Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 78 - Anger of the Sea!

DISCORD LINK: discord.gg/r7kcKke


Once Zoro was sure that Luna and the kids had their eyes closed and ears covered, the hand holding his sword pulled on it as he calmly placed one on his mouth, left, and right hand.

"I'll ask again, which way is the Mermaid Cafe?"

"Kekeke, you think you can deal with all of us!?"

As the New Fishman Pirate spoke, more and more fishmen arrived. Looking at them, Zoro calmly thinks that they had probably reached a hundred already.

Zoro nodded.

"That's the wrong answer."


Suddenly, two more heads appeared with two swords on their mouth and four hands appeared on his back, each holding a sword as well.


"W-what is-!?"

The fishmen were shocked to see such a sight but before they could even complete a sentence, Zoro's body flashed and 8 more silhouettes of him appeared!

There were 9 demons in front of them!


All 9 Zoros flashed in different directions and unleashed their attacks as if a powerful wind had blown the entire crowd away!

It only took at most 2 seconds to clean everything up. On the 3rd second, only one fishman was left alive. The rest were all dead as their corpses floated away lifelessly.

"Last call. Answer my question."

"T-t-t-t-that...that way!"

"Un. Good. The kid's counting down to 10, I want you out of her sight by then."


The fishman quickly turned around and fled!

He wasn't even going back to Hody anymore, he just wanted to leave!

Are you kidding me!? If I return to Hody, he will just kill me as well! I'm out! I'm done with being a pirate! I want peace!

Zoro looked around and checked that no one else was present anymore.


Luna and the kids opened their eyes and looked around.

"Wow! They hide so fast! Uncle Green, why didn't you hide!?"

"Haha, you counted much faster than I thought, I wasn't able to find a place to hide. Guess you found me."


Seeing them completely clueless with what just happened, Zoro sighed in relief.

Dammit, I can't believe the first time I got to use that move was on a bunch of nobodies…

Back then, he had managed to train Soru to the extreme with Kaku's help and was able to create up to 8 afterimages.

Combined with his 9 sword-style Ashura, it displayed destructive power!

For something like that to be used just to clean up a bunch of fish...Zoro was deeply annoyed.

Still, it wasn't like he could take out his anger on Luna and the kids.

Sighing once again, he took the rope and pulled Luna again.

"Let's go find them over there, I think I saw them hide somewhere there."


Zoro nodded assuredly.

Nn, if I'm right, that guy said the Mermaid Cafe is in...that direction.

If the fishman was still here, he would no doubt facepalm himself.

Where are you going!? I clearly pointed in the other direction!!! That way is…!

Meanwhile, back in Mermaid Cafe, Lucas had finished tussling with Nami and Robin so he came out to look for the others.

"Huh? Brook, where's everyone?"

"Ah, you're back! Luffy-san and Hanc_o_c_k-san are talking to the Madame. Chopper-san is taking care of Sanji-san, Franky-san is off to find his master's relative, Usopp-san is being tortured by Kaya-san as we speak, and I am dying and being reborn over and over again! Yohohohoho!"


Lucas's face twitched as he looked around.

"...And? Where's Luna?"

"Oh, Zoro took her outside for a stroll."

"I see, that's good...NOT!"

Lucas panicked and pulled Brook out of the mermaid's embrace.

"Oi! This is Zoro we're talking about! How can you let them walk out without supervision!?"

"Oh no! What do we do!? Knowing Zoro, they might even be in the New World already!"

Nami also panicked.

"Maybe they even reached Marineford."

Robin added.

"That's not funny!"

Lucas ran out and stretched his Observation Haki to the extreme!

Thankfully, this is Fishman Island and the sea enhances his range of Observation Haki as well.

When he finally found Zoro and Luna, his face twitched again.

What the hell are they both doing so deep in the Fishman District!?

At this rate, they are bound to meet Hody Jones!

Fishman District. New Fishman Pirates headquarters.

Zoro, Luna, and the Medaka Quintuplets stood in front of a group of fishmen being led by a pale shark fishman, Hody Jones!.

Beside him was a squid fishman Ikaros, a cookiecutter shark fishman Daruma, a wobbegong fishman Zeo, and a hammerhead shark fishman Dosun.

Hody looked at Zoro in front of him then looked around.

"The water suddenly disappeared...is this your doing?"

Right, before Zoro and the rest appeared, the inside of their headquarters was submerged in water. Only when they appeared when air suddenly pumped into the base and pushed out all the water inside, allowing Zoro and the others to breathe and walk normally.

Actually, even before during their stroll, they were always inside a huge air dome which was why Zoro never noticed that they had left the city…

"Ah? I don't know what you're talking about."

Zoro just shrugged as he really didn't know.

"More importantly, can you tell us where the Mermaid Cafe is?"

"Oh, sure. It's right over that...way!"

Just as Hody was motioning to point a direction, a water droplet fell from his palm which he flicked towards them.


Zoro's eyes flashed and drew his sword, quickly cutting the water drop into two halves.

