Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 55 - Why Me!?

Lucas, who now turned into a gigantic water golem, lifted his hand that was beneath the ship where Luffy and the others were on.

Feeling as if they were being lifted, everyone's faces paled except for Luffy who was still shouting in excitement.

When they saw the water giant grin, their hearts seemed to stop.

The next moment, they felt the wind pressure slam on their bodies as the water giant...threw their ship high in the air as if it was a baseball pitch!




With the exception of Luffy, everyone on the ship started to curse Lucas while clutching their hearts!

The marines watching this, including Kizaru, all had their jaws drop and their eyes wide at the scene.

What...on earth...just happened!?

The water giant laughed.

"Hahaha! Kizaru, they're headed for Marineford now, do you think you can still stop them!?"


Kizaru was about to retort when he felt a shadow cast over him. Lifting his head, he saw a ceiling of water formed into a hand about to crash down on him!

Seeing this, Kizaru quickly disappeared into light and dodged the attack.

Lucas sighed and thought that having a huge body doesn't really help...he's too slow and his opponent is too fast.

Similarly, Kizaru also lamented that even if he is too fast, he can't deal with Lucas at the moment as well.

Also, Whitebeard was about to arrive, he can't waste any more time here.

Lucas watched Kizaru leave in a flash of light. He flew out from the water giant and gave chase.

As for the water giant. Without the control of Lucas, it naturally came crashing down and the sh_i_p_s left behind were all caught up in it as well.

Lucas ignored them and simply flew away as he tried to get to Marineford as soon as possible.

Since events were still happening just like in the original...he can't let Ace or anyone die!

Back in Impel Down. Level 6.

Due to the battle Lucas had with Lucius just now, some cages were bent and pried open. Not everyone here was a devil fruit user.

For example, Shiryu of the Rain.

He took a glance at the unconscious kid who used the Darkness fruit just now and a grin appeared on his face.

"Hehe, don't worry kid...you ain't dying here."

Shiryu has been watching Lucius and Lucas fight earlier and felt that he can get along with this kid, Lucius. If he trains him right…

Well, they can bring about a never before seen destruction.

It took a while for him to find his sword but after getting it, he freed the rest of the prisoners in Level 6.

"You lot are free. I'm taking this kid and unleash hell on earth...whether you follow me or not is up to you."


"Let's go! Let's go!"

"Count me in!"

"Ahahaha! Quick! Grab those devil fruit guys and bring them with us!"

The prisoners rioted and cheered.

Over at Marineford, a man who was also a Division Commander of the Whitebeard crew, Haruta, was currently kneeling on the execution platform with two guards standing on both sides.

Despite being in a public execution, Haruta had a grin on his face.

Since he was the one being executed, that meant that Ace managed to escape!

He was happy. Back then, he was the first to get wind of news about Ace's capture and tried to save him but only ended up being captured as well.

So learning that Ace managed to escape, he felt at peace. The only worry he has now...is if Ace only escaped to get here and try to rescue him.

Pops too…

Haruta looked at the sky and prayed that none of them try to save him.

From the execution platform, he could see just how many marines were here and how many high ranking marines are as well.

Though there were only 2 admirals at the moment, the other should return soon.

"Men, I have something crucial to tell you all. Currently, Portgas D. Ace who was supposed to be executed today has escaped Impel down with the help of Strawhat Luffy, Revolutionary Sabo, and former Shichibukai...Lucas."

Everyone fell silent, wondering why Sengoku is announcing this now when this is being broadcasted live around the world.

"At the moment, I received news that they are all about to head here to save this man."


Haruta's eyes widened.

His worst fear had come! Ace has indeed...escaped to save him!

"There is another thing...about Ace's and Luffy's identity…"


"Back then, we searched as though our lives depended on it. Searching for the possibility that there existed on that island a child of that man. Based on nothing but the tiniest of leads from Cipher Pol...we investigated all newborn children, all children who were yet to be born, and all of their mothers...but ultimately found nothing."

From the other side of the screens, people around the world looked at each other in confusion.

Just what is this guy saying? Why bn so long-winded?

"Or so we thought...but out of pure obstinacy, that mother had risked her life...to perform a certain trick with regard to his birth. And it was this trick that deceived our eyes...In the South Blue, there lies an island by the name of Baterilla. The name of this woman was...Portgas D. Rouge!"


Garp stood up and walked away to where Tsuru was.

"...This is not your fault."

"...Does it matter?"


On the stage, Sengoku continued.

"She performed a feat that we could never have hoped to imagine...and out of devotion to her child, bore him in her w_o_m_b...for a full 20 months! And when the birth finally came, her strength all but spent...she left this world as he entered it. From that point, a child bearing the most accursed blood to be found in this world was born. That child is Ace."

What followed next was something that shocked the entire world as much as the news of a World Noble's death!

"His father is none other than the Pirate King, GOLD ROGER!!!"


Everyone fell silent for a few seconds before erupting into chatters.

"The pirate king's son!?"

"Fire fist Ace is…!?"

"Unbelievable…! So his blood still remains…!?"

Sengoku shouted once again.

"Right now, Ace is heading this way! When he does...he will be executed!"


It was at this moment, a fleet of pirate sh_i_p_s appeared.

The Gates of Justice was opened without their permission!

Wild Knight Doma, Thunder Lord McGuy, The Decalvan Brothers, Vortex Spider Squadro...a terrifying group who have made their names for themselves in the New World!

These were the pirates allied with Whitebeard!

The next moment, the Admirals and Sengoku could hear a faint sound of bubbles rising from deep underwater.

Soon, four shadows could be seen at the center of Marineford.


From under the water, rose 4 sh_i_p_s shaped like a whale.

