Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 34 - Departure

AN: We are back to a normal schedule now of updating on the weekends. Updates on weekdays are only occasional due to my work...if I can, I will. But if not, expect updates to only show during the weekends.

Also, please read my ANs at the end of the chapters so I don't need to keep placing one here... T_T


"Luffy, don't you owe me an apology?"

Garp grinned while looking at Luffy who was in pain from his fist.

At this time, Nami and Robin also arrived on the scene as well. When they saw who was the person that barged in, they were both shocked!

"No way, is this...Garp!? The hero of the marines!?"

"Luffy! Is he really you're grandpa!?"

Sanji was also a bit shaken and asked Luffy.

"Yup! Don't mess with him! You'd get killed!"

Everyone was surprised by what Luffy said. From what they know, Luffy shouldn't be someone who would be scared so easily!

"I was nearly killed by grandpa on many occasions in the past."

"Hey hey, don't say such scandalous thing, I pushed you over bottomless cliffs, threw you into the jungle at night, tied you on a balloon and sent you flying in the sky...all so that you could become a strong man"


Everyone's faces paled as they heard that. Damn! What kind of parenting is this supposed to be!?

Now they seemed to just saw the root of Luffy's endless life force…

"In the end, I entrusted him to a friend of mine and trained him with Ace...but as soon as I took my eyes off of him, this happened…!"

Garp's face twitched and a vein popped in his temple.

"I trained you to be a strong marine!"

"I always said I wanna be a pirate!"

"Nonsense! You're just under the bad influence of that Red Haired!"

"Sh-Shanks saved my life! Don't speak ill of him!"

"Are you telling your own grandfather what to do!?"

"Gyaaah! I'm sorry!"

The moment Garp was angered and raised his fist of love, Luffy instantly apologized!

He didn't even try to fight against his grandfather!

Suddenly, everyone heard snoring sounds…

"Ehh!? They fell asleep!?"

Maybe the noise woke Garp, but when he woke up and saw that Luffy was still sleeping, he was angered again and started hitting and scolding him!

Luffy...didn't even bother to fight back at all.

Seeing this grandpa-grandson skit, everyone finally gave up.

Oh, just do whatever now…

"It hurts!"

Garp sighed and crossed his arms to his c_h_e_s_t.

"Listen, do you even know what kind of guy that Red Haired is!?"

"Shanks? Are Shanks and the others doing fine? Where are they?"

"Whether or not he's doing fine...there are numerous pirates out there. However, he is now one of the four most powerful pirates alongside Whitebeard. We call those pirates who reign like emperors over the latter half of the Grand Line, the Four Emperors!"

Everyone quietly listened as this was a rare chance of getting any information about other pirates.

"The Marine Headquarters and the Shichibukai exists in order to counterbalance these four! Their Power is so influential that should these 'three powers' become unbalanced, the peace of the world would crumble."

Hearing about this, Luffy didn't really quite understand but he took off his straw hat and smiled.

"I don't really understand, but I'm happy to hear they're doing fine. I miss them…"

"Hmm? What's going on!?"

"It's the Pirate Hunter Zoro. The one with a bounty on his head."

"I see...Luffy's nakama, right? He seems to be doing good. Well, guys. Try to stop him!"

Garp grinned and spoke to the two young men behind him.

"Yes, sir!"

The young man with long hair and visor took out his kukri knives and charged to where Zoro was.

Meanwhile, the one with the shorter hair wearing a headband and glasses charged towards Luffy and sent a kick to his chin!

If it was before, Luffy would've gotten hit, but with the 'training' from Lucas and the fight with CP9, he seemed to have grasped a certain power.

Just as the kick connected, his head moved to the side and dodged narrowly.

Garp's eyes flashed when he saw this but kept silent as he watched.

When the kick didn't connect, the young man used Soru to dodge Luffy's counter. Still, Luffy is able to follow his movements and grabbed him before throwing him to the ground.

Zoro's fight also ended similarly and is now holding two of his swords to the kukri knife wielder.

"Bwahahaha! They're no match!"

Garp laughed when he saw the fights end.

The young man being held down by Luffy spoke.

"You are strong after all...amazing! I give up."


Luffy was confused why a marine would say that but still let him go on account of his grandfather.

The young man stood up and dusted his pants.

"Luffy-san, Zoro-san. Long time no see. Do you know who I am?"

"? Who are you?"

"It's me! Coby! Don't you remember me!?"

In Luffy's mind, there was an image of a small kid who looked very weak. This image didn't match the guy in front of him at all.

"Coby? Coby's my friend...but I only know the smaller Coby."

