Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 52 - Brothers

DISCORD LINK: discord.gg/nTGxMXW

AN: Haha, I seem to get a lot of hate from the Luffy x Hanc_o_c_k thing XD. Well, what can I say? I already mentioned this in the early chapter's Author's Notes/Thoughts at the end. This was something I had decided before I even wrote this. Anyway, I am writing a separate (unpublished) OP fanfic where the MC has her as the main wife and does it with everyone else too so I don't care too much if this one's MC doesn't get Hanc_o_c_k :P Still deciding where to publish that though XD.


The Empress' Hall.

Luffy sat between Sandersonia and Marigold while they waited for Hanc_o_c_k to call him to her chambers.

Luffy looked around excitedly and thought they would give him a big meal of something. After that battle, he was starving very much!

"I suppose we really ought to show you some gratitude...thank you."

"No no, that's fine. It's not like thanks are something I can eat."


Of course, it's not something you can eat, why does it have to be something you need to eat!?

Suddenly, Hanc_o_c_k's voice rang out from behind the curtains to her chamber.

"You may enter."

"Hm? Oh! Is there food!?"

Luffy let out a drool when he thought of finally having a meal. But when he entered, what he saw was a beautifully sculpted n_a_k_e_d Hanc_o_c_k instead.

"What? No food?...Why are you n_a_k_e_d? Not that I'm complaining…"

Luffy secretly compared Hanc_o_c_k's body to Nami's back when he saw it in Alabasta's bath. That time, everyone with him suddenly fell from the wall and dragged him down as well before he could take a better look.

Now looking at a woman's n_a_k_e_d body, Luffy did feel admiration. Look at how thin she is, like she has no muscles!

He then focused on the two large mounds on her body and compared it to meat in his mind...he started to drool again.

Hanc_o_c_k saw this but strangely felt no l_u_s_t from Luffy...but the way he's looking at her…

"...Your rudeness never ceases to amaze me…but no matter..."

"This mark...you said that you had seen it somewhere before. Take a look at it once more. Where did you see it? Do you know what it means?"


Luffy thought deeply and placed his hand on his chin while staring at Hanc_o_c_k's back.

Hanc_o_c_k did not like showing it too much so she urged Luffy.

"Answer me, quickly!"

"Well, it's not quite the same as the one I saw before. There's this fishman friend I got called Hachi. I mistook it for the mark on his forehead, I haven't seen that mark before."

Luffy said as he remembered the sun tattoo on Hachi's forehead.

Then, an old woman entered the hall as well.

"If you do not know of it...then it is time you are informed."

"Elder Nyon!"

Elder Nyon ignored them and focused on Luffy.

"Boy! Are you not the pirate Monkey D. Luffy!?"

"!? Yeah, I am! Why do you know my name?"

Elder Nyon trembled in excitement. So she was indeed right!

She took out a newspaper and showed it to Hanc_o_c_k.

"This is the latest issue of the newspaper. The incident in Sabaody Archipelago...which a World Noble was sent flying with a punch...the man who did it was none other than this man right here!"


Everyone displayed shocked expressions.

To them, it was unthinkable that someone would dare to raise a hand to a World Noble, much less send one flying with a punch!

Luffy tilted his head, clearly confused why everyone was looking at him strangely.

"What's the big deal? I don't regret what I did to that guy! Do you know what that asshole was doing to my friend!?"

Hearing him say that, Hanc_o_c_k's heart trembled.

So it is true…

"...To think that a fool of that caliber...might still exist in this world…! A man to challenge the Heavens without a thought for his own life...a man such as him…!"


Luffy saw Hanc_o_c_k trembling and seemed like she was about to cry.

What happened next was Hanc_o_c_k explaining to Luffy what the mark on her back meant. Luffy also learned that the World Nobles go by a different name...The Celestial Dragons...Tenryuubito!

During this time, Elder Nyon stayed silent...but she wasn't done yet.

When Hanc_o_c_k's story ended, she finally spoke.

