Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 68 - Kaido

DISCORD LINK: discord.gg/r7kcKke


Having said that, Lucas turned around satisfied but suddenly felt like he was missing a line somewhere…

But if he turns back again to say it, it would be embarrassing. It's a must to act cool when copying Liam Neeson.

It's unfortunate that he can't say it over the phone but well...maybe he can say it again someday.

Right, isn't there still Doflamingo's arc? He can be a good partner to act that scene out again.

In a distant land, a kid wearing sunglasses suddenly sneezed inexplicably. He tilted his head in confusion as he didn't understand why he sneezed.

Back to Wano, the remaining man dragged his dead colleagues away and ran as far as he could.

Lucas ignored the stares of Toki and the rest as he silently walked back to the castle.

"L-Lu...err, Akaoni-san? Why did you…?"

"I promised Oden I'd look after you all. I intend to keep that promise. Be it now, or in the future."

After some time, in the Shogun's castle.

Beside him, there was a large man with dark long and bushy hair. At the sides of his head, you could see horns sticking out as well.

This man was none other than one of the Four Emperors, Kaido!

Orochi trembled when he heard what Lucas had said. The truth was, he was a cowardly person by nature, but since he's backed up by strong people, he still finds a bit of courage to do whatever he wants.

When he heard what Lucas had done, a vivid image of a red demon appeared in his mind and he couldn't help but shiver.

On the other hand, Kaido only raised a brow.

"Oho, what an interesting guy."

"T-this isn't the time for that! Are you going to help me deal with this or not!?"

"Heh, don't worry. Didn't he say it? He'll be coming here himself if you lay a hand on Kuri. No need for me to bother going there."

Orochi fell silent and started laughing out loud.

That's right! Why does he need to be scared!?

Isn't the one known to be the Strongest Creature Alive beside him!? Why should I be afraid of some demon!?

Right, I may have a bit of trouble if I seek him out himself, but if he comes here by himself...I can prepare a lot of things! Maybe he won't even reach Kaido and just die from the traps and ambush!?

As soon as Orochi thought of that, an o_b_s_c_e_n_e smile crept on his face as he started to laugh again.

Then, he noticed there was still someone else other than him and Kaido in the room. He smiled coldly at the man kneeling before him.

"What are you still doing here?"

"T-then, I'll excuse myself now…"


Without noticing it, Orochi had already picked up a pistol and shot at the man suddenly!

The man looked at Orochi with disbelief as he tried to ask while clutching onto his c_h_e_s_t now full of blood.

"W-why…!? Lord...Oro...chi…"

He didn't even get an answer before he died just like that.

Orochi glanced at the body and snorted.

"Hmph! Your comrades had all died already, do you think I needed you alive?"

After dealing with him, Orochi called for someone to clean up the mess and also provided another set of orders.

Once done, he started to coldly smile again.

Kuri Castle.

Lucas continued to calmly wait while trying to access his powers but to no avail.

Sighing, he decided to train on his body instead as he started to do some workouts.

That night, Lucas laid on his bed while thinking of various things. About the wellbeing of the Strawhats. About Nami and their baby. About Robin, Vivi...even Hina. He also thought about his own crew who should now be led by Kohza. He felt a bit worried that the former CP9 members might make things too hard for him...but he trusts that Kohza can handle it.

However, this didn't last long as he soon detected something with his Observation Haki.

His room is just right next to Toki's and the kids so he can immediately act when needed. Sure enough, there were several figures creeping close to her room!

Lucas silently turned to water and sneaked inside Toki's room. When the several was about to strike at Toki, Lucas appeared from behind them and held down their mouths.

There were 4 figures all in all so Lucas had created 4 water clones to deal with each of them.

His hand turned into water as it filled in the mouths of the intruders, drowning them silently.

Lucas thought for a moment and tried something as well.

His healing ability was said to be him giving his life force away to heal someone, but can it work in reverse?

With this thought, The water that he had sent inside their bodies was retracted by him along with the blood and the water in their bodies which then filled him up.

He can feel that he had indeed been somewhat reinvigorated but there was this...bad taste in his mouth so to say. He didn't actually taste anything, but the feeling of taking a life and taking it for his own is...just unpleasant.

Anyway, he's still alive and kicking. There was no need to do this sort of thing all the time.

