Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 84 - Wedding

After the matter with Hody ended, everyone was already relaxed and no longer as tense as before.

Looking at them, Lucas sighed and looked outside.

He had been paying attention to Vander Decken as well earlier so he noticed how that guy slipped out during the battle earlier.

Lucas didn't feel like stepping in just yet since he can easily take care of him no matter what. He was more curious about what he was going to do.

Well...sensing the large thing that's coming their way, Lucas' curiosity was satisfied.

It was still far from the Ryugu Palace so the others hadn't noticed it yet.

Lucas shook his head.

Whatever, I'll just deal with this to save everyone the trouble.

In the original version, the whole of Fishman Island panicked when they saw the huge ship, Noah, come down crashing on the island.

This time, they all still didn't even know about their impending doom. To save everyone the hassle and the troublesome aftermath, Lucas was prepared to step in.

Besides, he had let Vander Decken go earlier just because of his curiosity. Naturally, he would feel guilty if something were to happen.

Lucas smirked when he saw Vander Decken standing at the deck of Noah looking as if he had already won.

"What a crazy bastard."

Lucas muttered and closed his eyes as he turned around.

The way Vander Decken's ability works is that the thing he touches will always move to where his 'mark' was unless it was stopped midway.

All Lucas had to do was create a strong enough wall of water current to stop its momentum.

Noah may be large, but this is the bottom of the ocean where there is water all around.

In addition to the water wall, Lucas can control the surrounding water outside and inside of the ship to pull it away.

Sensing the ship stop, Vander Decken's smile froze.

"W-what's happening!? Why did it stop!?"

Suddenly, he felt something behind him.

Turning around, he saw the water spin at high speeds...but that wasn't all. The whirlpool wasn't normal. It was long and had four protruding branches...it looked like two arms and two feet!

It also seemingly had a head as well…

On it, there were two slits that resembled the eyes and a larger slit that looked like a person's smiling face.

Vander Decken felt a shiver down his spine when he saw that 'person's' smile.

'It' extended its arm and pointed it at Vander Decken.

The 'mouth' moved.

Though no sound came out of it, Vander Decken could feel it say…

"Omae wa mou...shindeiru."



'It's' whirlpool hand exploded and engulfed Vander Decken as it turned into water blades that cut him to ribbons! The sea was dyed red in his blood.

The 'person' looked at the blood and shook its head before turning to look at Noah beneath him.

The next moment, Noah's course suddenly changed as it turned away from Fishman Island, landing next to the Sea Forest.

In the Sea Forest, Jinbei, Franky, and Den watched Noah park next to Sunny with their jaws dropped to the ground.

At first, they panicked when they saw a huge ship move and head towards Fishman Island, but then it suddenly stopped and dropped next to them!

The whole situation wasn't something they expected at all!

Den, who was the brother of Franky's teacher, Tom, looked at Jinbei and asked.

"Boss Jinbei...isn't this Noah? How can it move!?"

"...You ask me, who do I ask!?"

"S-such a huge a_s_s ship! Who the hell made such a thing!?"

Franky's eyes sparkled.

As a shipwright, he wanted to know more about such a legendary ship!

The 'person' made of whirlpool didn't pay them any attention and simply dissipated in the water. Naturally, Jinbei and the rest weren't able to notice him as well.

Back in the Ryugu Palace, Lucas sighed.

That takes care of that...though it would've been better if I had managed to take a picture of JInbei and Franky looking so shocked. That would've been funny!

Right, the 'person' made of whirlpool was indeed Lucas.

Actually, Lucas can make a clone of himself but chose not to. As for why...well, a person made from whirlpool looks scarier.

Serves you right for always harassing Shirahoshi!

Another reason was because he was too embarrassed to say 'that line' with his actual voice and face...alright, this is really the main reason.

Author: Weeb bastard.

Lucas: Oi, don't pin this on me you weeb author!

It was settled, the Author is prepared to make things harder for our main character.

Lucas: OIIII!!!

Somewhere in the New World.

"Captain! It seems the Strawhats are back!"

Looking closely, this guy resembled Lucas to some extent except for the scars that covered his face and his long hair.

This man was the self-proclaimed 'brother' that Lucas had met back in Impel Down...Lucius!

Lucius didn't bother to turn and look at the crew member who had reported to him. He continued to stare at the endless sea outside without any emotion.

"Have you found his body yet?"

