Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 31 - Buster Call!

The fights continued while Lucas watched on with a smile.

Franky won against Fukurou, knocking him out on the ground and went to look for Chopper who had now turned into a giant monster due to his excessive use of Rumble Ball.

Lucas didn't bother preventing this as Chopper needed to get used to this form immediately.

After flinging away Kumadori, Chopper came across Nami and Kalifa fighting before going down to where Sanji was.

Nami was worried about Chopper but she had to defeat Kalifa first before she can follow Chopper.

With the new clima-tact that Usopp had made for her using the dial shells of the sky island, she was no longer a powerless individual.

Developing Fata Morgana, an illusory attack that can catch the opponent off guard, coupled by Thunder Ball, Kalifa was stunned!

Angered, Kalifa attacked Nami, only to find that it was an illusion.

"This isn't the real body!?"

"The chance of a real body today is...20%."


Kalifa kicked another body one after another, leaving only one left.

The real body!

"Today's weather is...in a stable atmospheric pressure, small black clouds that contain severe air currents will remain, and then lightning will eventually strike your heart."

Nami smiled and created more illusions of herself.

"Please be careful, your heart might become numb. Dark Cloud Tempo!"

"I managed to protect myself from your lightning earlier! So as long as I don't get caught off guard...:"

Kalifa tried to convince herself but Nami shot her down.

"The weakness of such protection...is that you cannot move!"

"...You seem to underestimate me quite a bit...are you expecting me to break with your attack? Soap Sheep!"

Kalifa's body was covered in soap bubbles which made her look like a sheep.

"I don't have to guess which one is the real body! I'll just swallow everything with the big wave of Relax Hour! Hitsujigumo Tidal Wave!"

Suddenly, a huge wave of soap appeared in front of Nami!

"! I'll be finished if I get caught by that!"

"After I swallow all of you, whoever is left has to be the real body!"

Nami connected two parts of her staff and threw it!

"Cyclone Tempo!"

A burst of wind shot a hole in the wave! Nami and her illusions quickly ran to the hole to reach the other side, but thanks to that, Kalifa also got a hint on where the real body is!



"My...I thought it was an illusion again."

Nami painfully grabbed her shoulder after it was attacked but seeing the black cloud behind, she smiled.

"Haa...haa...you...forgot already, huh? You should listen carefully to a navigator's forecast…"


Hearing the crackling noise behind, Kalifa turned to see the black cloud hovering there ominously.

"The thunder that gushes out from the black cloud to the clima-tact…"


"Thunder Lance Tempo!!!"


From the black cloud to her staff, a thick line of lightning connected with Kalifa in the middle!

Smoke started to appear from Kalifa's mouth, as if her insides were just burnt to a crisp!

If she were a normal human, she would've most likely died right here! Still, despite strengthening her body with the Rokushiki and being a devil fruit user, this attack was enough to knock her incapacitated for a long time!

"No matter how strong you are, my forecasts will never be wrong!"

Watching from afar, Lucas smiled. Un, this is how she should be...she's clearly strong, but she just keeps acting like Usopp most of the time…

Then, Franky arrived and said that they needed Kalifa's key in order to free Zoro and Usopp.

Seeing as there wasn't any key lying around the room, Nami...ripped off Kalifa's clothes!

Both Franky and Lucas raised a thumbs up at this.

So fierce! I like!

Franky used his Coup de Vent and threw Chopper to the sea below to deactivate Chopper's ability before jumping into the sea himself the next second!

Lucas kept a close eye on this and made sure that the two weren't accidentally dragged to the waterfall and fall into the abyss.

Meanwhile, Nami had already freed Zoro and Usopp with Kalifa's key.

Seeing this, Kaku laughed.

"Fufu...you're finally released huh?"

"Don't laugh, but regret...because you'd never encounter another chance that good to befall me, World Government!"

The next moment, it was time for the next round.

Kaku VS Zoro.

Jabra VS Sanji.

Luckily, Sanji arrived just in time, else, Usopp would've died right there.

Lucas stopped paying attention to their battle for a moment and turned to look at Spandam.

"Well, only 3 of the CP9 are left. It seems this game is ending sooner than I thought."

"Gh-! You...don't think that this is over!"

Spandam retrieved the golden denden mushi and slammed on the button!

"Ha...haha...hahahaha! It's over! You lose! The terms of the bet doesn't include that we can't use the Buster Call! Now, there's no way for you to win!"

Spandam laughed like a broken man, but when he turned to look at Lucas, he only see a cold smile.

As if...he had wanted him to use the Buster Call!

Lucas picked up a denden mushi and announced to everyone on the island.