Lucas looked at the dried-up corpses and sighed.

He checked to see that Toki and the kids were still asleep before disappearing with the corpses as he took them outside to dispose of them.

Looking at the attires worn by these intruders, it was evident that they were ninjas sent by Orochi. It seems that he did not take his threat seriously.

That or he wanted me to walk into a trap…

Lucas smirked.

Very well, consider it that you've angered me. Let's see what you have for me…

An hour later, Lucas arrived at Orochi's castle and blatantly walked inside.

"Huh? Who are you? Outsiders aren't allowed in this-!?"

Without a word, there was a black flash and his head fell down the next moment. The other guards were about to react but they too had been sliced off in the next second.

Lucas continued to encounter samurais and sometimes pirates from Kaido's crew but he sliced them all off without hesitation.

The hidden ninjas responsible for the supposed ambush showed themself holding a short blade and lunging at Lucas at the most opportune moment!

Lucas didn't bother to move and simply let the blades strike him.

He can feel that there was no haki imbued in their attacks so there was no reason to dodge at all.

He made sure to control the water well enough so that there won't be splashes or anything. What he wanted was to create an image of an undying demon in Orochi's mind.

Just as the ninjas were about to celebrate from their successful attack, they were all sliced the next moment, leaving them confused. Sadly, they were already dead and would have no way of knowing what happened.

The other samurais and pirates stared at Lucas dumbfoundedly.

Right now, Lucas was covered with blood and multiple katanas were struck all over his body but he acted as if he didn't feel anything as he removed them without care.

Steam started to appear on his body which created an eerie scene to everyone.

To everyone's eyes, it was as if his eyes were glowing from behind the mask and they all started trembling.


"No! He...he can't be human!"

They all tried to flee but were a step too late. It only took a few seconds before they were all sliced in half!

Lucas glanced at the bodies and continued to walk towards where Orochi is.

He had already locked onto him with his Observation Haki the moment he had arrived.

On the way, Lucas met with all kinds of traps and ambushes. Be it ninjas, pirates, poisoned arrows, poisoned gas...none of which were effective on him at all!

Orochi watched as Lucas silently approached closer and closer to him, completely unaffected with all his tricks and plans.

He started to tremble and even fall on his b_u_t_t while crawling backward.

"W-w-wait! Please think about this! I can hire you! I'll give you money! Women! Power! We have no hatred with each other!"

Lucas ignored him and continued to walk closer.

"R-right! Don't you like Oden's woman!? I'll give her to you! That Oden will die sooner or later anyway! You can just get her now! I can make it happen!"

Hearing this, Lucas finally paused.

What...did he say?

How...did he come to the conclusion that I like Toki?

Lucas frowned. Because of his night visits, the others indeed had these suspicions about him but this was supposed to be only known by Oden's retainers.

In that case...how did Orochi know about it?

...Could it be…!?

Lucas grimaced. It was a good thing he only revealed himself to Toki and the kids. Otherwise, it may be troublesome in the future…

After pausing for a moment, Lucas continued walking.

"I told you. If you didn't come to look for trouble, I won't look for you. But you did, and now I'm here."

"But there's no reason for you to hate me! You're not even Oden's retainer!"

Orochi started to panic even more but before Lucas reached close enough, he suddenly stopped.

"Hm, a barrier huh? Do you honestly think this is enough to stop me?"

Lucas saw an old man holding a guitar-like instrument but his index and middle fingers on both hands were crossed.

This was a unique gesture of the Barrier Devil Fruit users. He didn't expect to see it here. Was he the previous owner of the fruit?

The old man saw Lucas gaze at him and trembled a bit. Suddenly, Lucas' gaze sharpened and the old man's eyes rolled to the back as foam started to appear from his mouth.

It wasn't just Armament and Observation Haki that he had trained during his time on Roger and Whitebeard's ship. He had found out that he also had the Emperor's Haki in him and learned to control it from the best, the Pirate King himself.

A barrier like this cannot stop his Emperor's Haki!

With the Barrier user unconscious, the barrier naturally disappeared as well and Lucas was able to reach Orochi.

Lucas didn't want to waste more words as he lifted his scythe and was about to slice Orochi. However, a sudden explosion erupted from the wall behind and a large man shot towards him with insane speed!