"That's me, Coby! I'm Coby who was once a crybaby!"

"For real!?"

Both Luffy and Zoro were shocked! No matter what, a person can't possibly change this much, right!?

No one cared about the kukri knife wielder, Helmeppo, at all as the three of them chatted...

At the side, Garp spoke to the other marines.

"Well then, guys. Go fix up this wall."

"Ehh! How can you be so selfish!?"

"Why did you break it in the first place if we ended up having to fix it!?"

"Because it's cool to enter the scene like that!"

"Don't break things with such a ridiculous reason! We'll fix it, but you'd better help us!"

"Ehh!? Okay."

Everyone sweated.

What is this? Isn't he a Vice Admiral!? But he's getting scolded by his own soldiers…

...And he's now also fixing a wall...a wall that he broke himself in fact…

While fixing up the wall, Garp spoke.

"Oh yeah. I was speaking about the shichibukai and the balance right? Remember Crocodile? The one you guys defeated is now in Impel Down. We have to choose another person as replacement. Speaking of which, where is he?"

"...Are you talking about Lucas? We don't know where he is."

Luffy frowned. He didn't really like the idea of Lucas leaving them.

Nami and Robin looked at each other but kept silent.

"Don't you know? That guy sure had the balls to make a bet with Sengoku. If you guys managed to get your nakama and leave Impel Down, this Water 7 will be his territory now and no marine or pirate can cause any trouble. In other words, you guys are safe for as long as you stay here, no one will catch you."


Luffy and the rest were surprised!

Other than Nami, Robin, and Franky, no one really knew the contents of the bet.

Robin only spoke that Lucas made a bet with the marines, but she didn't say the terms and conditions. Over time, they also forgot to ask this due to plenty of things happening.

The only reason Nami knew was because Lucas told her.

While the rest had sighed in relief knowing that they won't be captured if they stayed, Luffy continued to ask.

"...And if we had lost?"

"...Apparently, he was even willing to bet his own freedom. If you guys lost, he would be a slave now. With a collar and a mark branded on him."


This time, Nami was also shocked!

That Lucas...he failed to mention this to her!

It was fine that they won and all but...Nami grumbled.

Stupid Lucas! Idiot Lucas! Baka Lucas!

Robin saw Nami pouting and can't help but smile wryly. It seems Lucas is in for some trouble…

Luffy fell silent for a while before speaking.

"...We still don't know where Lucas is. If he's here, I won't let you have him!"

"...This is not in your control, Luffy. Lucas' powers are too much for your small crew. If he remains in your ship, you will be targeted by forces much stronger than the CP9!"

"Even so! I won't give up on my Nakama!"

Seeing Luffy so stubborn, Garp was about to speak again when someone spoke from the door.

"You must be Luffy's grandfather? Certainly, you two really don't seem to know the word subtle. I can hear your racket from my room above."

"!? Lucas!"

Luffy was shocked! It turns out, Lucas was just one level above them this whole time!?

He was about to shout at Lucas and convince him but then he froze when he saw Lucas' left arm.

Lucas continued to speak without minding them.

"As Garp said, this island is now my territory...you can stay for as long as you want and no one will trouble you at all. That is, if you already gave up on your dream, Luffy."

"...I haven't! I'm gonna become the Pirate King!"

Garp's face twitched while Coby was looking at Luffy with sparkling eyes.

Lucas just smiled and walked to where Garp was.

"Then feel free to leave when your ship is ready. In the meantime, you can use this time to relax, rest, or train...I will be going now."

Lucas walked past Garp and continued to walk away.

Garp looked at Lucas then to Luffy. He didn't quite understand why Luffy would just give up but this is for the best.

He also stood up and was about to leave.

"Vice Admiral sir! The wall is still not fixed!"


Lucas heard them as well and felt that it would be too bothersome to wait for Garp to finish. He waved his hand and water shot towards the broken wall.

The next moment, the wall was repaired as if it was never broken at all!

Garp sighed when he saw this.

"Such fearsome power...devil fruit powers that has the ability to heal or repair are quite rare...no wonder Sengoku values this kid so much."

Actually, Sengoku didn't learn about this until much later when Lucas had fixed the burned flag of the World Government...

Garp followed Lucas to their ship leaving Coby and Helmeppo behind to catch up to Luffy.

On the ship, Lucas finally asked Garp.

"So you're the one they sent to watch over me?"

"Hm? Nah, they sent someone else. Right now, the Marine Headquarters can't afford to send someone who can beat you since it would be counterproductive. After all, us Vice Admirals and above can't possibly spend our time babysitting you."

"...Then who?"

