"OK, I know. I'll do it now." jenma confidently began the plan called Tianyan action by Ye Feng. The plan is very simple. It is to use the camera of the new metropolis to lock the action track of Tianping, and then infer his hiding place. The reason why this plan could not be used before is very simple, that is, there are too many people in the new metropolis, and before, because there were a group of thugs in the new metropolis, these cameras could not accurately lock the position of the balance in the crowd, but with the reduction of the competition and the number of thugs, there are fewer and fewer people on the streets, And the role that cameras can play is highlighted at this moment. There are not many people on the empty streets. And you look for a specific face of the elderly is very easy, using camera and face recognition technology Jane started her genius plan, she took all the new city's camera as its own eye liner, as Ye Feng said, really let the camera head became her eyes, under the eyes of Jane, There are almost no corners and dead corners in the whole new city. Even if there are these corners and dead corners, we can judge whether they are the hiding place of the balance by exclusion.

Very simply, through the comparison of face recognition technology, the movement track of the balance can be judged according to the time track. Once the balance suddenly disappears in a certain area, the place where it disappears may only be those places that cannot be covered by the camera. The key search of these places can determine whether the balance has been here, This job is left to professional Kate. She leads her team to collect the evidence of the balance in the alleys or sewers according to Gemma's guidance. Once the fingerprint of the balance or other traces that can lock his personal information are found, it can be determined that the balance has come here according to these information, Then the moving track of the balance is further improved and supplemented. In this way, Tianping is like a white mouse observed all the time. He looks at everything under jenma's camera. Any action, any action and all his routes will eventually be improved bit by bit and completely mastered by jenma.

Although there is still a little distance from this goal, Gemma believes that as long as she is given enough time, she can outline the moving tracks of the balance, and the hiding place of the balance can be found from these moving tracks. When all the tracks of the whole new metropolis are found out, the places that have not been checked are the places where Tianping may hide, and the specific work they will do next is to evaluate and search these places.

The workload is heavy, but fortunately they are also well staffed. Gemma tried her best to eliminate the impossible places. The scope of the search is further reduced and the accuracy is further improved. At the same time, Gemma obviously observed that the range of activities of Tianping was getting smaller and smaller, and he became more and more careful. He hardly appeared within the shooting range of the camera. However, there were cameras all over the city every few steps and every ten meters. This camera head was either officially or privately installed, Now they have entered the network built by Gemma, which makes it difficult for Tianping to move. After all, Tianping is just a mortal. It is impossible for him to completely hide his whereabouts. Even if he blocks his face, it is easier to judge the existence of Tianping from his body shape, gait and other behaviors with significant personal characteristics, Even the most perfect disguise is useless.

Tianping himself also noticed his rounding up. Of course, he would know all this. After all, Kate took people to search, but they didn't hide. This is also one of Ye Feng's strategies. Since it is impossible to completely hide this action, it can be carried out in a big way. In this way, it can also act as a deterrent to the balance. When one feels afraid, he will inevitably make some mistakes, which is what Ye Feng urgently needs. Once he can throw the balance into a desperate situation, this person may make some impulsive choices. This is the moment when Ye Feng wants to use it. No matter how the balance is in shestili, he is only himself. Maybe he can cause some damage in the new metropolis, but under the control of the endless net, it is not so easy for him to achieve this, Once he intends to carry out some extreme action, he must carry out some unnecessary behavior. This behavior will usually give Ye Feng more information, and this information will eventually pose a threat to Tianping himself. There are so many people who can deal with it in time and have so much combat effectiveness that they can immediately participate in the battle to protect the city. Therefore, for Ye Feng, it is not very dangerous to force the balance. After all, the trouble that a person can create is far from beyond the limitations they can deal with.

