Ye Feng smiled bitterly and said the content of his interface with Stilwell to Kate. After hearing the news of Tianping, Stilwell was still very calm. She was a little surprised.

"He really doesn't want to die. Is it because he has lived too long?"

"Who knows? In a word, this man seems to be going to finish his last journey in his brother's cabin. He doesn't intend to take refuge or accept our protection."

"Since this is his personal will, let him do it," Kate said indifferently. "Let's return to the new metropolis the next morning. There's no need to waste time on an old man waiting to die. Moreover, the old man carries several lives and dozens of bank robberies."

"Is this really good?" Ye Feng frowned. "We knew he might be in danger, but we died -"

"It's not a matter of not saving at the sight of death, but the fact that we have told him the truth and are willing to lend a helping hand to help him, but he himself refused our goodwill and said that he wants to face death calmly. Even so, he has made a good consciousness, so we don't have to go against his will. Why should we do what we don't please? There are these qualities If we can, we can take it to protect the safety of those law-abiding citizens in the new city. Isn't that better? "

"Of course I understand what you said. I agree with your suggestion, but I still --" Ye Feng thought of the old man's glasses that look down on everything when talking to Stilwell. "I always feel a little unwilling..."

"Ye Feng," Kate put her hand on Ye Feng's shoulder, "We are human beings, not gods. There is nothing we can do about many things. We can only do our best to deal with one bad thing after another without violating our own heart. To be honest, this is the most tangled time I've had for a while. In so many cases before, I didn't have any tangles. I'm ready to pay the price of my life for the safety of others Consciousness, but what needs to be protected this time is a group of professional criminals who do all kinds of evil. Are they really worth everything for me and my subordinates to risk their lives to protect their safety? I really feel confused. Although my reason tells me that I must treat them equally, as long as they are citizens of the new metropolis, I must ensure their safety, but these There are good and bad people. Is it really necessary to pay everything for these dirty people who should not exist in the world? "

Kate said lonely. Her eyes looked out of the window at the black velvet starry sky. Maybe it was because this was the countryside. There were countless stars. Stars were blinking and shining.

"Don't think about anything you don't understand," said Ye Feng, "Anyway, I can't figure it out. Let's go step by step. As you said, we can't do anything against our wishes, so maybe you're right. I'll return to Xindu city early tomorrow morning and let the old man Stilwell face the last period of his life alone. If Tianping really does something to him, we will grasp Tianping and let him do it for him I sometimes really wonder why people would rather deprive a criminal of his freedom than easily deprive a criminal of his life, even if he often deprives innocent people of their lives. "

"Perhaps for most people, deprivation of liberty is far more painful than deprivation of life."

"Yes," Ye Feng nodded, "I have no doubt about this. The loss of freedom is much more painful than the loss of life, which is unbearable. However, in the process of losing freedom, there will still be accumulated anger that cannot be dispelled, and this anger will only find a small breakthrough after gradually accumulating, and then erupt, causing more pain."

"This is really a dialectical problem," Kate smiled bitterly. "Who can solve this problem that has not been solved for thousands of years? How to judge the balance between punishment and justice? This may be a problem that can never be solved. All we can do is make every choice according to our inner balance."

"That's right," said Ye Feng. "You used the word balance."

"I'm tired, Ye Feng. Good night."

"Good night."

Early the next morning, Kate drove back to the new metropolis with Ye Feng. Although they didn't talk about work-related things on the road, the rigorous expression on Kate's face let Ye Feng know that she was always worried about this series of killings in her mind. Although Tianping had no record of killing innocent people before, who knows After so many years in prison and killing so many people, is your brain still smart?

And what is his standard for judging whether he should die in his hands? Therefore, after the news that Tianping came to the new metropolis spread, almost all media and newspapers in the new metropolis reported the event at length. Various experts and professionals jumped out to analyze a series of events to analyze Tianping's personality characteristics and his behavior pattern To explore whether Tianping will be arrested in the new metropolis and how many people he will eventually kill. Similar problems have been repeatedly mentioned and discussed in the ears, minds and mouths of every citizen in the new metropolis.

