Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 76 - EXTRA: Return Again (What could’ve been)

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Lucas tried to break free from Toki's grasp but it was as if there was this strange power that's holding him in place! He can't even turn into water as well!

"Goodbye, Lucas...may you live well...in your time."

"TOKI!!! DON'T-...!!!"

While events continued to unfold in Wano, a certain white-haired man was busy being tossed around in space and time.

After Toki had used her powers on Lucas, Lucas found himself in some sort of dimensional tunnel. There was this strange pull on his body, seemingly guiding him to the other end of the tunnel.

Was it because he was conscious this time? Last time he had traveled in time, he did not see this place at all.

Lucas tried to move around in an attempt to go back but there was no use.

However, this was supposed to be a straight path! If he turns…


Lucas felt a sudden force hit his whole body and the strange pull guiding him before was gone. It was as if he was now...free falling through space and time!


The next moment that Lucas opened his eyes, he found himself washed up on the shore of an unknown island.

When he tried to get up, he saw a weird creature in the corner of his eyes.

It was a horse...made of water.

Right, the horse was completely water and waves formed its mane...Lucas wondered just where had he landed this time?



Before Lucas could speak, an oddly familiar voice sounded out behind him.

Turning around, he saw a long-haired woman with white hair and snow-like skin wearing a faint blue dress.

"Lucas! You're...back!"

"W-wha-!?... Elsa!?"

Huh? Is this Elsa!? Elsa from Frozen!? Since when did Frozen have a horse made of water!? Also...what did she mean I'm back!? How can she know me!?

...Hold on...that dream I had before...don't tell me it was real!?

Lucas was about to speak again when Elsa suddenly rushed to his embrace while crying.

"Thank goodness! You suddenly disappeared last time that I was worried!"


Lucas sweated.

What the hell is going on!?

I know Elsa is pretty hot...but...but...what the hell is going on!?

Lucas had no more words to describe his situation. He was completely speechless!

Just earlier, he was fighting against Kaido, then Toki used her powers...but then that weird pull happened...and now he's in the world of Frozen!?

And Elsa is hugging him like he was her long lost lover!?


"Everytime~...I think of you~ Wondering...what could have been~!"

Lucas started to sweat for real and quickly pushed Elsa away.

"Alright, that's enough! Can we not...sing again!?"


Elsa blinked in surprise but nodded anyway.

She looked at the bandages wrapped around him and couldn't help but look worried.

"Your wounds...did you...fight again?"


"But why!? You know that you only end up even worse at the end! Why do you continue to fight!?"

Lucas smiled wryly. He felt weird being asked like this by a Disney Princess...or rather, a Disney Queen.

The transition is just too big compared to the world of One Piece…

"Well...I had to. It was the only way to protect those around me…"

She looked sad and Lucas felt it was his fault...though he doesn't know why Elsa seems to care about him so much.

Lucas scratched his cheeks as he was troubled with the situation.

The water horse beside him nudged on him, pushing him towards Elsa.

"Alright, alright…"

Lucas sighed and placed his palm on Elsa's head to soothe her. He really doesn't know how else to soothe a girl…

"Err, look. If it makes you feel better...you can...sing."

Elsa blinked again in surprise but then smiled.

Lucas was a bit entranced with her smile so he turned around and quickly spoke.

"Ah! But I'm just gonna listen, okay!? I'm definitely not singing again!"


The night passed as Lucas listened to Elsa sing to her heart's content.

It was definitely a new sensation to hear her sing personally and not watching her on the screen...though he was still confused as to where the background music keeps coming from…

Hm...maybe I should ask Nami to sing too...or Robin...ah, maybe Vivi is better. She is, technically, a princess as well.

While thinking of things like these, he suddenly felt a small pain on his waist.

He turned to look and saw Elsa pouting at him.

"Are you thinking of other women?"


What the hell!? Is Women Intuition a multiversal power!? Like, a shared consciousness network of women throughout the multiverse!?


"...I see…"

Seeing Elsa look down again, Lucas sighed.

"Look, Elsa...in the world I came from, there are...a few women that I am involved with...I even had a child with one of them...so yes, I am thinking about them as I'm worried about them. The people in that world...are not as kind as people here."

"...I know that...but...I may be selfish...but please, before you disappear again...I want you to only think of me!"

Lucas stumbled.

It wasn't that Lucas never thought of her as a woman but...it was the same when he first met Nami. It was weird to fall in love with a fictional character from his world.

Not to mention he already has a child with Nami...it just felt wrong to look for more women.

Elsa's face started to get close and Lucas was still not moving as his mind was muddled.

Before he knew it, Elsa's lips had touched his and they were locked for over a minute.

When they finally separated, Elsa stared at Lucas with eyes that were screaming of wanting more.

This completely broke Lucas' thoughts as he went and kissed her again, this time, with even more passion!

Elsa took him in and waved her hand as white mist shot out.

In a few seconds, an ice dome had surrounded them completely.

They were currently outside and on the beach so she was worried that someone might come and see.

The water horse was left outside.

He saw the ice dome and nodded proudly before trodding back into the water…

Meanwhile, inside the ice dome, Lucas had created a bed made of water for them to do their business.

Elsa's blue dress was already thrown away and Lucas' clothes were similarly being removed piece by piece by Elsa.

Finally...they united.

Outside the dome, snowflakes and water droplets danced in the air in rhythmic movements.

Anna, who was looking for her sister, happened to arrive here and saw the scene.

Confused, she tilted her head and walked closer.

When she saw the ice dome, she became even more curious.



Realizing what may be happening, Anna's face quickly turned red and fled the scene!

Morning came.

Elsa groggily opened her eyes and sat up.

Her hair was a mess and her whole body was aching.

Turning to her side, she saw Lucas' sleeping face and smiled warmly.

Suddenly, a faint light started to appear on Lucas' body which slowly enveloped him.

It was...happening again!

"No! No! Please don't go! Lucas…!"

Unfortunately, a strange power had covered Lucas which rendered him unable to regain consciousness.

Elsa could only watch as Lucas disappeared once more from her grasp.

When the light faded, Lucas was gone.

A small tear dropped down from Elsa's eyes onto the sandy beach.

She was...alone again…

Time passed, Lucas finally woke up with a groan as he held his head in pain.

"Ughh...Where am I?"

Lucas looked around and saw that he was inside some sort of room.

Did I accidentally appear in someone else's house?

While thinking that, someone appeared from the door. Lucas recognized her and he immediately knew where he was.

This is Shyarly...which means, he's now back in the world of One Piece. The only problem is 'when' he is..

Hm? That's weird? I've always been in the world of One Piece? Why did I think like that?

Lucas could vaguely remember another person and another world but all just feels like a dream…

Anyway, now's not the time to think about that.

"You're awake."

"...I am. Thank you for uhh...saving me? I guess?"

Lucas sighed at how much he has been waking up in strange places lately.

He even had a dream where he woke up in a certain Disney movie…but that was just a dream...right?

The end!


Since a lot unexpectedly liked the Frozen extra chap from before, here's another extra :P

Naturally, this is not canon to the story XD

Who knows, maybe I will really have Lucas cross over to Frozen world in the future, but it will be near the end or after the end of this story as I won't be introducing new worlds anytime soon.

Real chap is right next!

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