
Charlie Chen asked in a low voice. Ye Feng and Dick noticed Charlie Chen's expression and immediately became very ugly.

Looking at Charlie Chen with a black face, Ye Feng always felt that when he got the answer he didn't hear, he would jump up and kill

"You can't leave."

A few steps in front of the old dishes, Charlie Chen said to Dick lightly.

"Do you need to go in such a hurry?"

Jane's fine eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. She hasn't been so calm for a long time. Jane's heart is slowly calmed by her scavenging trip and hunting on the waste soil.

In the process of hunting wanderers and scavengers, Jane personally felt that life was so fragile and fleeting. But life is so tenacious that even in the post eschatological world, there is still the flame of life emitting light stubbornly.

She may never find the memory of the past. Her life has passed away. But this is not the end. Jane is still alive. She has too many secrets she can't know. She wants to know herself completely again. Even if the road ahead is rough, Jane is fearless.

In this post apocalypse, Jane feels that there are still many things to understand, so she doesn't want to go yet.

"There is no" leave "here -" Charlie Chen said faintly. As the authority, his majesty is more and more revealed. This man really has a few brushes to be the boss of the settlement. "- either unite or tit for tat."

"Don't get excited, big brother. Don't listen to the nonsense of this old group. No one wants to leave. Don't be silly! We love unity. We love radiation and psoriasis. We won't go all our life -"

Facing the real threat from Charlie Chen, Ye Feng, surrounded by death hunters, quickly said.

Dick's face turned faster than Charlie Chen. He angrily sprayed Ye Feng and Jane, "don't be silly!"

As if he was not the one who had just suggested running away. "- I estimate that the average" lifetime "here is only 20 years. I want to be alone with my companions for a while. Irrelevant personnel can step back 40 yards."

"The blasphemy stone is gone!"

Just as Dick was about to discuss running with Ye Feng and Jane, a bald man in tight waist jumped into the tearing arena and reported to Charlie Chen.

"Oh! No!", "ah!", "who stole it?", "the totem is gone?"

The onlookers who heard the news immediately burst the pot and talked about what the real role of this blue stone is. These wasters do not know, but there is no doubt about the importance of a natural blue crystal that can emit fluorescence as a symbol of the settlement.

The totem of the settlement was stolen. It's a big deal!

"Well, I understand. I suggest we go in groups of three. How about it?"

Before Charlie Chen spoke, Dick suggested first. He is going to borrow the trouble first, take Ye Feng and Jane, or slip out alone.

However, a very embarrassing situation happened. Ye Feng, who had just regained control of his body, was a little stiff. When Ye Feng was moving his arms and legs, his arm accidentally touched Dick's big bag on his body. What's more, the touch just lifted one corner of the bag. The blue crystal in the bag was clearly seen by the people present, right in front of Ye Feng, Jane, Charlie Chen and his more than a dozen younger brothers.

For a moment, the atmosphere of embarrassment was filled with silence.

"Well... I'll be right back." Dick put the crossbow on his back and said to the people staring at him


On the endless yellow sand plain, the silence was broken by the roar of cars. In the dust, a modified off-road Kip with pink coating and exposed body was full of rust.

Behind the car, followed by a heavy truck and six different four-wheel vehicles, as well as two off-road motorcycles, driving rapidly on both sides of the team.

On the wasteland, this large team can be called a luxury lineup, and the reason for such a large team is the driver of the pink Kip that the team is chasing: Dick.

Dick clenched the crossbow with one hand and controlled the vehicle with the other. In his co pilot's seat, he stole the blue crystal from Charlie Chen's settlement, Tongsu 332.

"Dick, don't do anything stupid. Give up, chenchali. Give you mercy."

Jane sat on Charlie Chen's heavy modified truck and persuaded dick with a car loudspeaker.

Dick hurriedly fought his way out of the settlement and grabbed a Kip to run, but the car obviously didn't run very fast. Dick was about to be caught up by the team behind him.

However, because of Dick's fierce performance in breaking through the siege in the settlement, the scavengers in the team did not dare to shoot. It's one thing to fool around with leaders, but do your best and even pay a painful price? Please, no one is a fool, or life is important

"Go ahead, Jane. Your friends are not merciful. They are all woodlouse!"

Dick, with his big mouth, manipulated the vehicle flexibly and suppressed the pursuers behind him from time to time. He really let him kill several of Charlie Chen's men.

As Dick finished a double kill, he shot the pickup truck immediately behind the car in front of Charlie Chen, the short haired rough man who was about to shoot, and then pulled the trigger again to shoot the blue haired man driving the pickup truck, without giving Charlie Chen any face.

"Death hunters, skin him alive!"

Charlie Chen took the car walkie talkie and gave orders to the hands in the team. He wanted Dick, an old man, to regret coming to the world!

The boss made a cruel remark. Even if the little ones were no longer willing, they had to start playing real and fighting with Dick.

If you close your eyes and lie on the ground motionless, you may regard this large mass of brown objects as dog shit. Yes, this dark brown scavenger is so disgusting.

When the vehicle approached Dick's kip, the shit King jumped into Dick's cockpit with a brisk step.

The machete in the dog shit King's hand flashed cold. He raised the machete high and prepared to land Dick's head in front of him in the next second.

Dick had no room to react in the face of the sudden attack. He didn't expect the appearance of this scene. Unexpectedly, there would be a neuropathy who would end up jumping at high speed.

In the battle of life and death, a moment of stupidity is enough to decide everything. Dick didn't expect the enemy's madness, he would be paying the price of bleeding!

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