"Ladies and gentlemen, a certain idiot Chief has just invoked the Buster Call. If you don't want to die...get out of this island!"

For a moment, the marines and agents didn't react...but when one man suddenly screamed and ran, it caused a chain reaction and soon, everyone was panicking as they tried to leave the island!

Robin heard the announcement as well and can't help but be confused.

Just what was Lucas planning!? Doesn't he know the terrors of the Buster Call!?

Back in the fight between Jabra and Sanji, Sanji developed a moved called Diable Jambe though spinning with one foot and heating it up with the friction.

Using this, his attack power went up a notch and he managed to defeat Jabra.

As for Zoro's fight…

"Demon Spirit...Kyuu-touryuu. Asura!"

Even Lucas was confused how Zoro could have three heads and nine arms, much less Kaku who was facing him!

Just what sort of sword technique is this? Is he spinning too fast or something?

Still, Kaku didn't give up.

"Quite amazing. But it's too late!"

"Those words...are for you!"

"You should only talk cheeky like that, after you avoid this strongest Rankyaku! Amane-dachi!"

As Kaku's Amane-dachi neared Zoro, suddenly...the wind blade turned to mist!

"He turned my Rankyaku into mist!?"

"Bring on the hardship, it's preferred in a path of carnage...ASURA ICHIBUGIN!!!"


Kaku couldn't even utter a scream as his whole body became bloodied!

Zoro gasped for breath and removed the headband he wore.

"Haa...I have...one message from the Galley-la's young boss."


"You guys are...fired!"

On the ground, Kaku revealed a wry smile as he heard that before finally losing consciousness.

Back in Luffy's fight…

Luffy tried to defeat Lucci without relying on his Gear Second at first, however, it only proved how weak he was without it! Lucci was just about to grab Robin when Luffy finally decided to use it.

"Jet Pistol!"



Being struck by Luffy's fist, Lucci was shocked! He didn't think that Luffy still had this much power!

Robin was also surprised by the power that blew away the strongest of the CP9!

When she turned to look at Luffy and saw the steam coming out of him, she remembered Lucas' own move.

Lucci decided to get serious as well and activated his own devil fruit!

Lucci charged at Luffy using Soru while Luffy faced him calmly. Using a Soru of his own, Luffy reappeared in front of Lucci and attacked!

"Jet Whip!"


Lucci gritted his teeth as a bit of blood dripped at the corners of his mouth. His expression turned graver by the second.

"Strawhat Luffy, don't tell me you forgot the fact that...I stabbed you in this form?"

"Ah, that? It healed after I ate meat."

No no no, how can that be possible? Meat don't just heal stab wounds that fast! Or at all!

Lucas sweated while watching. He already knew that Luffy's body is absurd but actually hearing about it from the man himself is...well whatever...as long as he's fine...

No one cared about the crisis in Lucas' head as the fight continued.

Lucci used Soru once again followed by Shigan. When Luffy dodged using his own Soru and seeing him prepare for an attack, Lucci countered with Tekkai.

"Jet Bazooka!"


However, Luffy's power is no longer the same as before! Even with Tekkai, Lucci still coughed up blood from Luffy's attack!

Just imagining the damage it could have done if he hadn't used Tekkai made Lucci's face grim.

He really can't afford to be careless anymore!

"I was careless...I didn't know you have this much power. But it seems that you're short of breath...is it because of the steam coming out of you?"

As Lucci said, Luffy had been gasping for breath for a while now.

Still, he never faltered.

"As long as I can defeat you, everything will be alright!"

"I see...you are tough."

Lucci grinned. It has been a while since he can let loose.

Previously, against Lucas, he can't even put up a fight...but this time, he can properly show his full strength!

Lucas stopped watching for a moment and turned to look at the Gates of Justice which has now fully opened.


At the distance, the fence surrounding the island exploded.

Everyone who saw it knew...the warsh_i_p_s...has arrived!


Another round of explosions hit the Tower of Justice this time!

Lucas stretched his Observation Haki and was relieved that everyone had already left the upper floors of that building.

Even Luffy and Lucci's fight was located at the ground floor as well.

The next second...it started to rain.

Once Lucas saw this rain, he smiled.

The next phase of his plan had started.

Actually, once Nami had freed Zoro and Usopp earlier, Lucas' water clone approached her and handed her some instructions.

It took some time but Nami was finally able to create a huge rain cloud for Lucas.

With this, he can ensure that no one would get hurt by the bombardment of the Buster Call!

The main reason why he wanted a Buster Call to happen was to provide Luffy and the rest with cover to escape.

And he will also be able to use 'that' as well…

Suddenly, he heard another loud explosion. Only this time, it didn't sound the same as the bombardment!

