Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 94 - Shambles


Lucas stared at the scene in front of him and didn't know how to react.

After getting the samurai's torso and joining it up with its legs, he, Luna, and Hina walked towards the front entrance of the building and was shocked to see two familiar figures.

Trafalgar Law, one of the captains of the Worst Generation.

Actually, Lucas wasn't too surprised to see Law here as it was the same as in the original. But what's surprising is the person standing in front of him.

Bello Betty. East Army Commander of the Revolutionary…

It's been a long time since he has seen her.

At this time, the other two had also noticed him and the atmosphere became quiet.

Lucas coughed to clear his throat and waved at the two of them.




Law frowned when he saw Lucas and asked.

"You are…!? I thought you died in that battle two years ago?"

"Ah...yes. I just got back."


What do you mean you just got back!? Got back from the dead!? Why are you making it sound like you just went on a vacation or something!?

Law's face twitched and didn't know what to say.

Before he could say anything more, Betty shot forward and buried Lucas' head on her c_h_e_s_t!

"Lucas! You're...alive!"

"Ah, Betty! Can you not...hug me like this in front of my daughter!?"

Lucas' face flushed upon sensing the two soft mounds on his face. On the other hand, the revolutionaries that came with Betty all had their jaws dropped to the ground.

They couldn't believe that their commander...can act like this!

A vein popped from Hina's face as she glared at Betty. Swinging both arms to the side, a black iron cage extended from her hands and circled around Lucas and Betty.

"Awase Baori!"

Sensing the cage closing in on them, Betty flashed a smile and jumped back to evade, leaving Lucas being trapped instead.

Lucas smiled wryly and turned to water to free himself from Hina's lock.

"Still as feisty as ever. I thought you were no longer a marine, Black Cage Hina?"

"Hmph! Hina doesn't need to be a marine to have a reason to catch a bitch like you!"

"Daddy, is this another mommy?"

"T-that's not it! Luna, this is big sis Betty. The emo guy over there is your uncle Law."

Law's face twitched again.

Who're you calling emo? You're the emo! Your whole family is emo!"

"Waa! Another sister! Hello big sis Betty! Hello uncle Emo!"


Betty looked at the child then to Lucas and Hina.

"...You two had a kid already?"

Hina blushed and shook her head.

"It's not Hina…"

"Is it that Princess Vivi from before? Maybe Robin? Wait, don't tell me...You slept with that s_l_u_t Momousagi!?"

"Uhh, no…"

Lucas sweated, this girl's imagination sure is wild...and why does she have to include Momousagi? I hardly interacted with her before!?

"Her mother's Nami."


Betty nodded and walked close to Lucas. She whispered to his ear and asked.

"When am I going to have your baby?"


Hearing that, Lucas freaked out and felt a shiver down his spine!

"I'm joking! I'm joking! Hahaha!"

"Sigh...please don't joke around like that, it's bad for my heart you know?"

Betty grinned at that and turned serious.

"Then? What's your business here?"

Lucas raised a brow and asked.

"You're not going to ask where I've been and why I'm still alive?"

"I'm sure you have your reasons. I don't care about all that. What I'm curious about...is why you've appeared here in this place?"

"I'm looking for someone."

Lucas looked up and whistled, asking the dragon to land on the ground.

The revolutionaries saw the dragon and freaked out. Only when they saw that the dragon was listening to Lucas did they somewhat calm down...though that didn't remove their shock of seeing a real dragon.

Betty laughed seeing the dragon as well.

"A dragon huh? I wonder what Dragon would say if he saw this?"

"...That would be interesting."

Lucas smiled at the thought then shook his head. He walked over to the dragon's head and took the headless samurai that was still bound by Hina's lock.

"I'm looking for this guy's head. Law, where did you keep it?"

"...What do you want with him?"

Law was totally unprepared for the events that keep happening here but didn't lose his cool. Looking over the situation, he figured the best course of action would be to play along while he figures out their motives for being here.