Even so, they still feel a little tricky. After all, no one knows how much preparation and planning Libra has made during this period of time. If the new metropolis is normal, there are few things that Tianping can do, but the new metropolis is not normal now. This is because the city has deviated too much from its original appearance. Therefore, it is unclear how much preparation Tianping can make during this period of time and whether there is such a plan for the city, I can only say that now I can only expect them to stop Tianping's action in time. Otherwise, in the face of unknown danger, Ye Feng will still bind their hands and tail when they act.

However, Ye Feng is still satisfied with this situation. After all, the scope of action of Tianping is further compressed, and the damage he can make is completely manageable, at least in common sense. It is almost impossible for him to kill and vent his anger. On the streets of the new metropolis, almost no one, whether mobs or citizens of the new metropolis, appeared on the streets. Everyone knows that this is not a good time to go to the streets. Even if the mobs have been cleaned up, Ye Feng still issued a warning to every family and let everyone know the photos of Tianping in various ways. Tianping can be said to be the most familiar person in the new metropolis during this period of time.

His photos are all on TV and printed in newspapers. Everyone's mobile phone receives several messages every day, and these messages are usually accompanied by photos of Tianping. As long as Tianping makes some camouflage and wants to hide his true identity, it will immediately become particularly prominent among the citizens of the new metropolis. After all, few people would have gone out of the house, and fewer people dressed up. They all know that the only threat now is Libra. As long as they don't make trouble, someone will clean up an asshole. Therefore, in the case of life-threatening, everyone behaved very rationally. They made way for all the actions of searching and catching Tianping, and it became less difficult for Ye Feng to take action in the new metropolis. In this way, they can launch the final encirclement and suppression of Tianping.

It is no exaggeration to say that the balance has now become a prey in a tightening net. Now the only thing to worry about is how much damage the balance will cause. If you can, you must minimize this damage. Once you grab the balance and kill him. Jenma's corpse similar to Ye Feng's body will come in handy. The placement of the two corpses there will be a great deterrent to all those who want to have a bad idea about the new city.

The day of the arrest was two months after Tianping killed her first person in Xindu. Many major changes have taken place in the past two months. Most of them are changes that are not conducive to the development of the city. Two months is enough. It is time to put all these mistakes right and not allow this chaotic situation to continue, An important sign of doing all this is to kill the balance that brings chaos.

Tianping is just a surviving old man. Indeed, he is killing, he is killing, but fundamentally, he is just a person teased by fate. Such a person may bring pain to others, but his own influence is actually very small. He just plays a role in fuelling the flames in this torrent. In the current situation of the new metropolis, the real culprits are those who spend money to hire violent people to come to the new metropolis. They fear that the arrival of Libra will affect their lives because of fear or other reasons, so they immediately fled the city, But he invested and made efforts to send another group of bastards no less than Tianping to the city. Ye Feng will settle the trouble with these people in the autumn.

Justice will always come. Justice will be late, but it will not be absent. These people have to be investigated by Gemma. These people are the ones who will be unlucky after Tianping's death. Ye Feng will never be soft hearted to them again, because they have completely destroyed the peace of the new city. Their actions have plunged the city into such a crazy situation, So that Ye Feng and they had to deal with it with more crazy means.

Put your eyes back on this siege and interception of the balance. Several times before, he had to shoulder with Kobi. This time, he didn't have such good luck. When all people's attention was focused on him, the trace of Tianping became strong. It's not difficult to catch a dying old man for Gemma who can call the support of the whole city. With the gradual reduction of the encirclement net, the movable space of the balance is also gradually compressed. He is like a mouse hiding from the cat tracking him. Even Tianping himself knows that this should be the end. He has tried many kinds of his own endings, but he never thought he would die in this way. He thought he would die in prison or in a sneak attack in prison. He didn't think he would die in a city where he didn't actually come several times. Died in a dirty alley with garbage.

But this is his end, the place where he is going to die. When Kobi finds Tianping, Tianping tries his best to fight back, but the traps he prepares are too childish for Kobi. The armor on Kobi has not been damaged. Tianping felt so humiliated. He thought the man who came to end his life was a powerful man. He didn't think he died in the hands of a seemingly weak woman.

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