"I wasn't done yet. It seems that after the Strawhat crew has disappeared and everyone thought they all died...one man was left behind and...killed a World Noble!!!"


"K-....KILL!? A...WORLD...NOBLE!!!???"

This time, everyone was badly frightened!

A man who can send a world noble flying with a punch was already enough to shock them...but a man who actually dared to kill a world noble…!?

Just...what kind of person is this!?

Only Luffy displayed a normal confused face as he asked.

"Ah? Someone killed that guy? But there shouldn't be anyone left...ah! Is it…!?"

Elder Nyon seemed to know what he was going to ask as she nodded.

"The former Guardian...now known to be the Reaper of the Seas...Lucas! He was once also...a member of the Strawhat crew!"


While everyone was shocked to their core, Luffy read more into the front page as he frantically grabbed it from Elder Nyon.

"Hey! It says here that he's now in Impel Down!?"

"...Yes. Unfortunately, he seemed to have not been able to escape and was caught. They are planning in showing a public execution of him alongside a member of the Whitebeard crew as an example to the world…"

Luffy's face started to pale the more he read.

It wasn't just because of Lucas...the member of the Whitebeard crew to be executed was none other than his brother...Portgas D. Ace!

Then, he remembered the note Lucas gave him. Though it was covered up with him forcing Luffy to get a girlfriend, there was something there that seemed odd. It was when Lucas had mentioned that he can't make Luffy stay on the island even if he asked...and the fact that Lucas also mentioned the method to get a ship…

This meant that Lucas had long known about Ace and now, he is in Impel Down with him!

Luffy knew that seastone doesn't work on Lucas so he was confused at first how he got caught.

Only now did he realize that he must be doing this on purpose...he wanted to go to Impel Down and save Ace!

Still, even though Luffy figured this out, there was no way he would just sit back and wait. He was worried that Aokiji would come and find Lucas again. He can't lose him or Ace! So he has to save them both!

Thinking of this, Luffy turned to look at Hanc_o_c_k.

"Hanc_o_c_k! Lucas is my friend, and Ace is my brother! I need to get to Impel Down and save them!"


Elder Nyon and the others were surprised. They knew that Lucas was once a member of the Strawhat so it would make sense for Luffy to be worried for him...but they didn't think that he was also related to the member of the Whitebeard pirates! And a brother at that!

Hanc_o_c_k stood still in her place, as if everything had yet to sink in.

For years, she and her sisters had been tortured and played with by the world nobles...now that they were free, they finally met a man who dared to punch a world noble...and that man is now asking him to help him save another man who had dared to kill a world noble…

Never once in her life...would she even dream of such a thing to happen!

Luffy saw Hanc_o_c_k fell silent and thought that she was hesitating.

Then, he remembered Lucas' note once again.

'Win her heart and she may lend you her ship!'

There seemed to be a transparent figure of Lucas overlooking him from behind and giving him a wink and thumbs up...Good luck!


However, Luffy really had no idea what to do. He remembered something about a burden Hanc_o_c_k was carrying that Lucas mentioned and also their talk earlier about her being a slave and whatnot. Everything felt too complicated.

Luffy already exhausted all his thinking energy earlier, he should just stop thinking about it.

Deciding as such, Luffy approached Hanc_o_c_k impatiently and held her shoulders.

"If it's about the mark on your back, just ignore it and look only at me!"


Suddenly being held and looking at his face so close, a blush formed on Hanc_o_c_k's face and her heart started to beat faster.

W-what's happening to me!?

Elder Nyon saw the look on her face and feared the worst…

What followed next was a huge banquet to feed Luffy to restore his energy and everyone became rowdy as they met the man who can stretch.

While Luffy was having a meal, Hanc_o_c_k laid in her bed feeling hot all over. Her heart wouldn't stop beating fast the moment she thought of someone and she would feel dizzy.

