"I bought a lot of shares of this company before because they found a new diamond mine, which is definitely a major event. If a diamond mining and selling company can find a diamond vein within ten years, it can be described as pie falling from the sky, and this happened in that company because it learned this in advance News, that's why I bought a lot of shares of that company. After the news was made public, it was not surprising that the soaring stock value made me a lot of money, so I used it to increase my holdings, so that I became the second largest shareholder of the whole company. Although my voting rights accounted for a large proportion, all decisions of the company must be approved by more than two-thirds of the votes Effective. Therefore, the votes in my hand are not enough to control the operation direction of the company. Only Nick and I can be 100% sure whether a thing can be implemented. Unfortunately, the old man and I don't deal with it. In my opinion, he is too greedy, so I can keep a distance from him, and the normal operation of the company is complete It depends on diamond mining and selling, so as long as the old bastard doesn't ruin his own job, I won't intervene in the company's specific operations. If I worry about that, I won't have time to do anything else. "Gemma sighed, "But from the current situation, I didn't sell my shares when the stock price was high. It was a mistake. Now the stock is even lower when Apple bought it. Ye Feng, I lost tens of billions. This is not a small number."

Ye Feng said slightly: "tens of billions of words. This loss is not something we can afford. What do you think is the inside story of those fraud cases?"

"In short, the discovery of a new diamond mine is false news. The company has not found any diamond veins. Our sudden surge in diamond production should come from other ways. However, the informant did not say what that way is. This matter has attracted too much attention. After all, it concerns many investors Vital interests. All forces have participated. Now my stock has been locked up. I have no choice but to continue to buy. Once I choose to sell, I will be completely out. "

"So, what do you mean?"

"I want to investigate the whole story of this matter. Not only has the scandal been exposed, but also another company wants to buy this company recently. It's too coincidental that it appears at this time. When the share value of this company reaches the lowest in history, another company suddenly says it wants to buy you, and from their aggressive momentum, they are not making a profit It's not true to use the news of acquiring a company to raise the stock price. They come for real. Therefore, I doubt that there may be some secret behind it. Perhaps it is the company at home who wants to take advantage of the opportunity to make a drastic drop in the stock price. Although the market value of this company has fallen sharply, it has a solid foundation after all. If it is sold to another company at such a low price If so, my loss will never be recovered. It's really like this. I can't accept such a result. So it's time to use your strength. " Gemma's expression is a little embarrassed. After all, it's entirely his own private affair. If she can, she doesn't want it to go to this point, but it may be impossible to solve the problem by herself. It involves the problem of billions of funds, which means that someone will make crazy moves for it. After all, they will even kill each other for less money.

Ye Feng thought for a moment and knew that this was at least a minor crisis for Gemma. The loss of tens of millions was a bone breaking thing. It was totally unacceptable for Ye Feng to flow the money into others' pockets. In that case, he had to stand up.

"Do you have any ideas? Or plans. We don't know much about this, and we may be able to provide you with limited help."

"No, that's not the case. I want you to go to the compound of the diamond mine to see where the extra diamonds come from. Even if these diamonds are not mined from the vein, they must be transported from the diamond mine to the processing place and then sold according to the normal process, so those diamonds must be transported first in order to confuse the fake with the real Into the mine. That part of the area is undoubtedly their key guard. It will be difficult for others to get close, but I believe you should be able to do that. "

"It's another sneaking mission." Ye Feng shook his head in embarrassment. "It's not impossible. It's just sneaking into a diamond mine. I really haven't done a similar mission, and it's still a valuable diamond mine. The preparation must be in place."

"It's very thorough," Gemma said in a determined tone. "Using the most advanced protective measures and systems in the world, others can't easily sneak into it. Only you can be competent for this task."


"Because you won't die. Once you are found, they kill you, you can recover, and even sneak into it in this way. They won't dispose of the intruder's body casually. They should gather together and try to destroy the corpse. In order to hide people's eyes and ears, I believe the site of the destruction should be in the vein, after all Where will there be underground security? "

"After all, you still treat me as a tool man, don't you?"