Still, a part of the cut water drop had grazed his cheek and caused it to bleed.

He didn't really mind such a small flesh wound but the kids beside him are different.

The Medaka quintuplets cried while Luna stared at the blood on Zoro's cheek in daze.

Zoro saw her look and tried to calm her down.

"Don't worry, this is just a graze. That's why, don't cr-"

Before Zoro could finish his sentence, a strange force exploded from within Luna!

The Medaka quintuplets stopped crying and fell asleep while the fishmen around them fell to the ground with their eyes rolled over and foams in their mouth.

Being so close to her, even Zoro felt it deep within his core and broke into cold sweat as he gritted his teeth.

W-what powerful...Haki!

He almost fainted himself!

Not to mention him, other than Hody, the rest of his crew had all fainted!

Hody stood as his body shivered. His eyes already had that crazed look on it as he stared at Luna.

"What...is that...human...!?

Hody spoke with difficulty as he tried not to faint himself.

Zoro didn't really know the answer to that as well as even he was surprised by Luna.

The next moment, Luna's body swayed and fell on the bubble bike so Zoro quickly caught her.

Checking on her condition, it seemed that she had fallen unconscious as well.

No wonder. Such a strong power...she is still not able to control it properly.

But still...this kind of power…

Unfortunately, this wasn't over.

With Luna unconscious, the air around them collapsed and water started to rush back in!

Zoro acted quickly and pushed Luna in the bubble bike to protect her while grabbing onto the rope and hugging the Medaka quintuplets close to him.

The current carried them away from Hody and they didn't encounter any bumps at all. As if the water was even gently pushing them away.

On the other hand, Hody's condition was the complete opposite!

It was as if the entire sea was mad at him!

The sea violently pushed Hody to hit every obstacle and even created a whirlpool around him!

Lucas saw what was happening and was confused.

What the? I'm not even doing anything!?

Without knowing it, he didn't even have to move, the water pushing Zoro and the others had pushed them back to Mermaid Cafe safely…

"Huh? Ah, we're back."


Zoro saw Lucas and nodded.

"I took the kids for a walk."


That's it!? That's all you say!?

Before Lucas could even say anything, Luna started to wake up.

"Mmh? Ah! Daddy! I'm back!"


...What do you mean I'm back!? Did you even remember what just happened!?

But...looking at the innocent face of Luna, Lucas really couldn't bring himself to get mad at her...that's why he will get mad at Zoro instead later when Luna isn't around.

Nami saw Luna was okay and sighed in relief.

"Luna! Thank god you're okay! Listen, in the future, you can't go out walking with Uncle Green okay?"

"Ehh? But why? Uncle Green is so cool!"

"No buts! Just listen to mommy, okay?"


Seeing Luna being taken away by Nami, Lucas quickly asked Zoro.

"Why were you in Hody's base!?"

"Hody? Whose that?"

"The pale shark fishman you saw just now!"

"Ah, that guy? I don't really know, I just followed the direction of one of the fishmen when I asked where Mermaid Cafe is."


Lucas sighed exasperatedly.

I give up, there's simply no fixing this directional idiot…

"Lucas...your kid…"

"...I saw...it seems her haki is already so strong even though she's just 2 years old...and that weird power…"

"Hm? What power?"

"...It's nothing."

Lucas shook his head. It seems Zoro thought that the water carrying them here was Lucas using his ability.

But Lucas knows that wasn't the case at all.

That could only mean...did Luna also inherit his powers?

But I've never heard of devil fruit users passing their fruit's ability to their children? No, in the beginning, my ability isn't really a devil fruit's ability…

Lucas sighed.

No matter how many times he asks himself, he doesn't really know the answer at all.

For now, it was best to keep a close eye on Luna.

Back in Hody's base.

The thrashing of the sea finally stopped and left Hody alone while his body was covered in blood and bruises.

Hody panted as he floated in the water, his eyes were bloodshot from anger!

At this time, the fishmen had also started to wake up only to receive Hody's anger.



A bit of a shorter chapter but I'm sleepy so I'll end it here XD

Man, Luna is getting too OP XD Can anyone guess what her real power is? It will probably only be obvious when we reach Whole Cake arc.

The Fishman Island arc is also happening very differently from the original...I'm actually starting to pity Hody now.

Also, you can already see that Zoro is more powerful than in the original as well. Wait till you see the rest of the crew XD.

Anyways, Batman's Little Brother has already been posted in scribblehub. Next chap on both will be next week saturday as I am busy with work. Just pray that I am allowed to resign...

See ya next chap!

Also, thanks to Tam for subscribing to my pat reon!

DISCLAIMER: You are not obligated to donate at all and even if you do donate, it won't mean more chapters. I merely made one just for the sake of making one in case I get fired from my work or I resign and don't have work. For now, donating comes with no benefits at all other than giving me money.

If you still want to donate, here are the links:

Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/imbreak

Pat reon: pat reon.com/imbreak

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