In this case, maybe we can only look forward to the next fight with Tianping. However, Ye Feng believes that his performance today has attracted the attention of the old fox. As long as the hunter is interested in the prey, he will continue to hunt. In this process, will the identity of prey and Hunter change? It depends on each other's preparations.

After careful consideration, Ye Feng finally decided to trigger the trap that can spray fire. It was a trap disguised as a tree stump, in which there was a flamethrower that could erupt a tongue of fire. This kind of thing is very dangerous to use in this forest, but after all, although the space in this open space is not large, it is enough for Ye Feng to fight. So even if this trap is triggered, Ye Feng doesn't need to worry that it may lead to a fire. Even so, Ye Feng hesitated. If he was burned by the fire, the pain could even rank first in Ye Feng's opinion. The feeling of being burned by the fire is a kind of pain comparable to poisoning and death among all the pain Ye Feng has experienced. This pain will cause unbearable magic damage for several days, The damage will continue. Unless Ye Feng's back hurts and goes crazy.

Moreover, the process of wound healing is also very painful. New meat and skin need to grow again, and the rotten meat must be cut off before that. The process is simply an unbearable second disaster. So Ye Feng still hesitated, but compared with other traps, being burned by fire seems to be the most acceptable situation for him at present. After all, he can run and shout when he is on fire. This pain will not make him lose his ability to act at the first time, and the scene of him being burned by the fire will certainly make the balance feel shocking. He can use this time to open the distance between him and the balance as far as possible, as long as he does not run to the hidden direction of the balance. In the four directions of southeast and northwest, the probability of winning is only 1 / 4. In Ye Feng's opinion, you can bet.

And the fire damage looks very serious on the surface, but in fact, the suit Ye Feng wears has a strong fire prevention function, although. This pain will still be transmitted to his body through the suit of armor on his body. His body will certainly be scalded or burned, but to a large extent, although it seems miserable to be burned by the fire, the damage to Ye Feng is the lowest. Once the balance can't hold back and approaches Ye Feng, start it. Ye Feng can at least resist the attack. As long as he drags the balance, Kobi on top of him will immediately fly down to support him and kill the balance. Anyway, it seems that this is the only way to retreat from the whole body, so Ye Feng can only bite his teeth. According to the mechanism of triggering the trap detected by Corby, he came to the stump. Almost as soon as he aimed his back at the tree, a hot tongue burst out of the stump. Ye Feng felt as if he had been beaten on his back. The whole back was very painful, but Ye Feng didn't stop or put out the flame in a panic. He began to run fiercely in one direction. On the way into the woods, he tried to avoid other traps. Although several traps were inevitably triggered, they didn't catch him because he ran fast enough.

Ye Feng ran straight into the woods. With one breath, he ran to the retreat direction with a deadly smile. There was a car in advance at the scheduled retreat place. As long as he could get to the car, he could drive away from the area. There is no doubt that unless Tianping takes the initiative to find him today, he can't meet Tianping. In that case, it's better to go home and treat the wound.

Lying on the cliff, watching Ye Feng's balance, watching the White Wolf surrounded by flames rush into the dense woods. In an instant, he lost the specific position of the man of the white wolf. This scene was so sudden that the balance didn't even react. When he adjusted the direction of the sniper gun in his hand and searched for the White Wolf through the high-power mirror, it was too late. In the dense forest, leaves covered the sky and completely blocked his vision. He was able to determine the approximate position of leaf maple through the flying startling birds. But gradually, he also knew that he could no longer lock the position of the man named White Wolf.

The boy really has two skills. His whole body has become a fireball. He can run so fast. The scales murmured. However, it seems that the white wolf is really not afraid. Although he obviously has certain strength and at least his equipment is good, this man is a little rash. He actually came to the open space alone. Didn't he think this was a trap he prepared for him? Maybe he thought about it, but in his opinion, even if he came by himself, he had no fear. He could deal with this scene, but it turned out that he couldn't deal with it. He just escaped from the woodland, that's all. And the escape was very embarrassed.

Tianming decides to kill him first and then go. Although killing a clown is not what he expects, since this man has made such a big mess and really came to meet him alone, this perseverance and perseverance is still worth letting Tianping show up and kill him. Since you want to see me so much, I'll meet you. But the price you pay is your life. The balance said with a sneer.

