Perhaps in the view of Tianping, killing a person doesn't need much reason. As long as the person is identified as a criminal, he will do it without hesitation. In a short period of time, Tianping has killed dozens of lives, which are only those who have reported or found bodies by the police. Those who have not reported or whose bodies have not been found may be more than the current figure. 23 bodies may be only a small part of the lives killed by Tianping during this period. In this way, everyone realized that Tianping and white wolf were both the devil of the mixed world, and the number of white wolf killings was still rising, and they would soon break through the 20 mark.

It's not a very important thing for him. If you can succeed at one time, it's best. If you fail today, choose a good day to come back in a few days.

In this somewhat playful state of mind, Ye Feng watched the pointer on the watch slide by second. Half a minute before the hour, Ye Feng stood on the railing of the tall building and peeped down. Although Ye Feng has no fear of heights, he still feels dizzy at an altitude of kilometers above the ground. After taking a few deep breaths, Ye Feng barely controlled his excitement. He looked at his watch for only 15 seconds. Get ready.

Of course, none of the 20 people were killed by Ye Feng, and even several of them were killed by Tianping. Then Kate counted these lives on the White Wolf and deliberately released photos of the scene in the news report. This is to send a signal to the balance that the white wolf is. Compete with you for hunting, and he even robbed your prey regardless of means. Of course, this is Ye Feng's trick. He thinks this dose will annoy Tianping and make him come to the door faster.

It is true. More and more people began to look for the real identity of the White Wolf and his hidden place. Of course, the information they found was forged by Gemma. Outsiders will definitely think it's true. There will be no doubt about its authenticity. After all, Gemma is one of the best experts in this field. She can not only dig out valuable information, but also forge information that is false and false.

Is there a balance among those looking for white wolves? Ye Feng thinks it is certain that each of these people has a different purpose. They all want to get some benefits from the White Wolf to achieve their goals. Ye Feng believes that the balance must be in it. More and more murders have been put on the White Wolf's head, which makes people more and more afraid of the meaning represented by the name. Ye Feng also realizes that he can stop now. Going on like this is just increasing panic. It's time to have a duel between Tianping white wolves. It must be the white wolf who initiates the challenge. After all, mastering the first hand is so important in this duel. Ye Feng thought about it and wanted to let Gemma post a post on the Internet. The post could not find the root cause. The content of the post was very simple. It was a challenge Book initiated by white wolf to Tianping.

The challenge book forges a relationship between white wolf and Tianping. The story is very simple. A friend of the white wolf was killed by Tianping because of the criminal. The white wolf has been looking for Tianping's whereabouts and wants to kill him. Even if they don't hesitate to be caught in prison and want to start with Tianping gold. Unfortunately, several attempts failed, and even the white wolf was seriously injured. Therefore, in the past few years, the white wolf has been dormant in the corner, recuperating and waiting for the next opportunity. Now is this opportunity. After hearing that Tianping came to Xindu to kill wantonly, the white wolf came and prepared to fight with Tianping here.

Similar wheel words are mentioned repeatedly in this post. In short, they depict that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the White Wolf and the balance, and there are enemies between them. Ye Feng believes that even if Tianping is surprised by these words, he won't go deep into them. After all, similar things have happened several times in his life. Ye Feng believes that many people are similar to the experience in this lame lie he made up, or have had a lot of disputes with Tianping. Libra may not read the new content of this challenge carefully, but knows that the man named White Wolf is coming for himself, and he will take the challenge.

Although he didn't receive the reply letter from Tianping - of course, there are still many people who reply, attack and slander in the name of destiny, and Ye Feng didn't waste energy to identify them one by one - he knows one thing, that is, as long as Tianping sees this challenge letter, he will take the bait, and he will never escape. If he were the kind of person who escaped, he wouldn't be caught in prison again and again.

Now the white wolf has definitely aroused great interest. He must want to meet the White Wolf face to face and have a good fight. Ye Feng will give him this opportunity soon. However, how to determine the time and place gives Ye Feng a headache. After all, if you put the time and place on the Internet, there is no doubt that it will attract many irrelevant people. These people come with various purposes and will pose a threat to their plan. Once they are not well controlled, Perhaps the killing of the balance will cause too many unnecessary casualties, which is absolutely not allowed to happen.