"Gomu gomu no...GIGANT PISTOL!!!"


The entire building...collapsed!

Even in the distance, one can see a huge hand punch through the walls! And on the other end of the fist was Lucci!

Lucci fell in a daze as if his whole brain was jolted from the shock. He spurted out more blood and was thrown all the way to the edge.

Luffy wasn't satisfied and shot outside before unleashing another move.

"Gomu gomu no...GIGANT AXE!!!"


The ground cracked under his giant feet.

Lucci just barely managed to dodge with Soru.

Seeing the two fight, Lucas shook his head.

The way Luffy fights is really...

Lucas no longer watched and focused on making sure everyone was safe.

Even the marines and agents fleeing, though he didn't save them completely, at least no one died.

This wasn't because he was sticking to his role as Shichibukai, but to make a point.

That point being...Buster Call is nothing in his eyes!

Kalifa woke up from the noise of the bombardment just in time for one of the artillery shells to nearly hit her!

Suddenly, a thin layer of water seemed to appear in between which caused the damage and fire to lessen, leaving only the shockwave from the blast.

While Kalifa was blown away, she didn't mind it much and was more focused on that layer of water that protected her.


As if feeling something creepy, Lucas shivered at this moment. He looked around but only saw Spandam in a broken mess as one of the shells nearly hit him right now.

Lucas didn't bother to protect this trash so he ended up quite injured.

Kaku and the others of the CP9 had similar experiences and were all having mixed feelings.

They know that from the bet earlier, this would disqualify Lucas as he is intruding himself...but the intrusion is protecting them...should they call it out or not?

Ultimately, they decided to keep silent as Lucas is the only one who can protect them now in this situation…

Robin looked around to see the bombardment happening around her and a sense of deja vu overwhelmed her.


In her panicked state, she couldn't move even when she saw one of the artillery shell head towards her.

But suddenly, as if by some sort of force, the shell...turned away from her!

Even the blast that came out of it seemed to have lessened greatly as it neared her and all she could feel was a small wind breeze…



Dazed, Robin looked up to see rain falling from the sky and remembered a man.


Robin looked around once more and saw the marines and agents running about.

When one of the artillery shells headed towards them, the shells would always veer away slightly and there would also be thin layers of water blocking most of the explosions!

Everything finally made sense...why Lucas would not mind the Buster Call…

She stood up, no longer afraid of the Buster Call!

At this moment, the rest of the crew appeared with keys on their hands as they all tried it out on Robin.

Finally, Robin was freed using the number 5 key!

As soon as she was freed, she spoke.

"Quickly! This is our chance to get away!"

"What do you mean!? We're lucky that no cannons had hit us yet! Look outside!"

"This isn't luck! I'll explain later, right now, we need to leave the island!"

"Robin's right! Let's go get Luffy and get out!"

Nami nodded as well.

They ran over to Luffy's side and shouted.

"Luffy! We got Robin's key! Let's leave!"

Still, Luffy only gave them a quick glance before continuing his battle with Lucci!

"Go! I'll catch up with you guys! I need to defeat this cat-pidgeon guy and get Lucas!"



Nami and the rest looked at each other and sighed while smiling.

This Luffy...really won't give up on anyone so easily!

Lucas heard this and g_r_o_a_n_e_d while massaging his forehead.

Sigh...this Luffy...seems like I can't afford to meet them once this is all over..else, Luffy would be hard to deal with…

Since Luffy didn't go with them, they can only run and steal one of the warsh_i_p_s in order to get away.

"We're ready to sail out anytime now!"

"We can set out as soon as Luffy comes back!"


Kokoro, Chimnie, and Gonbe had reappeared earlier and helped them ready the ship.

While Nami, Chopper, and Robin waited in the ship to get ready, Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, and Franky stood outside waiting for Luffy.

Looking at the island that's seemingly in a sea of fire from the bombardments and the number of warsh_i_p_s around...it made them wonder just how would they get out of here alive…

Suddenly, a voice from the denden mushi in the ship they took, spoke.

"Reporting from the northeast side of the main gate. Marines and government officials in Enies Lobby have been accommodated. Also, we've confirmed that approximately 50 pirates including some giants are at the Main Gate."

"! That's…"

"That's my guys! See!? They got off the island all right! I'm not worried about them. They will never die no matter how many times you kill them. Bastards! Gahahahaha!"

Franky laughed but the next moment, his smile disappeared.

"We have completed the obliteration mission by means of fire. Death is confirmed for all of them. As it stands, it is impossible to have any survivors left on the Main Island."

Franky's face became grim.

"The number of survivors on the Enies Lobby Main Island is...Zero!"

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