The doctor thinks that she had contacted some unknown disease in the heart but Elder Nyon just sighed and cursed the lucky stars where Luffy was born under…

"It's just as they say in the east...Love is always a hurricane!!!"

The following day, Hanc_o_c_k and Luffy set off to Impel Down.

They transferred to the Marine warship that was waiting for Hanc_o_c_k originally where Hanc_o_c_k made a request to see the prisoner first.

Since it was already good that Hanc_o_c_k had listened to the summons this time, the marines agreed with her request provided that she goes under the standard checks in the prison.

All the while, Luffy was hidden under her cloak.

When they reached Impel Down, Hanc_o_c_k was asked to be checked and she can only comply. Taking advantage of a slight moment where the heard guard domino was distracted by her beauty, she turned her into stone along with the denden mushi at the corner of the room.

Luffy got off her with a sigh.

"Phew! That was close, I thought of running away so they wouldn't see me."

"Luffy...looks like I can only bring you up to here. I want to help you but…"

"What are you talking about? I wouldn't be able to come here by myself. You've done enough."

"Luffy...this isn't a fort where people can escape from. No matter what, don't make a ruckus! You won't be able to escape if you are caught...you're strong but...promise me, don't cause a huge disturbance!"

Luffy grinned and grabbed Hanc_o_c_k's hand as if to seal the promise.

"Ok! I promise! Thank you so much, Hanc_o_c_k!"

Luffy suddenly recalled Lucas' note again.

"Ah, but I wouldn't marry you until I become the Pirate King!"


Luffy only meant that he didn't want to marry anyone yet but somehow, it had turned into a proposal in Hanc_o_c_k's ears.

Actually, this can't be blamed on her. It was Luffy's fault for saying it that way…

If Luffy knew what the reader is thinking, he would definitely protest. It was Lucas' fault to begin with, not mine!

Of course, Lucas would also just blame the author as well for all this madness.

...Moving on…

Hanc_o_c_k's head nearly exploded from the sudden 'proposal'. Her face blushed red and steam was coming out of her face!

Luffy looked at her weirdly from the ceiling.

Did Hanc_o_c_k also know Gear Second!?

It took a while for Hanc_o_c_k to release the petrification but her body still felt weak from the fluttery feelings in her heart.

While being checked on, her mind was still a mess as well.

What do I do? Luffy suddenly p-p-p-proposed! Ahhh! He said he'll marry me when he becomes the Pirate King!


...Ah, If I help him become a Pirate King...then this goal will be achieved faster! T-then we can finally...g-g-g-get married!!!

It was as if there was the Big Bang in her head and a universe was born...not. But everything became clear to her.

But before that, she needed to play her part in this for now.

Hanc_o_c_k followed the group to an elevator that went down. After meeting up with Magellan, they finally reached the Level 6 where Lucas and Ace are.

At this time, Lucas had just finished telling Ace the news about Blackbeard and was about to spring free when the group arrived.

Lucas saw Hanc_o_c_k and knew what this meant. Luffy must've just arrived here as well!

Hannyabal spoke.

"We have a special visitor for you...Ace! Who do you think it might be? Jimbei, Lucas, even you have never met her in person so I doubt you will recognize her. Her name is famed far and wide, Empress of the Kuja warrior tribe, member of the Shichibukai, Both powerful and sublime, the world's most beautiful woman! The Pirate Empress, Boa Hanc_o_c_k herself!"


Together with a prepared confetti, Hannyabal enthusiastically introduced Hanc_o_c_k!

Magellan's face twitched seeing this and punched Hannyabal's head in annoyance.

"What are you playing at…!?"

Ignoring their antic, Ace, Jimbei, Lucas, and Crocodile were silent. However, the rest of the criminals in the other cells were rowdy and didn't hide their l_u_s_t as they ogled at Hanc_o_c_k.

Ace asked Hanc_o_c_k.

"What do you want with me…?"

"...I have no business with you...I just wanted to see you for myself. The man who will be the trigger for the battle in which I am set to participate…"

"...Some show I am, huh?"

