When they turned around and fled behind them, as Ye Feng expected, the number of enemies they faced was much less, at least it didn't embarrass them as before. Facing these enemies, they could deal with them more easily. After all, these people's attention was also in front, I didn't notice that the enemy may be moving in the direction they came. In their consciousness, since the enemy is fleeing in that direction, they will not go back. However, Ye Feng and their previous iron acted separately, so they produced such results.

But as they went deeper and deeper into the direction they had come before, Ye Feng's heart was gradually sinking. Although he expected that there were few enemies in this area, it did not mean that there were no enemies. Moreover, he noticed that these armed enemies guarded every intersection that could be broken through, and they were always vigilant about their every move around. This makes Ye Feng's action difficult again.

What cooled his heart was that he saw snooker. The reason why he could recognize the man he had never seen before was that there were a group of bodyguards around the fat man. The group of strong lizard soldiers surrounded him in the center and kept him safe all the time. There is no doubt that snooker will ensure his safety at any cost at this moment. But the little figure in front of him seemed out of place. It's Davy!

Davy was caught in front of him like a small pendant, which seemed so small in his hands, and Ye Feng knew that the outcome of facing Davy must be his death.

"Brother Ye Feng, is that Davy's child?" DiCaprio asked aloud. Ye Feng nodded hard: "yes, it's him."

"What should we do? Brother Ye Feng, just watched him be done by that bastard?"

"Then what else can we do?" Ye Feng almost squeezed out this sentence with his teeth. Yeah, what else can they do now? Even if they come out of the shadow of the hidden tree and tell that bastard snooker to let go of the child, will he really listen? Will that snooker bastard really let David go and let him leave safely? The answer is, of course, No. This bastard will only brutally kill all of them without any mercy.

From the crazy fat man's eyes, Ye Feng can see the man's cruelty and cunning. They have no other way. They can't save the child's life. Even if the child has done so much for them, even if the child is so reliable, Ye Feng knows that they can't do more for the child, The child will face the fate that may have been doomed years ago. At the thought of this, Ye Feng's heart aches faintly. Is this the life I pursue? Even in the face of a child, I can't turn back. That's what I'm doing, watching a child killed by a villain. Can I really leave this damn planet with my hands at ease? And regardless of those who pay a great price for it, am I so mean? Am I so miserable? Ye Feng bit his teeth and shook his head. No, it's not like this. Just because it's the only way. I don't want to see the child die. But there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry, Davy. I'm sorry.

Hiding among the trees, Ye Feng watched all this painfully. He knew he was powerless to return to the sky. All he can do is watch the tragedy happen and have no power to resist.

When Ye Feng was struggling, DiCaprio suddenly pulled him down to the ground, and the two rolled on the ground in embarrassment. Ye Feng noticed that there were two real crossbows and arrows in the place where they had just hid. Ye Feng's heart sank. We were found.

Sure enough, snooker's group suddenly looked at them, and several of them with real crossbows put the arrows on again. Snooker said to Ye Feng in their direction with his disgusting and pleasant voice: "get up, my friends. In other words, can you understand what I'm talking about?"

Ye Feng stared at him coldly. "Of course I can understand, you fat pig."

"I've heard similar words from your friends. I have to say that your unpleasant way of speaking is really annoying. You should be doing so much trouble in my house for your friend."

Ye Feng stared at him coldly and didn't speak.

"Don't worry, that friend doesn't know where to escape now. He may be safe now, but your safety may be a problem. After all, you didn't do it thoroughly enough and I found out, didn't you? I wonder why you have the courage to come? Have you never heard of my name in the world Number? "

"I haven't heard of names, but I've heard a lot of bad names, you idiot."

"Sure enough, it's a group of people who grew up eating shit. I wanted to talk to you. You know, I have several friends. They also like you, who are annoying creatures who can talk from other places. They also wanted to raise two. I was going to give them my tired one, but now there are you. Maybe I don't need to do this again. In this way, everyone can have a pet. It's good. After all, we are friends. If only I have others, it will appear that I'm more annoying. What do you say? "

Ye Feng looked at him in disgust. "You idiot, you disgusting bastard, you pervert."

"I'm tired of hearing similar words," snooker said with a sneer. "One runs away. Two come back. It's a good deal."

Ye Feng yelled at snooker to such an extent that he didn't have to hold back. There is no doubt that the dozen lizards aimed at their weapons. There is no doubt that they will launch at them at the moment snooker ordered. They can't escape from this situation. In that case, let's have a good time before that,

"You should respect me, because your life is in my hands now. Don't try to escape from here. Although my men have gone after your companions, even if they don't bring back the escaped man - even if I like the man named Dick very much. The dirty words he scolds are always so creative - but simply count me I still know. Two is bigger than one, and this big guy seems to be different from Dick and you. What's your name? "He looked at DiCaprio.

"What's my name? How do you deserve to know my name?" DiCaprio snorted coldly. I'm not looking at snooker.

Although he was abused by DiCaprio, snooker did not appear angry. On the contrary, he looked at DiCaprio with interest, as if he were appreciating a work of art. "I've decided. I'll leave you, big man. As for you," he looked at Ye Feng, "I'll sell you a good price, a price that I can't refuse. In this way, I may be able to make up for the damage you caused tonight. Because of you, I lost many men, and this place will no longer be one of my residences, because it's not safe here. I'm curious about how you found here. And after listening to your story, I will kill all those people patrolling outside, because they haven't finished their work. The people I hate most are those who can't complete their own responsibilities. Such people are meaningless. I won't spend money to feed such people. "

"I don't care about the dog biting between you." Ye Feng said unhappily, "as for why I can find it, it's very simple, because you're a stinking pig. I can smell the stink on you no matter how far away."

"Maybe I'm wrong about you. Your talent for swearing seems to be better than that old guy. Ask you a question?"

"Bastard with stinky shit. Are you talking about yourself?" Ye Feng said with a sneer.

"What's your relationship with that old guy?"

"You may not believe it," said Ye Feng. "I can't wait to kill that old bastard myself, but it's a pity that that old bastard is the only way I can leave this damn world, so I have to rescue him."

"You did. You and your companions did liberate the old guy from my cell, but unfortunately, he may have to go home by himself. You have to stay here. And I have to keep a question mark about whether that bastard can leave here alive. After all, my men don't all eat dry food." He pointed to the lizards around him. "These soldiers are one in a thousand. Unlike the waste you killed, they can definitely make your friend regret leaving his small and dark room."

"Did you come out at night to tell me this?" said Ye Feng contemptuously.

"Of course not. It's just a surprise to meet you. It's this child who forced me out of my house. It seems that you know each other." snooker put one hand around Davy's neck and held him up to his eyes, "This little thing is here to kill me. Can you believe it? Such a small thing wants my life. Ha ha, is my destiny so valuable? Even such a young child wants to eat a piece of flesh and blood from me."

"I don't know whether your life is worth money or not, but I know your bad breath is very serious. Damn fat pig, find a way to brush your teeth. I can smell the shit in your mouth so far away. Of course, I also know that you rich people always have some preferences that outsiders can't understand. For example, eating shit may be one of your daily habits, but I advise you It's your choice to eat shit, but if you open your mouth and let us smell the shit in your mouth, that's not what a decent person should do. "

After listening to Ye Feng's abuse, even snooker, who didn't care, showed an angry expression. He took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile again. "You boy, I like you very much. I will cut off every finger and foot of you before giving you to others to make me believe that if I have these things, they will pay a big price for you. Our friends like clowns like you very much."

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