Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully: "your idea is good, but it may be troublesome to implement. Who knows how many participants there are. How to continue to arrange their games is also a big project."

"If you can. No problem, Ye Feng. I can handle this." jenma raised her hand and said, "I can hand over the arrangement of the game or other things to the computer. It's not complicated. We just need the referee. Make sure that the people participating in the game follow our rules, but the problem is that I don't have so many people. The referee must be able to control the situation, that is, have certain requirements for strength."

"Where can we find so many capable people?" whispered Ye Feng.

"Money can solve this problem. Money can make ghosts grind. As long as we can pay enough money, we can attract a group of capable people to act as referees for us. Moreover, we don't need too many capable people. After all, with the progress of the game and brushing down round by round, the capable people we need will eventually become very small numbers. At that time We can control it ourselves, so in the first round, we need a lot of capable people to participate and give them a certain reward. I believe these people will come to work for a day or half a day, which is a part-time job. We can make a steady profit without losing. What do you think? "

Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully: "it's OK. Let you do this. Jenma, you can contact Xu wenweak. He knows many capable people. Although his ability is not very strong, it should be enough to deal with this scene."

"OK, I'll take care of it."

Ye Feng looks at Kate: "Kate, the game also needs your accommodation with the new team. Although you know that this situation is very extreme, I still hope you can try your best to win their consent. In this way, you may be able to solve the problem to a certain extent. Of course, these are just a drop in the bucket. Will the effect be as described It can let these people vent their energy, or at least make them unable to move freely. It depends on how much interest we can arouse them. "

"Nothing more than money? It's easy to do." Audrey said coldly. Anyway, if you want Cary to have so much money, it's time to take it out and make a contribution to the new city. "

Ye Feng nodded with a sad face. Although he felt very painful, he had to spend the money, at least not to make his site miserable. Even for himself, he had to spend the money, although it was clear that it would hurt him for a long time. But so far, it's the only way.

Soon, this funny indifference fighting competition began. All the competitions progressed very quickly. Almost everyone had not turned around, and the leaflets about the competition had been spread all over the new metropolis. After all, in order not to attract the attention of the madmen outside the new metropolis, they finally decided to take action This relatively old and inefficient way is to send leaflets to inform the madmen in the new city that the competition is about to be held.

As expected, after learning about the huge bonus, everyone's attention immediately shifted from fighting each other to how to win the money.

After all, money is more important for everyone. After all, they work hard for money, and if they have money, they can better enjoy life and work hard more wantonly. In short, for any reason and any excuse, these people are really attracted by the indifference fighting competition that Chu Qian came up with. In everyone's mind There's only one idea left. I want to be the last man. I want to have this money.

However, due to the large number of participants, the organizers of the competition, Ye Feng and others, have a great headache. Although jenma has stopped most of their work, they are still distressed by practical things such as the selection of specific competition venues. In short, due to this special situation, Xindu can only take this slightly exaggerated method to solve the problem , in this regard, they did not encounter the difficulties they might encounter, which is one of the few good news.

On the day when the competition officially began, six days after Chu Qian put forward this idea, in less than a week, the indifference fighting competition became well-known news within the scope of Xindu. Although some local people from Xindu participated in the competition - after all, the amount of the bonus was too exaggerated, but Ye Feng's idea In this case, the rule of the competition is that the leftover is the king, that is, only the final winner can take all the money, and the other participants must not only pay a share of the money. This rule only limits the locals of the new metropolis, and the amount of the money is not small. The outsiders of the metropolis can participate for free - the others will not take a penny of the bonus, Therefore, in fact, there are not many locals in Xindu who really participate in this competition. The madmen have been killed in the previous chaos or Tianping's hunting plan, and the rest are usually brainy. Brainy people generally won't participate in this kind of gambling.

Most of the participants in this competition are outsiders. This group of madmen who poured into xinduhui wanted to seize the first opportunity in destruction and violence. Their ideas almost hit it off when they happened to meet this indifference fighting competition. They didn't have the slightest doubt or hesitation. They heard that there were huge bonuses to take. They were only sure of this, Just get involved in it right away. As for who is the sponsor and what is their purpose? It's meaningless for them. They only want money. As long as the organizers can get the money, they will devote themselves to this seemingly absurd game.

In order to make these people clearly realize that they are not kidding, they are indeed involved in a real battle. Ye Feng deliberately converted all the bonuses into cash, and then took photos and videos of the cash and posted them on the website, news and newspapers of the new metropolis, so that these participants clearly realized how terrible and exaggerated the victory would bring to themselves.

It has to be said that Ye Feng's move really made everyone crazy to some extent. Indeed, something like what I thought before happened, that is, the indiscriminate fighting competition with exaggerated bonus in Xindu attracted the attention of some other people, who also wanted to come to Xindu to participate in the competition.

However, as Ye Feng said, he asked Kate to handle the important intersections of the new metropolis, so as not to let these people have an opportunity to enter the new metropolis. Although some people try to break into the heart city, not all the people who hold their hands at the intersection are Ye Feng's people or Kate's subordinates, many of them are spontaneous outsiders who have entered the new city.

This situation was completely beyond Yanfeng's expectation, but after thinking about it, he did realize that it was normal for this situation to happen. After all, in the eyes of these people, the arrival of others will undoubtedly reduce the probability of winning the final prize before the official start of the competition. To be able to cut an opponent is to cut an opponent.

Although a similar situation made him laugh and cry, there was no doubt that he was happy to see it. These people are very reliable. At least in this matter, they unite with each other to resist the invasion of outsiders, as if Xindu would be their home, but in fact, the only difference between them and those who came later is that they came a few days earlier.

Things become a little magical, but in fact, this kind of thing has always been like this. At least in Ye Feng's eyes, the similar absurd things he has experienced will eventually become magical realism. Ye Feng even couldn't believe that they were a group of people before and after those foreigners who were heavily guarded at each intersection day and night. After all, these people contributed to the meeting to some extent, and they prevented others from participating in the absurd game to some extent. Both the positive and the negative sides are acted by them, which makes Ye Feng realize the complexity of human nature again. Violence may only be a part of their personality. Perhaps this part will bear more weight than others, but when it comes to the moment of interest, their reason to give up will occupy the highland again and control this violence. The truth that you can't get up early without profit seems so direct here.

In a word, after all this mess. The indifference fighting competition finally officially began in the new metropolis. There are too many people in the first round, so even if everyone goes to the battle together, some people can only wait until others play before they can start their game. However, many people have launched an early battle with their assigned opponents in the waiting process, and this battle usually means that one of them cannot participate in the next game, Sometimes even on both sides.

For this situation, Ye Feng had no choice but to let all people lose their lives as much as possible within his control. However, the number of casualties was still too cruel. Ye Feng really couldn't find professionals to deal with these people and had to let them live and die. This is also a potential reason for this game. Let these people live and die. Although some people can't bear it, Ye Feng knows that this kind of garbage can play a greater positive role in the world alive than dead.

After the first round of fighting. Half of the people who can continue to stand on the court are less. After the second round of competition, there are fewer madmen who can continue to maintain combat effectiveness. With the deepening of the competition, the number of people is decreasing exponentially. Usually, at the beginning, Ye Feng arranges three competitions a day, twice the next day, and only one is left on the third day.

The number of people kept decreasing. Finally, when the number of contestants was controlled to hundreds, Ye Feng decided to put these hundreds of people in the same stadium, in which the last person who can stand last will become the winner of the game. And Ye Feng asked Kou Bi to participate in the indiscriminate fighting competition.

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