"C-captain, they said his body shattered into ice back in the war 2 years ago. I'm afraid w-"


A jet black vine shot out from Lucius' body without any warning and wrapped itself around the crew member's neck while pushing him to the wall.


"C-cough! C-cap...tain…!?"

At this time, Lucius finally turned to him.

The crew member tried to struggle but then saw Lucius' eyes.

It was covered in jet black as well!

Seeing this, the crew member's whole face paled and his body started to tremble.

He had heard stories about their captain who had destroyed a whole island by himself.

They said that his eyes had also changed that time. His seniors had also warned him about it.

'When the captain's eyes turn black...whoever's on the other side of that gaze...is bound to die!'

And right now, he is on the other side of those eyes.

His face started to pale even more until...his heart stopped on its own.

Lucius calmly looked at the corpse in front of him and his eyes reverted to normal.

No longer interested, he simply dropped the corpse and looked back out the window.

He was no longer emotionless. However, there is only endless hatred in his eyes.

"Marines...Pirates...Revolutionary...World Government…"

Lucius uttered. Who knows whether he was speaking to himself or to someone he knew as if he was making a promise.

"I will destroy every single one of you!"


A huge explosion of Emperor's Haki exploded from his body.

All creatures around them, be it his own crew or the Sea Kings in the ocean...they all died without any warnings at all!

His Emperor's Haki was so dense that it didn't just make everyone faint. Instead, it had stopped their hearts!

Suddenly, the door opened once again.

Shiryu entered with a cigar in his mouth. He looked at Lucius and shook his head.

"It took some time to recruit these guys, you can't just kill them all because you got moody."

"It's not my fault they can't withstand my Haki."


Shiryu sighed.

Back when he had picked this guy up in Impel Down, he only thought it would be interesting to raise a kid and use him against the marines.

He didn't think...that he would be creating such a monster!

However...as monstrous as he is, this guy seemed to be strongly attached to someone else. His brother.

Shiryu didn't care whether this 'brother' is real or not, but when that guy went and got killed in the Marineford War...all hell broke loose.

Shiryu touched his right shoulder which suddenly ached.

There was a scar on that shoulder that was as big as a person's head.

This was the result of him stopping Lucius' rampage 2 years ago.

Shiryu had somehow managed to calm him down by saying that his brother may be alive. It was really just bullshit from him as he didn't know how else to calm him down.

Even knocking him out didn't work as he would still go on a rampage the next day.

That was why he lied.

But now...2 years have passed.

Lucius' patience is running thin.

Shiryu is really afraid that he wouldn't be able to stop Lucius from rampaging next time. He might even die!

Shiryu sighed.

I shouldn't have picked up this brat 2 years ago…

He was really starting to regret his actions.

Lucius looked at him for a moment then turned back to the window.

He wasn't an idiot. He knew Shiryu was lying to him...but he still had this feeling that Lucas might be alive.

Before, that feeling wasn't there...but now, that feeling suddenly came back.

It was also at the same time that the Strawhat Pirates re-emerged.

Lucius frowned.

Is he...really back?

Author: He is. Go to Fishman Island and kill him so I can end this story.

Lucas: …

Lucius shook his head and walked to his own room to sleep. As he walked, he spoke to Shiryu without turning his head to him.

"Go to the next island after Fishman Island. If he's really back...he would be with the Strawhats."

"Hm? But there's three islands after Fishman Island. Which one do I go to?"

"Think about it yourself."



Back in the Fishman Island, Lucas suddenly sneezed.

Nami looked at him and asked with concern.

"Are you alright? Did you catch a cold?"

"Hm? Nah. Probably just the author or some reader thinking badly about me."


Nami didn't quite get it but it seems Lucas was fine. Whether he was fine in the head or not was still up for debate though.

With the problems out of the way, the crew began to celebrate properly.

As for Lucas and Nami's wedding, he had planned to do it in the Sea Forest as the view there also looked nice.

Lucas already asked Nami about it and she agreed.

Since the venue has been decided, the next was when.

Both of them had suggested doing it today as they felt that they had waited long enough already.

The girls accompanied Nami to find a dress while Lucas and the guys also looked around to find something proper to wear.

They had reached the starfish Pappag's clothes store and tested out a few outfits. Since they knew Pappag, he had agreed to provide everything for free.

It wasn't just Lucas who tried out different outfits, Luffy and the others did so too.

