He himself said that going to prison is just a holiday. This kind of words may seem so ridiculous and arrogant on others, but no one will question it in the mouth of Libra. Indeed, what he has done has told everyone that prison break is an easy thing for him. He didn't leave the prison just because he didn't want to. If he wanted, even under strict security measures, no more personnel would be of any use. It's just adding to his fun.

The balance sent a message again. One midnight morning, Ye Feng was usually a night owl, so he saw the news in time. The content of the message is very simple, with only one address and time. There is nothing else on it. Ye Feng sent a few question marks to ask specifically. What does this mean? But. The balance did not reply to him. But pulled him black directly. Ye Feng immediately called the others in the room to discuss countermeasures.

"You said, does this mean he can't wait to meet you." jenma pointed to the time and address written by Ye Feng on the whiteboard. "Tianping wants to have a face-to-face fight with you to compare who is the most annoying bastard in the new city? I'll vote for you first."

Ye Feng patted her on the head and said, "is it still time to joke? Be serious. I don't think it should be so simple.

"Indeed, he easily gives a time and place to a stranger and then meets him. I don't think so." Audrey said slowly. "Tianping is always very cunning. I think it may be a trap. Even if we keep the appointment on time, we may not see Tianping himself."

Ye Feng nodded: "I have a similar view with you. Indeed, I don't want to see him this time, but we will go to this place and arrive before the agreed time." he looked at Kou Bi, "Kou Bi, let's act alone this time. You have the stealth mode of armor. Tianping can't observe you. If I drive alone, I can minimize the risk. After all, if Tianping observes in the dark, it's very possible. Once he finds out that I'm not going alone, he may never contact me again. In this case, he will be straight Taking him out of Xindu will lead to other cities, which will cause greater problems. We can't run back and forth behind him. "

Gemma agreed: "you're right. Now it's the only way to do it, but is it too dangerous for you two?"

"It's not dangerous at all," said Coby confidently. "I can hang the balance alone."

"I'm not worried about you, sister Kou Bi. I'm worried about Ye Feng. If Ye Feng has three advantages and two disadvantages, it won't be fun."

"You don't have to worry about me. I can still take care of myself. We may face a relatively dangerous situation this time. We can't even see the face of Tianping, but we have to go this time. On the one hand, we want to show our determination, on the other hand, we also want Tianming to see our ability. If we don't grasp this degree well, Tianping Maybe he will lose the interest to continue to entangle with us. It's not good to be too strong or too weak. It's best to be just good. But for my strength, maybe it's hard for me to do just good. "Ye Feng laughed at himself." after all, the only thing I'm good at is getting beaten. "

"This will certainly help you," Chu Qian said, "If you're really good at being beaten as before, we don't need to worry. However, after all, there are many special weapons that can inhibit your healing ability. Now, these weapons are becoming more and more popular. Who knows why? In a word, you'd better be ready. If the balance has prepared some special bullets. Specifically For those powerful healers, you may still be in danger. In short, you'd better be fully prepared to go again this time. Don't be brave. There's no need. "

"Don't worry. Besides being beaten, sparing my life is also my strong point. I will be armed to my teeth this time. After all, I can't let people see my true face. I'm a white wolf, and these things can't be known by anyone except you. During this period, Gemma has posted too many messages on the Internet, which are both true and false. The fake part is really fake It's too exaggerated. If you let others know that I'm a white wolf, it may cause a lot of trouble. You know, those who have the ability to eat at leisure and have nothing to do are likely to stare at me. "

"Don't they have an eye on you? So, what you did before is enough for these capable people to chase you to the ends of the earth."

"So it's even more unlikely that such things will happen. I'm not afraid that they will cause me any trouble. I'm just afraid that if people with evil intentions come to the new metropolis, they may cause more conflicts. These conflicts are unnecessary, and we don't need to let the citizens of the new metropolis pay for our actions. After all, without them, the city is empty It's empty. It's really boring. There's no traffic jam on the road now. How can you let me go out and drive? "

"What the hell is your logic? There's no traffic jam on the road. You're not happy."

