still fire weapons and stuff using that panel!"

Franky noticed their gazes and quickly pointed at a panel on the side with a bunch of buttons.

Lucas smiled. In his mind, he thought of that time in Thriller Bark where Luffy's shadow was attached to Oz. Maybe he can use that.

"Alright, don't worry. I can connect your body movements to Sunny so it will move as you wished it. Who wants to try first?"



"ME TOO!!!"

Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper all shouted.

Knowing that there won't be an end to their fight, Lucas just shrugged.

"Let's have Luffy try first."


Lucas then pointed at Luffy's shadow that was touching the floor.

"Alright, I've connected your shadow to Sunny, try moving."


A booming voice echoed out as Luffy shouted in excitement.

It seems that not just his movement, even his voice turned into Mecha Sunny's voice somehow…

"Shishishishishi! Take this! Gomu gomu no...MECHA PISTOL!!!!"

Following his movements, Mecha Sunny's hand clenched into a fist and...stretched towards Uranus!

Lucas was speechless.

How did the mecha also extend!?

...Forget it, let's just go with it…

As for Uranus, he was still speechless and shocked when a huge mechanical fist arrived at his face.



AN: So...that happened.


I think 2 more chaps left for UF for it to finish.

Meanwhile, I've started another story. World Gate Online: The Choice. You can find it in Scribblehub or . It's an interactive story where you, the reader, get to choose the MC's important decisions. It's based on my first book, World Gate Online. You might see some familiar characters there but depending on your choices, things would be very different! So CHOOSE WISELY!!!

That's all, see ya next chap!

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