Although the balance has nothing to do with most of them. But everyone involved himself in it and had a heated discussion and dispute because he was a participant in the event. The consequence of this series of things is that Kate's pressure increases greatly. She must hand in a satisfactory answer sheet in a short time. Otherwise, her authority as director of NYPD will be questioned. A similar situation has occurred more than once before.

Ye Feng always laments the citizens' forgetful memory. Didn't a previous incident show them Kate's ability to deal with major events? Although many of them are behind her, isn't Kate a trustworthy person? Perhaps in the eyes of most people, Kate, as a woman, has become the leader of nip. This matter itself is untrustworthy and debatable. Kate also knows this matter and knows that most people despise her because they don't steam steamed bread, That's why she makes efforts to solve this series of cases day and night upside down. However, people usually don't see how much effort you have made. They only care about the results. Even if you pay all but don't achieve satisfactory results, you are a loser after all.

Kate knew it very well, so she held her breath and must catch the scale with her own hands. It's funny to say that many times he caught Tianping not because of the clever plan of the person in charge of arresting him, but because of some small things. For example, the car he used to escape suddenly broke down, and a police officer on a long vacation suddenly came to the hotel where he was hiding, and this person happened to recognize him, Such things put Tianping in prison again and again, and it is precisely because of the special environment in prison that he slaughtered those inmates so cruelly.

In Tianping's own words: being locked up in prison is a holiday for him. He has food and clothing, and the most important thing is that the prey he wants is right beside him. He doesn't need to look for and track. Just open the door of the cell, seize an opportunity to kill one, and then return to his cell to sleep every few days, Such a cycle is enough to pass his painful and long life.

It's not that no one wants to end this cycle. The mobs in the prison that had happened several times rushed into his cell and wanted him to die. Many times, these events end up in the end, because no one can explain why these thugs can leave their cell and rush into the cell of Tianping. Obviously, there are some unspeakable secrets, but whether they do or not do so has no meaning, because Tianping is the man standing at the end unharmed.

Against him. Killing and retaliation have never stopped, but unfortunately, few people can really hurt Tianping. Even if he is just an ordinary person, even if he doesn't have any super powers, this seemingly not strong man with sharp eyes is a nightmare for many people, and these people are usually nightmares in the eyes of others.

As the saying goes, the wicked have their own mill. This is the balance. He is the most terrible God of death in the eyes of those wicked. Some people even give their bodyguards a picture of a balance when they hire bodyguards, telling them to kill this person directly as long as they find him, whether he has attack or not. He will bear the consequences.

Even so, few people can really pose a threat to Libra, even if there are some powerful people who are targeted by him. These capable criminals can be said to be the most troublesome and difficult to deal with among criminals, but this kind of people still shudder when they hear the name balance. For these villains, the name of Libra has such great power, and for ordinary people, the word "Libra" is even more bloody and terrible. Although Libra does not kill ordinary people at will, the natural fear of humans compared with their powerful predators still makes them pour too much fear into the name Libra. So that everyone seems to discuss him as if they have seen him in person, as if everyone is a member of the list in the balance death manual. One day, the balance will find him and kill him.

Even those who vowed to discuss these things knew that it could not become their own destiny, but under repeated telling, all this seemed to become a fact. Fear spread in the new city. Some people take advantage of this fear to make profits for themselves, but these people can't do it for long, and they will be found by the balance. People who use their names to do evil are one of the most annoying people in Libra. These people will die worse than others. For Libra, making a similar move is one of his pleasures. Because of this, in just a few days, more than a dozen bodies appeared in the new metropolis, and most of them had a balance drawn with blood.

Even though so many wounding incidents have occurred, Ye Feng has never had an intuitive feeling about it. For him, his mood is almost the same as that of other citizens of the new metropolis. Those are just the number of deaths in the report, which has nothing to do with their lives and themselves.

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