He didn't leave immediately, but continued to keep a motionless knowledge and lay on the cliff. His vigilant character saved his life, because Kobi, who was flying in mid air, was still patrolling the surrounding environment through armored radar. As long as Tianping trade took action, it was monitored to the specific location, He would immediately face Corby's all-out artillery bombardment. In the final analysis, Tianping is just an ordinary person. In the face of this unprepared sudden attack, he will definitely mess up his hands and feet and be killed by Kobi at the first time. However, due to his cautious character, this scene has not become a reality after all, while Kobi gradually left the forest in mid air behind Ye Feng, pulling away the distance from Tianping. Surrounded by flames, Ye Feng burst out at his fastest speed. It took almost ten minutes, and he ran to the evacuation site. There happened to be a stream beside the car. He rushed into the stream recklessly. Although the flame on his body was watered out by the water, it was emitting thick smoke and a smell of barbecue. Ye Feng's hair will almost burn out. There were no eyebrows and beard on his face, which made him look very sad. Looking at this purpose, Kou Bi laughed very unkindly, pointing to Ye Feng's miserable appearance and constantly scolding him.

Ye Feng was now burned by the fire and had no strength to resist. He stayed in the water like a dead dog until Kobi was tired of laughing, flew down, fished him out of the water and stuffed him into the thoroughly jeep. After that, he drove back to the new metropolis. Later, the injury on the body is much more serious than expected. In that flamethrower, the balance also inserted other edge aids to make the flame extremely strong. Even if the combat clothes on your body can isolate the burn of the flame on Ye Feng to a certain extent, this effect is still a little, and Ye Feng is burned in a large area. He spent three days in confusion and finally regained consciousness until his skin grew again. It took two days for Ye Feng to recover from the ordeal. And the pain during. The inhuman pain experienced by growing new meat and digging out charred meat makes Ye Feng suffer. But fortunately, it's worth it. During Ye Feng's coma, Tianping took the initiative to contact Ye Feng. Ye Feng couldn't reply at the first time, but zhenma communicated with Tianping on behalf. The two fought with each other and complained about each other's unbearable. Although Tianping did not specify whether they would meet again, Tianping still showed a strong interest in Ye Feng between the lines. There is no doubt that the fictional role of white wolf deeply hooked Tianping's heart before leaving the new metropolis. Tianping wants to hunt a prey, which is the proud white wolf.

"You know what? Ye Feng, the balance calls you husky."

"Husky, isn't that a dog? I'm a white wolf. I'm a wolf." Ye Feng said angrily. Now he has removed his bandage, but he's not used to it because the newly grown meat is still pink, but it won't take long for his skin color to return to normal.

"He calls you husky. No doubt it's a provocation. He thinks your performance in the woods over there is too stupid, so he gave you a nickname. I think this nickname is quite suitable for your character. You really don't look like a wolf, but like a husky with a brain problem."

"There's something wrong with your brain." Ye Feng said angrily, "You think I'm willing to be burned into this virtue. There were many more traps on the scene than we thought. I don't know how hard it took Tianping to arrange such a dangerous scene and let me feel her enthusiasm. I really felt the enthusiasm of this old bastard. Damn it, it hurts me."

Jemma smiled: "this is what you want to go. We all advise you not to let you go, but you are always stubborn. But it is true that you have paid so much and finally got a harvest. From the words of Libra, he has obviously raised a strong interest in you."

"The old man is interested in me? Why do I feel so scared?" whispered Ye Feng. "In a word, I can finally win a chance to meet Tianping. If things can be solved, Kate must thank you."

"She will certainly thank you, because once the matter is solved, the White Wolf and Tianping will die together. For Kate, this is the best outcome, and all the voices questioning him will disappear in an instant."

"You have figured out how to solve this matter?"

"Yes, if you kill Tianping and the White Wolf doesn't die, the citizens of the new metropolis will still feel panic. No one knows whether the white wolf will make a comeback, so the best outcome is that Tianping and the White Wolf both die. Their dog bites the dog, and then sister Kate will reap the benefits."

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