"It's Moby D_i_c_k!"

"Whitebeard...has arrived!"

Everyone readied their weapons and pointed at the sh_i_p_s.

From there, they heard the footsteps of the Strongest Man.

"Gurarararara! How many decades has it been, Sengoku…!?"

Whitebeard appeared at the very front of the ship holding a long naginata to the side.

"My beloved son...had better be safe and sound…!"


Haruta shouted with tears at the corner of his eyes.

Dammit! As I thought...they still came to save me!

He was worried about Whitebeard yet at the same time, he felt relieved.

"Gurararara! You just hand in there a little longer...Haruta!"

Whitebeard got into a stance.

He swung his left hand and punched the air to the left. Once he did, a crack could be seen in midair as if it was made of glass.

He did the same and punch the air on the right.

While everyone was still confused, the sea from both sides started to expand and turned into huge tsunamis heading towards them!

This was the man who was said to hold the power to destroy the world!

With the two tsunamis on both sides...marks the start of the war!

Naturally, it was impossible for the Admirals to stay seated at a time like this.

Aokiji disappeared from his seat and appeared in the sky with both hands stretched to both sides.

"Ice Age!"

Instantly, the huge tsunamis froze over and stopped, creating two huge ice walls on both sides of Marineford.

Whitebeard grinned and took a glance at him as he spoke.

"Aokiji...you little rascal!"

Aokiji didn't dare waste any words on him and simply attacked by throwing a dozen ice spears at Whitebeard.

Whitebeard swung his fist again and punched the air, causing it to crack. The next moment, the ice spears cracked and crumbled away along with Aokiji in midair.

The ice shards fell to the ground and froze the sea as a new Aokiji reformed himself.

The frozen sea now has become a platform for them to fight.

While the marines took this chance to shoot cannons on the sh_i_p_s that have been trapped, the pirates didn't stand idle and they all jumped out to fight.

Facing them was also a line up of Vice Admirals!

While pirates and marines fought, Mihawk who was standing on the wall started to grab his sword.

Beside him, Doflamingo appeared surprised.

"Fufufufu, what, are you actually gonna do it?"

"I'm just going to measure...so I can see it with my own eyes the difference in actual strength between that man and I."

Mihawk wanted to know if he can match the one known as the Strongest Man.

With a single swing of a blade, the frozen sea was split as his sword energy was about to hit Whitebeard.

However, before it could even reach Whitebeard, Diamond Jozu jumped in and turned into diamond, completely blocking Mihawk's sword!

Mihawk grimaced, it seems he needs to deal with this one first before he can fight Whitebeard.

Suddenly, Jozu gabbed on the frozen sea on the ground and started to lift it!

"What brute strength!"

"Look out! It's an iceberg!"

Jozu tossed the huge iceberg he lifted onto the marine's side.

This iceberg was even larger than the giants!

Akainu saw this and sighed.

"Geez, if all of us are out there, who is left to protect this place?"

His left hand turned into magma as it started to expand.

With a swing of his fist, a large burning hand made of magma punched through the iceberg and instantly melted it!

After destroying the iceberg, the magma started to break off and fall from the sky like meteor showers.

One of which was headed towards Whitebeard but he only needed to swing his naginata once to stop it.

"You think you look cool with your fire huh...why don't you go and light a birthday cake instead, magma brat."

"Fufufu...I just thought I'd light your funeral up a bit, Whitebeard."

What followed next was Oars showing up and about to charge ahead when suddenly everyone could hear a faint sound from high up in the sky.


"W-what's that!?"

It was unknown who pointed it out first but when one man pointed to the sky, everyone looked up.




"SHISHISHISHISHI! I'M MADE OF RUBBER SO I'LL BE FINE! Oh, Hanc_o_c_k, quickly grab onto me!"

"Ahh, Luffy~!"




It was a good thing that the battleship that fell from the sky landed on the area where Jozu picked up a huge chunk earlier so they didn't crash on ice.

Jimbei and Sabo quickly got the devil fruit users out of the sea as soon as they landed.

Luffy coughed up a few times and stood up, beside him were Ace, Sabo, Hanc_o_c_k, Jimbei, Ivankov, Crocodile, Buggy, Mr. 3, Bon Clay, and the rest of the freed prisoners of Impel Down they took with him.

Buggy laughed and tried to act unafraid in front of the prisoners.

"Gyahaha! Are you ready for me, world!?"

"Haruta! I'm coming to get you!"

Ace shouted to where Haruta was at the execution stand.

"Heh, this seems fun!"

"Shishishi! Ohh! That huge guy with the horns! I think I met him before?"

Both Sabo and Luffy grinned while Luffy noticed Oars. Strangely, he felt quite familiar with him.

Seeing the intruders, Sengoku snapped out at Garp.

"Garp! Is that another member of your family!?"


Garp nearly pulled out his hair in frustration!

Sengoku looked at him and knew he can't do anything about him. He then turned to where Luffy and the others was as he shouted.

"So this is your answer, is it, Jimbei!? Hanc_o_c_k!?"

"Indeed! I resign as a Shichibukai!"

"I as well! As Luffy's wife, I shall be joining him in the future!"


It seemed the whole world fell silent when they heard Hanc_o_c_k.


The only one who didn't react much was Luffy himself and Garp who suddenly became happy all of a sudden though he was beyond angry earlier…

"Hanc_o_c_k! I said I won't marry you yet!"

"Bwahahahahahaha! Good one Luffy! For a moment, I was worried I won't get any great grand kids! Wahahahahaha!!!"

Only now did everyone finally react.

They saw the bashful expression of Hanc_o_c_k and their hearts throbbed.


"Ah? Why me!?"

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