"No traffic jam means fewer people. In this case, I'm looking at my globally Limited sports car. When I go out, no passers-by will stop to watch. Without the jealousy and envy in those people's eyes, what's the point of going out this time? Don't I use so much gasoline just to see people's jealousy, envy and hate?"

"You are really, really," Rihanna said coldly. "You don't pretend at all. You think those dirty ideas are all truthfully exposed."

"Your thoughts are really low enough."

"Did you know? I thought you knew it long ago." Ye Feng said half jokingly and half seriously, "In a word, I didn't expect this situation to happen before, so I'd better not let it continue to ferment. Once the name white wolf attracts too much unnecessary attention, it may really attract some people with ulterior motives. And have you ever thought of this situation? Some criminals will commit some crimes themselves Forcibly put it on the head of the White Wolf to escape sanctions. If such a situation occurs, we simply can't distinguish it. Even if we know that these things are not done by the White Wolf, outsiders will not know that the white wolf is actually just a fictional character. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, we must start from now on It must not be too much to control in a more appropriate degree. Otherwise, the problem of balance may not be solved, and the white wolf will become the next problem we must face. Who knows how many white wolves will emerge in the new metropolis and how many people want to fish in troubled waters. "

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." Gemma asked hesitantly.

"Of course. I've experienced similar things several times. And I also use other people's names to do some shady things, so I know it's like flies chasing dog shit. There will always be a group of people who make you feel helpless and want to win some benefits for yourself in this chaotic situation. I don't want others to rub me. In short, that's it , Gemma, remember, we must be moderate when we publicize the bright white wolf recently. It's best to accept it. If we can, we should publicize the white wolf at a minimum. Now we have successfully attracted the attention of Tianping. Maybe the publicity is not so important. "

Gemma nodded: "I know. I will pay attention to the scale and try my best not to let things ferment beyond control. Maybe I can create some other things to divert people's attention from the White Wolf and Libra. For example, to disclose the gossip of some stars." Gemma said with a bad smile, "This kind of thing is easy for me. If I want to, I can always dig out some strong materials, which are people's favorite conversation after dinner. Maybe I'm sorry for those stars, but if they don't do these shady things, I can't disclose them. In short, just do it. I'll find some publicity Zhengsheng's stars, dig up their black material and expose it to him. "

Watching the demonic smile on jenma's face, Ye Feng couldn't help shivering. "This is to feel sad for these people. People sitting at home come from heaven. This sentence is about people like you."

"I'm doing it for you," he said righteously. "And I'm not making it up out of thin air. If these people really don't have any black material to dig, I can't make it up. In a word, let me do these things. Don't worry. Don't worry. I'll let the attention of the citizens of the new metropolis, at least part of it, move away from you and the balance."

"OK, it's up to you. Don't go too far. Forgive others and don't kill anyone. No matter how dirty things these stars do, they have family after all. They all want to make a living, so don't kill them all."

"Well, well, I know this degree. Don't worry."

"I'm really worried. You may not know this degree." Ye Feng said with a bitter smile. "If you really make things too big, it's against my original intention. In a word, you must grasp the scale, you know? Don't act recklessly."

"Really, are you so worried about me?"

"Whenever this happens, you always go too far." Ye Feng looked at her helplessly, "It's not that I don't want to worry about you. It's countless things and countless blood and tears history that tell me that you can't let you fool around. Otherwise, in the end, more people will be injured than we thought. We're trying to catch bad people. There's no need to involve too many people, okay?"

"I know. I'll control myself as much as I can."

"You can still control yourself. It's impossible. The sun can only come out from the West."

"Are you finished?" said Gemma discontentedly. "You'll control it."

"All right, all right, you can control your. Remember to leave a line for everything and see each other in the future."

"Where did you learn these dregs?"

"Whether words are rough or not, this is the experience summarized by people in daily life. Just learn."

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