Lucas saw this and quickly reacted to defend himself.

Having blocked the attack, Lucas was pushed to the back of the room but still stood his ground. He looked at the person who arrived and frowned.


The two stared at each other for a while before Kaido spoke first.

"So you're the Red Demon I keep hearing about. Aren't you an interesting guy…"

"Sorry, but I don't swing that way."

"Worororororo! I wonder if you can still joke about when I'm done with you!"

Kaido no longer spoke as he lifted his huge spiked mace and dashed straight to Lucas!

Lucas materialized another black scythe and prepared to meet his attack head on.

"Hoh, what an interesting ability!"


The two clashed with a loud explosion.

WIth that one clash, Lucas was pushed back by at least a dozen meters back.

Tsk, sure enough, this guy has immense power! Even Whitebeard isn't on the same level when compared to strength alone!

But...there was no need to compete in strength. Lucas has many means in his arsenal.

Half of Lucas' body started to be covered with steam while the other half started to let out cold air.


Kaido was confused to see two different kinds of power seemingly come from Lucas as he still couldn't tell what kind of devil fruit he had eaten.

When Lucas attacked with his steaming right scythe, there would be small explosions upon impact as well as a scorching heat that followed after.

When Lucas attacked with the cold left scythe, the air would freeze where his weapon passed and his attack would also have some sort of ice power that comes with it.

Hot and Cold.

Lucas had barraged Kaido with these kinds of attacks.

Still, it wasn't strong enough to cause Kaido any big injuries at all!

Kaido sneered and continued his offense without caring for his defense. He knew better than anyone how strong his body is!

With a powerful overhead blow, the ground cracked on Lucas' feet as he tried to defend against it with both his weapons.

"You have an interesting ability there, sadly, it's not enough to deal with me!"

"Heh, we'll see about that…!"

Suddenly, two black arms sprouted from behind Lucas which were also wielding black scythes and struck down on Kaido!

It seems Kaido didn't expect this kind of attack and was also surprised that Lucas was able to stab onto his shoulders. He swung his mace again and blew Lucas to the wall with an enraged swing!

"Heh, compared to the Strongest Man, you're still weaker than him!"

"Grrr! Bastard! Newgate is nothing compared to me!"

This time, Kaido was truly angry! His whole body started to transform which destroyed the castle as it expanded into...a dragon!

Lucas' face twitched when he saw this.

F_u_c_k me! I didn't know he was a Dragon Devil Fruit User!

Compared to Momonosuke's little dragon form, this...this is too big!

Lucas no longer dared to hold back and expanded his wings to take flight and hovered in front of Kaido.

"Am I supposed to be impressed!?"

Ok, I am actually impressed...but there's no need for him to know that!

Kaido laughed and glared at Lucas.

"Worororo! And what can a bird like you do against me!?"

Lucas smiled and swung both his scythes to the side while increasing their size.

"Don't you know? Birds eat worms like you! And I haven't had my breakfast yet!"



Their two Emperor's Haki unleashed to the fullest and clashed!

From a distance, you could see the clouds split and the sea part as it created a huge shockwave throughout the island!

In the future, people would tell the tale of a Dragon and a Demon fighting against each other in the skies!

This was a fight...that had lasted for three days and three nights!


BOOM! Cliffhanger! XD

Regarding the Barrier fruit, it was mentioned in the manga (Chapter 969 Page 5) that the barrier doesn't allow anyone to come closer. That was how the ability works. So I thought, since that's the case, Emperor's Haki should work fine. XD Dunno if this is really the case or not but I'm sticking to it!

As for me not showing Kaido's top cadres like King and Queen, well, just blame it on Kaido's arrogance. XD I didn't want to waste too much time with this arc anymore than I already have so the fight scene of Kaido and Lucas was summarized into 'lasting for 3 days and 3 nights'. This should be plenty enough to speak of Lucas' current power and ability as well as his growth after being trained by Roger and Whitebeard.

That's all, the past Wano arc should end in about...2-3 more chapters I guess. Then we'll be back in the present!

Another thing, I release a test DC fanfic of mine called Reborn as Batman's Little Brother in Scribblehub which had about 13 or so chapters for a dry run. Just to see if it is worth continuing it and it seems like it XD I will be starting on writing it next weekend too.

That's all, see ya next chap!

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