Ace clicked his tongue, clearly dissatisfied with his situation.

Hanc_o_c_k looked at Lucas next and hesitated. This was the man...who dared to kill a World Noble!

While traveling here, Luffy had told her that Lucas is probably here to save Ace as well and had a way out of the seastone cuffs.

The two of them exchanged looks for a while.

Lucas sighed and shook his head.

"If you're here...then he's probably here too huh?"

Hanc_o_c_k nodded.

Seeing the blush on her face, Lucas asked jokingly.

"Heeh, so how far have you two gotten?"

"He proposed to me."


Lucas was too shocked that he choked on his own blood that was left in his mouth as he spit it out.

His jaw dropped to the ground, still unable to believe what she said.

Dammit! I only told him to get together with her and take a ship! How did it escalate that quickly!?

The others were confused as to what the two of them were talking about. From what they can tell, they seem to know each other though…

"...He said that?"

"...Yes, Luffy said he'll marry me when he becomes the Pirate King!"


This time, Ace' jaw dropped to the ground as well and another guard tagging along the group seemed to have tripped onto something on the floor.

The others were also very confused and surprised by what's happening.


Why did Luffy's name pop up here all of a sudden!?

Lucas no longer hesitated and took advantage of Magellan and the others being surprised as he broke free from his cuffs and chains and made a dash to where Hanc_o_c_k was.

Burn! 1st Degree: Heatman!


Hot air exploded from Lucas and pushed Magellan and the others to the back.

Lucas made a water blade with his hand and sliced the seastone cuffs on Hanc_o_c_k and also sent another wave to Ace and Jimbei to free them.

Ace massaged his wrists and a fire began to burn from his fists.

Though he was too surprised with how things turned out...he was now free!

Ace grinned and looked at where Magellan was while speaking to Lucas.

"Water huh, make sure you don't get in the way of my flames."

"Heh, if I wanted to, your flames will burn even inside my water."

"Then shall we?"

Magellan looked at the two teaming up and grimaced. Vice admiral Momonga who was originally escorting Hanc_o_c_k also had a grim expression. He looked at Hanc_o_c_k and asked with a heavy voice.

"Hanc_o_c_k! What is the meaning of this? Have you forgotten the treaty!?"

Lucas scoffed at that.

"Please, as if you Marines ever keep your promises. Or have you forgotten why I'm here already?"


Momonga wasn't able to refute, but he still drew his sword and got ready to fight.



There was a loud explosion and the ceiling was destroyed! There, a man fell down from the upper floors and landed on top of Hannyabal by accident, instantly knocking him out.

"Ah! Did I finally reach the last floor!?"


There, Strawhat Luffy...had arrived!

Lucas was surprised. He didn't think that Luffy could reach it here this fast!

Was it because of the recent power-ups that he helped him with? But that shouldn't be too much...right?

"Man, I was surprised! The floors just suddenly broke like that. But it sure did save me some time!"

Three more people landed as he was talking.

Lucas recognized them as Buggy, Mr. 3, and Bon Clay…anyway, they aren't too important, Lucas chose to ignore them.

At this time, Luffy finally noticed Ace and Lucas out of the cage and waved furiously.

"Ah! Ace! Lucas! I came to save you!"



Lucas and Ace looked at each other helplessly.

What save...aren't we already out of the cage!? Now it seems that we need to get you out of here as well!

"You all…"

Magellan trembled in anger seeing all these people out and about.

A huge blob of poison came out from him and formed what seemed like a dragon!


Seeing this huge lump of poison, Luffy quickly jumped to where Lucas was. At the same time, one of the guards behind Magellan lifted a steel pipe from somewhere and followed as well.

"Ahh, no good, I can't stay there anymore."

Everyone watched as the guard removed his cap and revealed his face.

Seeing who he was, both Luffy and Ace had eyes wide open and tears at the corner of their eyes.

This was a face they never thought they would be able to see again…!


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