"He's an acquaintance of mine. I need to ask him a few questions but we can't exactly hold a proper conversation without his head. Also, I am looking for a child named Momonosuke."

"...His head is locked up inside. As for that Momonosuke kid, I don't know him."

Betty puffed a smoke and glanced at Law.

"What exactly do you want here, trash? Are you working for that c_u_n_t Caesar?"

"Uhh, Betty? Can you perhaps minimize your swear words in front of Luna?"

"Why? She's not my kid."


Law ignored Lucas' plight and answered Betty's question.

"What I do here is my business. I don't care why you all are here. Get out."

Betty smiled and raised her flag. The revolutionaries behind her stood in attention when they saw the flag was raised.

"Back when Doflamingo was still a pirate, we didn't care whatever shenanigans he was up to. But now that he's colluding with the World Government, we can't allow him to keep producing any more SMILEs. If you don't want to die, get out of the way."

Law stared at her coldly and smiled.

"Do you really think I can't do anything to you all? Room."

Holding his palm up, a transparent circle expanded into a dome that covered everyone.

Lucas looked at the dome and raised his arm.

As if grabbing onto the air, Lucas raised his hand then...clenched it!


The air around them shattered like glass and the dome that covered them...was gone!

Law's eyes went wide as he saw this scene.

Lucas grinned at him.

"Come now, I can't let you play around with your Room if my daughter is inside."

Law's Operation Devil fruit is extremely powerful and Lucas didn't want to risk his daughter's life as long as she is inside his Room.

What Lucas did was simply use his Haki to break Law's ability. Normally, this would be impossible but Lucas had trained with the likes of Roger and Whitebeard. His Haki was exceptionally powerful!

Lucas smiled and turned his palm up, facing the sky.

"You see, I've been training about my real power while I was on my way here...and to some extent, I can also do this!"

A transparent circle started to appear on top of Lucas' palm and extended outwards, creating a dome around everyone in the same way Law's ability did.


The dome extended all the way to the front door entrance behind Law.

Smiling, Lucas circled his fingers and switched the door and a patch of snow behind them.



The heavy door landed behind them with a thud. Seeing this, Luna clapped her hands excitedly.

"Waa! Daddy, was that magic!? That was magic, right!? Again! Again!"

"Hehe, pretty cool right?"

Lucas circled his fingers once more and this time, he switched himself, Luna, and Hina to the snow behind Law.



Luna's eyes sparkled upon experiencing teleportation.

Lucas dispelled his Room and carried Luna over his shoulders as he and Hina started to walk inside.

At this moment, Law finally snapped out of it and turned around.

"O-oi! You..."

"I don't care why you're here and what you hope to accomplish here, Law. But I'll be heading in first to find the person I'm looking for. If that Caesar is as smart as they say he is...he'll do well to stay out of my way!"

Not like I'll ignore him anyway.

Lucas chuckled as he thought that.

He knew full well what Caesar is capable of. Sc_u_m like him...doesn't deserve to live!

Luna, while riding on Lucas' shoulders, looked back and extended her little arms as well.


Shockingly enough, a transparent dome extended once again!


Suddenly, Betty's group of revolutionaries also switched from Law's place, appearing just behind Lucas and Hina.

"Hahaha! Daddy, look! I can do it too!"

Lucas smiled wryly and patted Luna's head.

"Dear, it's pronounced as Shambles, not Shamballs…"


Law and the revolutionaries switched places again.

"Not Shambols, Shambles."

Actually, the name doesn't really matter but Lucas felt he needed to teach Luna properly how to pronounce some words.


Switch again.

"Right, that's right."

"Yay! Shambles! Shambles! Shambles!"


Lucas saw Betty getting dizzy and quickly stopped Luna.

"Okay, Luna. We'll play that again later okay?"


Betty held her head and muttered.

"...The father is a monstrous enough...but his daughter is a monster as well…maybe I should really bear his child? Our child can lead the revolutionaries in the future..."

Lucas shivered when he heard that and quickly left the scene!

