Then Ye Feng and they plan that no matter who escapes at any time, they will go to the wasteland they came to at the beginning, and then look for opportunities to see if they can meet again. However, if things really get to that point, Ye Feng and they also know that they can escape alive and meet again. They can almost catch up with winning the lottery. How to deal with this situation, they just reluctantly control their emotions, but let them consider the most likely situation, not the most likely situation.

For Ye Feng, they have really run out of ammunition and food at this time. Ye Feng felt a little scared and worried about the delivery gun he left. The lizards would not know what it was for and would directly damage or throw it away. If that happened, even if Dick was finally rescued, he might be unable to leave the planet. Therefore, although he had this worry, he did not show it, Because he knows that saying more bad news now will not help things. He'd better put it in his heart and see what things will look like. After all, if those things have been damaged, no matter how worried they are or how to think about it, it will not help. They can only accept this fact. Ye Feng can only pray silently in his heart, hoping that this situation will not happen. Those lizards must not start with his precious equipment. However, when Ye Feng asked about the words of the beasts who had been arrested and tortured, he learned that their equipment had been randomly thrown aside. It seemed that they had been searched. As for whether there had been any damage, it was unknown. It can only be said that it was completely dependent on life.

In this kind of narrow stone prison, Ye Feng gradually began to lose the concept of time. It seems that nearly ten days have passed since they were caught. In these ten days, they have hardly any activities. In addition to being pulled out and tortured, I just stayed in this narrow space. This makes them gradually unable to think about how to escape from here? However, Ye Feng never gave up hope. He still firmly believed that the child named David would find them. After all, the child needed them and needed them to bring him to the enemy he hated. From the conversation with the child, Ye Feng is convinced that the child survived for revenge, so those of them who can bring him to the enemy will never give up. Even if they fight their lives, he will come to rescue Ye Feng and them.

Facts have proved that Ye Feng's expectation is correct. Davy did not abandon Ye Feng. On the contrary, after he fled the area for the first time, he watched the vicious lizards from a distance and watched them take Ye Feng away. He followed them from a distance and watched them like an invisible tail, pulling Ye Feng and others to this place. He had been observing the situation around him to see if he could find out the route or plan to rescue Ye Feng. Although the number of the other party was large, about tens, the defense of the camp was not tight, Perhaps because of the large number of people, each of the guards patrolling around looked a little too lazy. It's easy to kill them, but it's clear in Davy's mind that killing these enemies is not his purpose here at the moment. He came here for only one purpose. They should get Ye Feng out, at least get the man named Ye Feng out, and the rest will be abandoned if they can't get out, The man named Ye Feng should be able to continue his revenge.

However, if ye Feng knew what was in Davy's mind, he would smile bitterly and shake his head. In fact, it was the conveyor gun in Ye Feng's backpack that could guide Davy to revenge. If he damaged the conveyor gun, even if ye Feng rescued it and even brought others out, it would not help anything, At that time, the desperate Dawei may extend the knife to Ye Feng. Therefore, in any case, for Ye Feng and Dawei, the most important thing now is to take out their equipment and the backpack with the transfer gun, and Dawei doesn't know about it.

Davy focused all his attention on the stone crack. He knew that Ye Feng and them were locked on the stone crack. The stone crack was nailed by a wooden board. Only when people were grabbed from the inside or sent away, lizard people would knock open a few sections of the wooden board and seal it again. Therefore, for Davy, how could he approach the stone crack quietly and remove the wooden board, Then take away the prisoners inside, which is the problem he must solve. Needless to think, this action is bound to attract the attention of the people around. It is difficult to complete this thing without attracting the attention of these newcomers. Even in the camp at night, at least half of the laundryers are on vigil. Therefore, taking advantage of the night to achieve this goal is much more difficult than expected.

Davy faced such a complex situation alone. He thought about it. Based on his experience of working alone on the planet for so many years, he soon came up with a good way. Since it is not a way to break through, we can only outwit. As for how to act, we can only judge according to the terrain.