"Oi! Lass, come out!"


Lucas frowned and looked to where Garp was shouting at.

There, Lucas saw a pink haired woman in a suit casually smoking while walking towards them.

"I'm here."

This is...Black Cage Hina? They're sending her?

Garp continued to explain.

"We needed someone who won't be so easily swayed by you like the CP9 and join you. Also, they needed to be able to restrain anyone around you with ease just in case. Though she may be weaker than you, she is still the ideal person to monitor you. Plus, she volunteered."

"...I needed to get rid of two idiots who keep following me."


She's talking about Jango and Fullbody right? I didn't know she hated them that much…

Lucas was a bit confused. From the manga, it didn't seem like she minded them...but is she just looking for some excuse?

Still, it would make sense that they weren't willing to send anyone too strong. They only needed someone to monitor Lucas, not beat him…

Also, if they had sent someone with too strong a sense of justice like Tashigi, it may just backfire on them...someone like that can easily be manipulated after all.

On the other hand, Lucas doesn't know much about Hina at all. He truly doesn't know how to deal with her.

"I will say this once. The instant that Hina is unable to report once every 24 hours...not only you, but the Strawhats will also be chased adamantly and...executed!"


Garp was glaring at him as he didn't want Luffy's life to end like this at the very least.

Actually, there was another reason why Hina was sent. She was a woman...if they can rope in a guy like Lucas if he falls for Hina...then that would be the best!

Naturally, Garp didn't say this at all.

"If you understand, then get out. I hear you have your own ship, right?"

Garp tossed an eternal log pose to Lucas and gave the order.

"Your first job as a Shichibukai is to go there and regain the people's trust. It should be easy for you considering your ability and...history there."

Lucas raised a brow at that and looked at the name on the eternal log pose. Instantly, he understood what Garp meant and showed a wry smile.

After all, the island's name written there was…


Lucas scratched his head.

He looked at his left arm and smiled. There was a tattoo he had asked to be placed there a few days ago.

It seems...he would reunite with Vivi sooner than he thought…

Back in the Galley-la headquarters, Franky asked Luffy.

"Is that okay? I thought you won't let him get away?"

"...It's fine."

Franky was confused why Luffy would suddenly just give up. He looked at the others but they were all acting like this was normal.

When Robin saw him look at her, she shrugged as she didn't know as well.

Usopp laughed.

"It can't be helped that you guys didn't understand. But don't worry. Lucas' left arm...still has the sign of our friendship!"

"Even if he's not here, it doesn't matter...all that matters is that our feelings are connected."

Nami also added. However, from the way she said it, it seemed to have another meaning…

Franky was still confused but seeing as no one bothered about it anymore, he felt that it wasn't his place to say anything.

After all, he wasn't part of their crew...at least, not yet.

Lucas didn't stay to watch Franky's brief get stolen. He walked to where Iceberg was with Hina silently following along.

While the shipwrights were building the Strawhat's new ship, Lucas also asked for a small ship to be made.

With the money they got from the Strawhats, they had a huge supply of Adam Wood and the excess wood was placed in his small ship as well.

Iceberg presented Lucas' ship to him.

It was a white ship where the sides of the deck had a wing-like design. There was only one mast and a small cabin equipped with a bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom.

The ship didn't have a rudder or a steering wheel as per his request. After all, he only needed to use his ability to steer it.

This will be his own personal ship so it's small. As for a bigger ship, it was Iceberg's long term project. He had handed him some ideas after looking through the images of the PLUTON ship.

Though he wasn't able to read blueprints, the images were enough to tell a few things. And based from that, Lucas made his own ideas to either copy a similar effect or counter it. As for what those ideas are...that will have to wait for the future.

On the sail, there was a skull with wings behind it and is holding a shield, covering half of its face. There was also a black flag on top of it with the same logo.

This will become his temporary pirate mark...the Guardian Wing Pirate!

Satisfied with the ship, Lucas asked Iceberg.

"Does it have a name?"

"Nmaa...I call it, Freedom Wing. This small ship, and your ability, can let it travel anywhere it pleases."

Lucas nodded.

"Good, let's go."

Hina hesitated for a bit but still followed along.

It seems she had to get used to setting sail on a pirate ship from now on…

Just then, Lucas turned around and spoke to her.

"By the way, this thing only has one bed, that's mine. Unless you want to sleep together, go sleep somewhere else."


Hina's face darkened but she knew that she was no match for Lucas so she can only snort and walk away to find a place to rest.

Lucas just shrugged and no longer bothered her.

He looked at the direction of the eternal log pose then set his sights on the horizon ahead.

Time to set sail!

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