Beside him, Hina was looking at Lucas in wonder and it could be seen from her eyes that she was thinking the same thing as well…

On the other hand, Law started to crouch and draw circles on the snow in his depression…

He could still handle it when Lucas copied his ability but now even his kid can do it as well…

What is the point of my existence...?

Betty didn't care about him and led her group inside as well.

Lucas might not be interested in dealing with Caesar, but they need to not only stop Caesar, but also destroy anything related to the creation of SMILEs in this building.

After walking inside a bit, Lucas met some people wearing a gas suit. Lucas didn't even need to deal with them as Hina could handle them by herself while Luna cheered for her.

Lucas stretched his Observation Haki in the building and found the room where the samurai's head is located.

Pulling along the samurai's body behind him, they walked further in.

They had left the dragon behind since it was too big to go inside the building.

Once they were near enough, Lucas used Law's Room once again and directly teleported inside the room where the head is.

"Hm? It's in pieces?"

Hina frowned when he saw the chunks of the head on the floor.

"Huh? Who's there!?"

"Yo, Kinnemon. It's me."

Lucas walked over to where the eye was facing for him to see.

The head's eye widened in surprise.

"Is it you!? Akaoni-sama!?"

"In the flesh."

Luna climbed back down from his shoulder and looked at the pieces of the head curiously.

"Wooow, is this like a puzzle, daddy?"

"Yep. Go play with him."


Luna happily sat down and started to piece the pieces together.

"Ah! Hey! Don't play with me! Dammit Akaoni-sama!"

Lucas just laughed and sat down leisurely while Luna formed weird faces using the pieces.

"Well? Seeing you here...means that Toki sent you in this time period as well, right? What happened to Toki and Oden?"

Kinnemon sighed and his voice became somber.

"Back then, Lady Toki had used her powers to send us away into the future including young master Momonosuke. When we came to this time, we didn't know what was happening to the current Wano, but we still had allies. We left Kiku to gain intel on the enemy while me, Kanjuuro, and Raizo left to gather allies outside. Young master Momonosuke had come along with us as well."

"Where are they?"

"Since we don't have any navigation skills, we soon got shipwrecked and separated from Raizo on our way to Zou. After that, we washed up on the shores of Dressrosa. It was still fine but Kanjuuro got in some sort of trouble while young master Momonosuke boarded the wrong ship. Kanjuuro can still handle himself so I chose to pursue the young master. After that, I arrived on this island where that Law guy cut me up into pieces!"

Lucas frowned when he heard that.

From what Lucas remembers of the original story, the reason why Kanjuuro had split up with them was that they had met Doflamingo on that island. But with Doflamingo now no longer being a shichibukai thanks to the shichibukai's early removal, there shouldn't be any reason why Doflamingo was still allowed to stay on that island.

Then again, Betty mentioned something earlier about Doflamingo being in cahoots with the World Government…

Come to think of it, Kohza said something before about knowing what Doflamingo has been up to lately but he only mentioned what he has been up to with Caesar and didn't mention anything about Dressrosa. I'll have to ask him to investigate later on.

Lucas asked Kinnemon a few more questions before Luna finally managed to piece his head correctly.

Kinnemon turned to see that they had also gotten his body.

"I see you have my body as well. But can I ask? Why is it that I keep feeling pain in my lower waist!?"

"The enemy kicked you in the nuts. Don't worry, I killed him for you."

Hina stared at Lucas with half-closed eyes.

This guy sure can lie with a straight face…

Kinnemon appeared to have been moved by it and looked at Lucas as if he was his benefactor.

"Akaoni-sama! I can't thank you enough! You are a true friend!"

Lucas smiled and showed him a thumbs up.

Hina continued to stare at him with half-closed eyes.

"Daddy, so cool!"


Hina looked at Luna and sighed.

Like father, like daughter...


AN: Sorry for delay, had work yesterday and I was having a musical movie marathon with my family earlier XD

Too sleepy to think of what more to write here...

See ya next chap!

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