But these people eventually left them. They did not accompany them to the end, and the only people who really survived the disaster with them were him, dicabrio, tie and an alien child who had fulfilled his wish for revenge. Only a few of them survived, and the rest died in war or fear.

Dick did come back, and Dick did drive the group of alien insects out of the planet and let them all die on the planet they had blackened, but he came back too late. Everything has become like this. Even if the enemy is dead, what's the difference? Their friends have died, and their homes have become ruins. What is all this for? What are all the people involved in this post death concentration fighting for? To survive? Or to get a chance to breathe in this cruel universe. No one knows why. They just kill each other madly and die together. No one knows why so many people died, and no one knows why they survived. All this is like God playing a cruel joke. Those lucky to survive are not because they are more worthy of survival than others, but because they died later than others.

"I want to go home," said Ye Feng in a tired voice.

"Of course you want to go home. Now I'll open a space-time door with you to let you go?"

Ye Feng wanted to say yes, but he thought again. "Let me say goodbye to my friends. Maybe they will want to leave with me."

"I have different opinions on this," Dick said. "The child named Davy may go with you, but iron and DiCaprio will not leave the planet. This is their home, just as the blue planet full of angry people is your home."

Dick was right this time. In the face of Ye Feng's request to invite them to the earth, DiCaprio and tie didn't waver at all. It is not surprising that DiCaprio will make such a choice. But tie also didn't go to the earth with him, which surprised Ye Feng.

"Why don't you go back with me? Your friends are dead. What's the point of staying here?"

The iron face only smiled at Ye Feng's inquiry. "Even if my friends have died, this is also a place I am familiar with. Going to another completely strange planet with you is still too difficult for me to accept. I may not change here, but at least this is a place I am familiar with, and I still want to stay here."

"But," said Ye Feng, looking at tie. "Staying on this planet may be much more dangerous than where you and I go. Even so, do you want to stay here?"

"There will be no less danger on any planet. This friend will make our life full of fun, so if so, I still intend to spend my life on this familiar planet. I know that our Orc life may be too short for you humans. I may go to the country of the dead and reunite with my people before long, But this is also my choice. This choice is not escape, but in my opinion, going with you is an escape, an act of completely giving up my past. To be honest, I don't want to do this, because for me, there are too many memories on this planet. These memories may seem insignificant to you, but for me, this is me The full meaning of existence, so I know I may feel why I didn't leave here at the moment of death, but there is still some time before that moment comes. During this time, I want to stay on this planet and think well. Maybe I will want to leave here clearly, but maybe I won't stay here forever. In a word, I don't know What will happen, but I haven't been able to completely give up from this planet yet. "

Listening to tie's words, Ye Feng realized for the first time how little he knew about tie. For him, tie was just a very important companion who had gone through a difficult period with him. But in fact, iron is much more complicated than he thought. This tough man with no superfluous expression and few words actually has his thinking in his heart. He is not as indifferent to anything as it shows. On the contrary, he has deep love for the planet, Just because they thought that the planet had been completely reduced to other people's territory before, they had to flee. Now that the enemy has been driven away, it has lost the most important reason to leave the planet. Even if the planet has been devastated, at least this is the most important point.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Feng looked at the silent man with emotion.

"It should be with DiCaprio. I heard it wants to rebuild the tribe. Its name is the razor tribe."

Ye Feng nodded: "yes, the razor tribe used to be a small tribe, but with the hard work of DiCaprio and several other orcs who have left forever, we have made this tribe bigger and bigger."

"Then I'll rebuild the past style of the tribe with him. In fact, I have experience in this field. I'm also a tribal manager."

Ye Feng smiled and nodded: "of course, under your management, I believe the razor tribe will become more and more powerful and will reproduce the glory of the past."

"Then you can come and play again."

"Yes. I will always come here again. After all, I have an unbreakable connection with here." Ye Feng said with a smile, "This is my second home in a sense. In fact, I don't know where my hometown is. I think my hometown may be like this. It can't be better than here, because this is the place I can't give up, and the place I can't give up is my hometown. Maybe you're right. Since you can't give up, we'll meet again. I hope When that moment comes, I expect you to give me a big surprise. "

"Of course."

After saying this, Ye Feng turned and left tie. He had already said hello to dicabrio. Of course, he didn't intend to go with Ye Feng, so he might say that once he could only embark on the journey back home alone. He never asked Davy if the child wanted to go with him. In fact, even if Davy agreed, Ye Feng didn't intend to take a child back , let's leave this child to DiCaprio and tie. They should take good care of him. Even if they can't take good care of him, Davy can take good care of himself. After all, that child is really not an ordinary person.

Moreover, Ye Feng vaguely felt that dick didn't hate the child named David, which was a very strange thing to some extent. After all, for people with Dick's character, it was completely unimaginable for Ye Feng to have children who didn't scold and scold each other. Dick always said that children of any race It's disgusting and annoying. It's always accompanied by all kinds of things. Therefore, Ye Feng is inexplicably happy to see Dick change like this. I hope Davy can make this old bastard human. But Ye Feng actually knows that it's impossible for Dick to change, and Dick makes Davy a better child Paranoid and crazy enough to be possible.

After returning to Dick's experimental building, Dick sat in his chair as if he were asleep, but Lefeng went to the laboratory, immediately opened his eyes and said to him, "have you said goodbye?"

Ye Feng nodded.

"All right, Dick, open a door for me and let me go home. I'm too tired."

"I'll say, in the end, you go home by yourself. No one will go with you. They don't want to be here."

"In fact, every time you are right, all right? Can you let me go?" said Ye Feng.

"Thanks to you this time."

"What did you say?" Ye Feng couldn't believe his ears. The old bastard seemed to say something to him, as if it was a thank-you, "can you say it again?" Ye Feng said.

"If you don't say good words twice, in a word, just get out of here." Dick said expressionless. He opened a space-time door with his transmission gun. Ye Feng sighed, looked around the laboratory again, and then stepped into the space-time door without hesitation. Before opening his eyes to see his space, Ye Feng felt a little scared. He was worried that he would open his eyes and return to a place he was familiar with, but a place he was not familiar with In another completely strange space, he will start another painful journey. If such a thing happens again, his nerves will really collapse. However, at the moment when he simply opens his eyes, although he was stunned, the next second, Ye Feng realized that this is his bedroom and his home is a place he can't give up.

Although he hadn't seen here for months, he immediately realized that it was that place. It was a place that often appeared in his dreams and had been like heaven to him. It meant safety, no danger, a good sleep in peace, everything, and he was finally go back home

The first thing Ye Feng did was to fall on his bed and close his eyes. He didn't know how long he slept, but when he opened his eyes again, it was still dark, that is to say, he slept for at least 24 hours. But after thinking, he could sleep for at least three days.

After waking up, Ye Feng went into the bathroom and took a hot bath. He didn't feel like such a sister until all this was done. Then he turned on the phone in the room and asked others, "do you have food at home? If you have anything, give me some."

"Food? Ye Feng, you're back?" the person who received the call was Gemma. She looked very excited when she heard Ye Feng's voice. "Oh, Ye Feng, you finally appeared. Do you know how long you've been missing this time?"

"How long?" Ye Feng asked casually, "how many months?"

"Not in a few months. It's only more than half a month. To be exact, it's 16 days."

"What? Only 16 days?" Ye Feng was stunned, and then realized that Dick had told him that the time flow rate of the life planet was inconsistent with that of his earth, so he had experienced painful twists and turns for several months, and for these friends in his family, he had been missing for less than 20 days.

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