This is an open space next to the cliff. The three sides of the open space are surrounded by trees. With only one side against the stone wall, Ye Feng and them were locked in a stone crack on the stone wall. David looked at the dead trees and thought that there could only be one way to solve the current situation. Although it was very dangerous and might cause huge consequences at that time, there was nothing to consider, so he had to give it a go.

He thought of a simple way, that is to set fire to the forest. Once the fire breaks out, this group of lizards will run away for their lives. When they run away, Davy plans to take Ye Feng away. Taking advantage of the chaos, Davy can rush to Ye Feng's side and kill the lizards around them. And taking advantage of the chaos, he can steal some weapons of this group of lizards, Once you come to Ye Feng's side, you can give them weapons. Davy knows very well that these people are excellent soldiers. Even their bare hands have great lethality, but these people are dying now. Maybe we can help them by giving them some equipment to arm them.

Thinking of this, David immediately began to act. He always has such a body faster than his brain, and he believes in his intuition and the sixth sense that has kept him alive from the world to the present. Therefore, after thinking of this method, he hardly hesitated, but went to search for the necessary materials to ignite the trees. Fortunately, things in this area are very easy to find. He already has a fire ignition device. All he needs is to set fire in the forest as much as possible, and then let each fire point not be too far away, and then light the whole forest.

However, in order to achieve the best effect, David plans to do it after dark. Through the night, when the fire breaks into the sky, everyone's attention will be attracted by the fire. At that time, he can quietly mix with this group of lizards, and then do what he can do. Through chaos, He will rescue Ye Feng and them unknowingly. Even if those people find out their behavior, they can't hunt them effectively. After all, the flame is beside them. If they still want to catch people, they can't run out.

As for how they should escape and find a way to escape from the sea of fire, they can only act according to their circumstances. While Davy is preparing here, Ye Feng and they are approaching the critical point of collapse. Although Ye Feng firmly believes that Davy's child will come to save them, he also realizes that even if he really comes, there may be no way to face so many ferocious adult lizards alone. Anyway, it's just a child, In the process of one-on-one with an adult newcomer, he can't win unless he can sneak attack. Once the sneak attack is successful, the rest of the lizards will no longer take him lightly. So no matter what he thinks, even if Davy comes, he can't find them out. This idea makes Ye Feng feel extremely desperate, but there is nothing he can do. After all, now he is a knife and I am a fish. He can only accept the current situation and can only seize all the time to rest and recuperate his body to recover from the injury. From time to time, encourage the orcs next to him who are more seriously injured than him.

Dicabrio is the most seriously injured, but it is also the most reassuring for Ye Feng, because this big guy is always optimistic. Even in this case, he blindly believes in Ye Feng's judgment. Even if tie rebuts Ye Feng because he is in a bad mood, he will stand on Ye Feng's side and debate with tie. This is because DiCaprio firmly believes in himself, so Ye Feng can grit his teeth and stick to the faith in his mind. In this smelly environment, without firm faith, they will gradually lose their will to survive and resist in the painful torture and sink. By then, even if the lizard people do not sell them to others as slaves, they have become their own slaves. This is something that Ye Feng, who yearns for freedom, can't accept. He would rather kill him directly, and he will never allow others to treat him as a slave. It was because of this idea that he kept trying to hypnotize himself. I believe there is still a glimmer of life. I believe that the child of Davy will come to save them as he wishes.

The night shrouded the earth. Under the cover of darkness, Davy began his own action. He first put inflammables on the tree trunks not far away, and then quickly lit them. He came around the camp. Soon, the fire dyed the sky red. This group of lizards were shocked one by one and looked at the mountains and forests burning thick smoke and fire. They immediately fell into a panic and didn't know how to do it. Bursts of screams and roars broke out in the whole settlement. Among these sounds, people began to rescue their belongings and began to flee one after another.

David sneaked into the crowd. Under the cover of the night and some shelter, he quickly ran to the mountain gap where Ye Feng was imprisoned. In the initial panic, the lizard people didn't think of Ye Feng's existence. One third of them ran away. The remaining two-thirds of the lizards suddenly remembered Ye Feng's existence in the process of seizing resources.

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