"Yes, that's right. Half of the billions are your money. If you don't come back, we'll lose nearly 2 billion. You and I add up to more than 4 billion. If you can bear this loss, I don't care."

"What? My money is also in it? More than 2 billion. I really have so much money." Ye Feng knows nothing about it. He only knows that all his funds are managed by zhenma. Ye Feng never cares about how much money zhenma has made and how much balance there is in his account, so, When he learned that he might have to bear the loss of nearly 2 billion funds, Ye Feng was completely shocked. On the one hand, he didn't even think about the loss. On the other hand, he was very surprised that he had so much money. He never dreamed of so much money in his life. Now it seems that investment is really a very profitable business. However, this kind of business is also accompanied by great risks. At this time, it appears that more than 2 billion yuan has been lost without even owning it in his hands.

"In a word, helping me is helping you. Because the interests involved in this matter are too great, I don't believe others can only believe you to do it, while others don't have your ability to almost die, so you can only go. If other people go, there may be unnecessary danger. Even if they go, CORBI will only cause unnecessary killing, When things get too big, they may trigger violent reactions from the other party. For example, they may directly blow up the ore vein. Therefore, if we don't have to, we must be careful. Otherwise, once the other party is forced to hurry, they can do anything. After all, it involves too much interest. "

Ye Feng nodded seriously: "What you said is very reasonable. I know the current situation. In a word, let me deal with these things. As for how to deal with them, it's my own business. You don't have any reliable information at all. At that time, I can only go step by step. If I'm really in danger, maybe I can only try to disguise as a miner. I believe it's just me Such people are outstanding everywhere, even if they become a miner. "

"You're so confident," jenma said with a bitter smile. "I've arranged the ticket for you. You take the first flight to Salt Lake City tomorrow morning. Someone will pick you up there, and I've arranged it. You'd better be on guard against that person. I didn't tell her the purpose of your trip. He's just a guide. I'm an acquaintance over there. I'm not very close to him. In short, you take care of yourself Mouth, don't disclose too much information to him. "

"I see. What's the origin of this man?"


Ye Feng opened his mouth: "really? Don't bluff me."

"It's really a netizen. We met in the forum. He is a small hacker. Although his technology is not very good, he talks very funny. It's boring. I'll chat with him."

"Is this man really reliable?"

"It's not reliable. I don't know, but it's just a guiding task. He should be able to complete it. After all, on the surface, the mine is a formal business. Although no idle people will be put into it, they can also cover it under the pretext that diamond mining is very important. In a word, don't attract people's attention. If you can't attract others' attention, Try to keep a low profile. However, I believe that with your character, you will never listen to my advice, so just die as you want. After all, not many people know your true identity, and it is difficult for others to connect you with me. Even they don't know my existence. They think I'm just a little girl who hit big luck, but in fact They are all wrong. I will prove that the money in my hand will never be released again. "When jenma said this, her expression was very serious, which made Ye Feng shiver.

The next morning, Ye Feng simply cleaned up and embarked on the journey to the airport. The process of flying was boring. After arriving at the airport in Salt Lake City, Ye Feng found that he should bring more coats. The temperature in this place was more than ten degrees lower than that in Xindu. It seemed that it was late autumn. Although there was no snow, the cold wind still hung on Ye Feng's face His cheek ached. He had to wait for the pick-up arranged by Gemma in the empty airport. He was not too late.

This made Ye Feng somewhat surprised. The plane was already late, and the man even let him stand alone in the airport for more than half an hour. The visitor was a short and fat man, who seemed to be in his 40s from his face, but Ye Feng knew that the man was definitely no more than 30, a young man who was not old and senile. And from his obscene facial expression It can't be seen that this person should not often leave his home. He should be the kind of house. He has no experience in how to contact people.

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