Since Lucas saw they all wore a bunch of nonsense, he forced them to wear simple black suits instead.

Lucas himself chose a white suit since Pappag told him that it suited him better.

Usopp had called Franky and Jinbei as well so they could attend.

Meanwhile, Zoro volunteered to go get Chopper and Sanji.

Lucas felt that it would take forever for Zoro to reach Mermaid Cafe so he asked Brook to come along with him as well.

As they left, a grin appeared on Zoro's face.

"Hehe...let me be the one to tell that curly brows the good news."


Hearing that, Lucas sighed.

It seems...blood will spill in this wedding…


Inside Mermaid Cafe, Sanji, who was still unconscious from losing too much blood, wouldn't wake up no matter how much they tried to wake him.

Only when Zoro spoke did Sanji suddenly wake up!

He grabbed Zoro by the collar and asked again.


"Wow, your crying tears of blood this time?"

Zoro was surprised as he looked at the blood falling from Sanji's eyes.

Sanji ignored him as he got back to bed and covered himself in sheets. They could hear him cry.

"Sniff! Nami-swan~!!! Why do you have to get married!?"

"...I mean, they already have a kid. Why are you reacting so much…?"

"This is different! This is marriage! Marriage, you know!?"

"...Like I said, stop overreacting already and get dressed."


Zoro rolled his eyes and kicked Sanji off the bed.

Sanji cried but still stood up and followed them. As bitter as he is from knowing that Nami was getting married, he still had to go as they are his friends. It was his job to be happy for them…

Then, Zoro said something that dealt another blow to him.

"By the way, Robin and Lucas are also engaged. But their wedding will be for another time."


"Wow! Your ears are bleeding!?"

En, it seems his body reacted on its own and decided to get rid of his hearing so he won't hear any more 'good' news…

Chopper performed another check and confirmed everything was alright. This is just Sanji overreacting again. As for the bleeding, it already stopped.

Time passed as everyone got ready.

In the Sea Forest, Lucas stood before King Neptune who had offered to officiate the event.

Nami was inside the Sunny and was about to make her appearance.

Kaya was originally going to be the ring bearer but Sanji suddenly volunteered to take the role.

Since he practically begged to do it, Lucas felt bad and agreed to it.

Little Luna is the flower girl. She looked so happy throwing the petals around beside Robin who was the maid of honor.

Finally, the time for Nami to appear came.

She held a staff and shot a white cloud platform for her to step onto and walked on it.

This girl really likes to make an entrance…

Lucas smiled wryly but didn't mind it.

He looked at her as she walked on a path of cloud while dressed in white dress with a thin veil over her head.

When she stood next to him, Lucas fell into a trance.

It has been a long time...since he had arrived in this world and met the Strawhats.

Back then, he only wanted to sail with them and watch the events of One Piece unfold with his own eyes.

And now, he is marrying Nami.

So much had happened in the past few years that made it seem like his previous world is so distant to him.

He wished his parents could also see him getting married.

Looking around, he saw the smiles of Luffy and everyone else. His real family may not be here...but there is still his family here that is with him.

He looked back to Nami and smiled.

Sanji's crying yet smiling face was interesting to look at as he handed the ring to Lucas and Nami. When Nami smiled and thanked him, his eyes turned to hearts again before fainting right there and then.

Zoro grabbed his leg and pulled him away from the scene…

As we laughed at them, the marriage soon reached its climax.

"Lucas, will you take Nami as your wife?"

"I do."

"Nami, will you take Lucas as your husband?"

"I do."

"Is there anyone who wishes to object to this wedding. Speak now or forever hold your peace."

Naturally, no one spoke.

En, it seems Zoro had to shut Sanji's mouth tight though…

"You may now kiss the bride."

Lucas looked into Nami's eyes and moved his head forward.

Their lips touched as they were surrounded by the cheers of their loved ones.


AN: Ignore the 4th wall breaking...this is what happens if a sleep-deprived author is writing XD Also, the bleedings from Sanji aren't really...real. They're kinda like just visualization of the pain he is feeling so NO, he is NOT BLIND and also NOT DEAF.

I shall end this here without a cliff hanger for you guys. I save the best cliff hangers on Sundays :P

Reborn as Batman's Little Brother update will be tomorrow too...and I will see if I can post it in as well this time.

That's all,

See ya next chap!

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