In that case, how can we safely and directly contact Libra and agree on the time and place of the meeting. This gives maple leaf a headache. This problem. If it can't be solved. For Ye Feng, the next plan will cause major hidden dangers. He certainly won't gamble on other people's lives. In that case, we must come up with a perfect solution. For this matter, Ye Feng held it in her bedroom for three days. Finally came up with a somewhat stupid method. He asked Gemma to find the message board that Tianping used to communicate with hackers. On the message board, Ye Feng left a text, in a very simple sentence, the database information of NYPD.

As long as Tianping sees this sentence, it must be clear that someone wants to communicate with him. Whether he will reply or not depends on fate. After all, the police didn't get nothing during this period. Although they didn't stop Tianping from killing, because Kate protected each person on the list of potential targets analyzed by Gemma to the greatest extent, Tianping's killing behavior slowed down a lot,. Although he still kills people every few days, these people are basically dispensable gangsters in the street. These idiots want to be heroes. They are unlucky to wander in the street in the middle of the night and meet the balance of hunting.

Similar things happen a lot. Even those brave people dare not go out of the house in the middle of the night. This makes the killing frequency of the balance significantly lower. No new victims have been found in recent days. Although Kate and they paid a great price, they still slowed down the killing of Libra to a certain extent. This is based on Gemma's analysis of the information in NYPD's criminal database.

Ye Feng believes that Tianping must have figured out why her action will be hindered by this time. After all, he is a veteran. His decades of criminal career should make his intuition very sharp. Notice the police officers who protect the people on the list, and he should realize what happened.

Therefore, Ye Feng poured almost all his bets into the message on the message board. If Tianping can really see and reply, maybe this is a shortcut to communicate directly with him. In order to make this message look more eye-catching, Ye Feng pasted a picture on this message, which is a white wolf head with red blood on his teeth.

Ye Feng knows that his move is icing on the cake, but he must let Tianping pay attention to this information. He can reply. So he had to. If someone who doesn't know the inside story sees this message. It should not be clear what it means.

In this constant panic. Ye Feng waited for three days, but there was no face to face in these three days. Finally, on the message board, he saw that someone replied to the post he left. There were four respondents, three of whom were obviously idiots at first sight, either robbing the sofa or robbing the bench. But one of Ye Feng's intuition told him that this person must be the balance. The man didn't say anything, but left a string of numbers. This string of numbers made Ye Feng completely confused. It was not a phone number, nor a mobile phone number, nor anything else. Ye Feng thought for a long time and didn't come up with what this string of eight digit numbers represented.

Or Gemma came up with the meaning of these eight numbers.

"It can't be longitude and latitude."

Ye Feng was stunned and immediately realized that zhenma might be right. He immediately asked zhenma to call out the satellite map and input the eight digits according to longitude and latitude. Sure enough, it is positioned within the scope of the new metropolis, but this area is an old urban area, which has been almost completely abandoned. That place used to be a factory. Ye Feng was quite familiar with the urban area here. After all, Gemma had been mixed in that urban area before, and her former hiding place was under the ruins of a factory. There was a secret base for Ye Feng's operations for some time, but they haven't been there for a long time because there is a safer house.

After determining this point, Ye Feng was immediately excited and could locate the specific address according to the clarity of longitude and latitude. And that address is to move the abandoned plant. Ye Feng immediately decided to drive to the factory. However, for Ye Feng so anxious to check the factory, other people's opinions were contrary to him. They held him and didn't let him go out.

"Ye Feng, we must make a careful plan before we can take action. Otherwise, if you take it there and find it a trap, what should you do? The balance will kill you."

Ye Feng originally wanted to say that the balance could not kill himself. After all, his healing ability is not a decoration, but on second thought, this body was cultivated by dick before. In fact, Ye Feng has not explicitly asked Dick whether there is any healing ability. Moreover, Ye Feng does not know how strong the self-healing ability of this ungrateful body is, But I didn't die during this time, and I didn't suffer any injuries. I can't make a judgment.

If you try now, Ye Feng turns to look for a sharp knife.

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